by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The Unscrupulous Purchaser of The Cardtel Founder

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Unscrupulous Purchaser of The Cardtel Founder

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,339th Most Armed: 2,648th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the Cardtel!
Our cause, noble; our methods, less so.

The Cardtel is a group of traders committed to properly valuing legendary cards.

We noble few who stood against the menace of inflation now reap the rewards of our perseverance. Down with inflators. Long live legendaries. VIVA LA CARDTEL

Interested in joining? Telegram Fhaengshia or The United Peoples of Centrism

  1. 27

    Cardtel Operations

    MetaGameplay by The Cardtel Founder . 502 reads.

Embassies: Cult of Koem Kab.

Tags: Featured and Small.

The Cardtel contains 8 nations, the 3,172nd most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Smartest Citizens in The Cardtel

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, The Cardtel is ranked 15,742nd in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Matriarchy of Reverse CowgirlPsychotic Dictatorship“Cowgirl but reversed”
2.The Republic of SPLCAnarchy“Society for the Preservation of Legendary Cards”
3.The Corrupt Economic Engineer of Cardtel ManagementCapitalist Paradise“Nyaa”
4.The Sell Me for 2 Bank of The TransferInoffensive Centrist Democracy“UPC”
5.The Unscrupulous Purchaser of The Cardtel FounderInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Legendaries are valuable!”
6.The Community of FiresaleInoffensive Centrist Democracy“It's a Fire! Sale.”
7.The Dont Join UwU instead be Sus of THE CarDtelDemocratic Socialists“The cardtel”
8.The Triserian Representative of Anyway Go Save LegendariesPsychotic Dictatorship“Friendship is Magic!”

Regional Happenings


The Cardtel Regional Message Board

Oh cool, we've been featured! Welcome to all the frens coming by to pay a visit! Feel free to help yourself to a cookie, on me! ^^

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, Lesbonka, Arnolo, and 1 otherYou are feautured

The strange man

A man dressed in black appears in a dark alley

Congrats, you are being featured. See you soon, I hope.

He disappears into the dark shadows of the night

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, Lesbonka, Arnolo, and 1 otherYou are feautured

You are feautured

You are Featured, Congrats

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, Lesbonka, and Arnolo

Congratulations on being featured.

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, Lesbonka, and You are feautured

Featured hopper

*hop hop hop*

Congrats on being featured! Anyone seen a carrot?

A cardboard box, Lesbonka, and You are feautured

DECEMBER 17, 2022

Congrats for being featured!
*just then, Lesbonkian soldiers march to form something... when you look down from a helicopter, it says, “Congrats for getting FEATURED!*

Also here’s a little gift from me:

╭━━━━╮ This is featured dog. Help
╰┃ ┣▇━▇ featured dog congratulate featured regions
 ┃ ┃  ╰━▅╮ by pasting
 ╰┳╯ ╰━━┳╯ him in featured regions’
  ╰╮ ┳━━╯ RMBs or he
 ▕▔▋ ╰╮╭━╮ will not congratulate them.
▏  ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔  O O┃
 ▏╳▕▇▇▕ ▏╳▕▇▇▕
 ╲▂╱╲▂╱ ╲▂╱╲▂╱

Also, for my scenario with this region, WHO INVITED THEM DOGS TO LIVE HERE?

Featured hopper and A cardboard box

Congratulations on being featured!

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, and Lesbonka

Birthday cake herby

Beep beep! Congrats on being the featured region of the day! Anyone for some cake?

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, and Lesbonka

The true wanderer

Congratulations on being featured. May your region prosper.

Featured hopper, A cardboard box, and Lesbonka

A cardboard box

Salutations and felicitations :D

Featured hopper and Lesbonka

Forum View
