by Max Barry

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Governor: The United States of President Palin

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The United States of President Palin

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

World Factbook Entry

Welcome to South Korea. We enjoy prosperity here and welcome new nations. We also have food! Don't accept imitation Korea's that don't have food!

Tags: Minuscule.

South Korea contains 3 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Smartest Citizens in South Korea

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, South Korea is ranked 25,572nd in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Province of Chungcheongnam-doCorporate Bordello“충청남도”
2.The United States of President PalinFree-Market Paradise“I can see Russia from my front porch!”
3.The Democratic People's Republic of North KoreaCorporate Police State“All hail glorious leader Liza Manelli Jong-Il”

Regional Happenings


South Korea Regional Message Board

Hi ! :)



Hi guys. This region seems awesome. May I please get promoted so I can feel more accepted and involved in this nation.

North korea but it is a democracy


Niger delegation


Post self-deleted by Communists north korea.

Communists north korea

Communists north korea wrote:Our Communist North Is Outlawed In Civil Rights And So Is Our Political Freedom We Have Good Economy And We Are Communists

Following Our New Legislations These Facts Are Now False

Communist dictatorship of north korea

Post self-deleted by Sangang.

Frontier flight l-275


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