by Max Barry

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Governor: Nevilandia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: Nevilandia

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Nations: 2,158th
World Factbook Entry


The Nevil Region was founded in 2021 by the Kingdom of Nevilandia.

The Region was founded in order to create friendships that bridge political gaps.

The flounder is the regional icon of the Nevil region. There is no reason, it simply is.

The Nevil Region has five values that serve as the central tenets to our existence.

1. Democracy is a human right. (optional)
2. All people are people.
3. It is okay to laugh at birds sometimes.
4. All nations are welcome to join.
5. Barbecue Sauce is a valid condiment.

Embassies: Guinea Kiribati, Gypsy Lands, Hollow Point, Fredonia, and The Embassy.

Tags: Featured, Governorless, and Small.

Nevil region contains 10 nations, the 2,158th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Governments in Nevil region

World Census agents lined up at public agencies around the world in order to study the extent of government in nations, taking into consideration economic output, social and cultural significance, and raw size.

As a region, Nevil region is ranked 13,598th in the world for Largest Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Scrutinies of Simon IffLiberal Democratic Socialists“Schools are prisons”
2.The First of the four sisters of DictoreAuthoritarian Democracy“IM THE TRASH MAN I EAT GRABGR”
3.The Republic of AcamarLiberal Democratic Socialists“Misericors Victoria”
4.The Republic of GU 70th DivisionInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Twirling Toward Freedom”
5.The Community of ScopusLeft-Leaning College State“Peace and Justice”
6.The Howling Wolves of ShiverryCorporate Bordello“Live long and prosper.”
7.The Queendom of Drunerth ThontolochordiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
8.The Republic of Vhis Sprie ConorchnInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
9.The Republic of BredefjordInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Might Makes Right”
10.The Republic of ShuteCivil Rights Lovefest“Nevil Shute”

Regional Happenings


Nevil region Regional Message Board

Lowercase obsessors

I am LATE!

Oh Well! You all have been a victim of the latest feature! BAHAHHAAHH!


Congratulations on being featured homies!!!

FA flight 28 has landed at Nevil region International airport! The local time is 4:42 PM. We will be here till we depart for the next featured region. Happy featuredness!

Bob Ross walks in.

He says in a friendly way, "Hello, comrade, oh that was the last region. Hello, friend! Your region is such a..... HAPPY LITTLE REGION! HAPPY!"

He leaves after screaming 'HAPPY!' again at the top of his lungs and drops a painting of all of Nevil region.

*Here comes a pack of painted dogs*
They have came with a message the painted dogs say
*congrats on becoming the featured region of the day Nevil Region*
Want some meat 🥩?

It is I A elf on the Featured shelf
Congratulations on being the featured region of December 3rd Nevil Region, I’ll put in a good word for you all with the big man

Pizza here for the featured region, is this the right address?

As a train pulls into the Nevil Region train station, an announcement is made.

*Now arriving at Nevil Region station on Track 1, is The Featured Region Express to [Insert next featured region.] The train conductor Kai would also like to congratulate this region on being featured 1 day ago. Please stand back from the yellow line and please watch the gap while boarding the train.

When entering the station, the train gives a horn show, which sounds like someone is saying, ''Congrats on being featured 1 day ago.''

The train stops at the platform, and opens its doors, waiting until the next region is featured to depart from the Nevil Region station to the next station.

Region Score (What Class would I let you sit in on the train, based on):

Banned From Traveling On The Featured Region Express: Depends

Coach Class: Dead region/region with little to no activity.

Premium Coach Class: Semi-dead region, region with some activity, embassy active region, a resident of the region notices the region is featured, or I like the region.

Business Class: Region with a lot of activity, Bite My Biscuits rated this region Legendary, or I really like the region.

First Class: Region with a ton of activity, or I love this region so much, that if I weren't congratulating featured regions, I would most likely reside in that region for awhile, or make it my permanent region.

Seat Upgrade: If a region is featured on a holiday, the members of that region will automatically get a region score (seat) upgrade. For example: If a region is featured on Christmas Day, instead of getting, let's say for example, Coach Class, the region would instead get Premium Coach Class.

CREDIT TO: Bite My Biscuits, For Helping Me Revamp This Factbook, And The Featured Region Book, For Letting Me Use His "Rank Boosting" System Idea.

Read factbook

Coach Class

Unthinkable as it is, the day has come
1 in 29000 odds, you've just overcome
Plethora of regions, you've bested them all.
On this day, your name shall be plastered on the wall.

For in all of time, people have told
That with three sevens, luck will unfold
The stars align for a fate heard through preachers
Congratulations on being featured!(previously)

*sets up 🎰 *

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