by Max Barry

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The Dearest Leader (Governor): The Remnants of old glories of Neonian Imperium

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Islamic Federation of Jordaqia (elected )

Founder: Neonian technocracy

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 416th Most Valuable International Artwork: 1,103rd Best Weather: 1,544th+5
Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 1,762nd Longest Average Lifespans: 2,251st Most Beautiful Environments: 2,252nd Most Patriotic: 2,661st Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 2,888th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the Neonian Empire!
The Dystopia 1240 of no hope under any faction....
Be sure to check our factbooks below:
Also join our discord!
Endorse our delegate Jordaqia!
Enjoy your stay in the Imperium, do not try to investigate anything or you may have a unwanted visit in the night....

  1. 365

    Nothing Happened Between April 14th and April 25th of 2024. There Was No Server Hamster Uprising.

    MetaReference by Zandos . 41,746 reads.

  2. 2

    National Imperial Newspaper.

    BulletinNews by Neonian technocracy . 21 reads.

  3. 2

    Mecanielism Doctrines.

    FactbookReligion by Neonian technocracy . 71 reads.

  4. 2

    Codex Dolphe Imperialum.

    FactbookLegislation by Neonian technocracy . 23 reads.

  5. 1

    professions of the Neonian Imperium.

    FactbookMilitary by Neonian technocracy . 5 reads.

  6. 1

    External Ministery Office:

    FactbookInternational by Hastung . 13 reads.

▼ 3 More


This is the map of Neonian Empire created by Neonian Technocracy . It has 0 estimated diplomatic weight behind it, the most in Neonian Empire. It is one of 1 maps of Neonian Empire.

Embassies: Allied Nations Treaty Organization, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, The Outer Rim, Anegana, and That Part Of The Forest.

Tags: Anti-Communist, Anti-Fascist, Cyberpunk, Fantasy Tech, Future Tech, Independent, Industrial, Isolationist, Map, Minuscule, Multi-Species, National Sovereigntist, and 6 others.Offsite Chat, Regional Government, Religious, Role Player, Silly, and Totalitarian.

Neonian Empire contains 3 nations.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Cheese Export Sector in Neonian Empire

Qualified World Census Cheese Masters nibbled their way across the globe to determine which nations have the most developed cheese exports.

As a region, Neonian Empire is ranked 9,687th in the world for Largest Cheese Export Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Islamic Federation of JordaqiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For God, For the People.”
2.The Remnants of old glories of Neonian ImperiumCorporate Police State“Fatherland's sons have been remade for tomorrow's war”
3.The United Kingdom of Imperial British StateLiberal Democratic Socialists“Dieu et mon Droit”

Regional Happenings


Neonian Empire Regional Message Board

am i in the faction

Jordaqia wrote:am i in the faction


make me regional leader fr

Jordaqia wrote:make me regional leader fr

look outside your window.

new clerical church for the Neonian Imperium just dropped lmao.
(I hate when doesn't work)

Zombie apocalypse in the Imperium be like: 113 million dead? Minor inconvinience.

Neonian Imperium wrote:Zombie apocalypse in the Imperium be like: 113 million dead? Minor inconvinience.

Most ordinary Thursday in the Imperium

Imperial British State wrote:Most ordinary Thursday in the Imperium

"breaking news: there is an eldritch monster out in the planet's atmosphere ready to tear us up all into pieces"
"and the electricity prices rise up a 7%"

Its so siligone chat, its so f*cking siligone.

Neonian Imperium wrote:"breaking news: there is an eldritch monster out in the planet's atmosphere ready to tear us up all into pieces"
"and the electricity prices rise up a 7%"

This feels way too real…

Forum View
