by Max Barry

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Commonu wrote:

Hello, Commonu!

Aadhiris wrote:When the u is Common:

Laizenstire wrote:*the knight draws closer to Simonia*

Simonia: What do you want?

Simonia wrote:Simonia: What do you want?

*the warrior tries slashing Simonia but Big Boi freezes it with his staff*
Big Boi: I think they can't speak.
*the warrior shatters the ice from the inside*
Big Boi: Of course they're immortal, it's never easy.

Laizenstire wrote:*the warrior tries slashing Simonia but Big Boi freezes it with his staff*
Big Boi: I think they can't speak.
*the warrior shatters the ice from the inside*
Big Boi: Of course they're immortal, it's never easy.

Simonia: Oh…

Hidrandia wrote:how did i not see this-

Haiii wisty!! :3

How are you?

Commonu wrote:


Simonia wrote:Simonia: Oh…

Big Boi: Welp, we're screwed.
*the warrior orders (with it's armour) it's other warriors to charge*
Big Boi: Fortunately, I have plot armour!

Laizenstire wrote:Big Boi: Welp, we're screwed.
*the warrior orders (with it's armour) it's other warriors to charge*
Big Boi: Fortunately, I have plot armour!

*Simonia puts on armor*

Simonia wrote:*Simonia puts on armor*

Big Boi: Hah, plot armour is different to armour. *shoots warriors with his minigun brutally*
*the warriors keep getting up*

Laizenstire wrote:Big Boi: Hah, plot armour is different to armour. *shoots warriors with his minigun brutally*
*the warriors keep getting up*

Simonia: *puts on plot armor*

Wisterian Kaiserreich wrote:^w^
How are you?

gud! and u?

Simonia wrote:Simonia: *puts on plot armor*

*the warriors charge to MJT and Simonia*
Big Boi: Why not me!!!!

Laizenstire wrote:*the warriors charge to MJT and Simonia*
Big Boi: Why not me!!!!

Simonia: Are they here to kill us?

Simonia wrote:Simonia: Are they here to kill us?

Big Boi: Well, why else would angry warriors be coming for us?

Commonu wrote:

What the hell?! Weirdest comparison

Hidrandia wrote:gud! and u?

Also good. Slightly sore from walking a lot, but I'll be okay.

Northern Woods wrote:What the hell?! Weirdest comparison

Only the British...

Laizenstire wrote:Big Boi: Well, why else would angry warriors be coming for us?

*shoots arrows at the warriors*

Simonia wrote:*shoots arrows at the warriors*

*the warriors' armour shields the arrows*
Big Boi: Hey warriors, did your mothers ever tell you to play fair? So, no immortality.

Laizenstire wrote:*the warriors' armour shields the arrows*
Big Boi: Hey warriors, did your mothers ever tell you to play fair? So, no immortality.

Simonia: It’s fine. I can respawn.
*uses lasers*

Simonia wrote:Simonia: It’s fine. I can respawn.
*uses lasers*

*The warriors open their helmet, revealing nothing*
Big Boi: *pulls out a laptop and plays Believer by Imagine Dragons*

Prime Minister Carter Alastoir

a picture of 33-year-old Alastoir during his September 2022 non-agression summit in Simonia, photo taken by Horace Randacken

Carter Zane Alastoir, was born in 26th of October, 1989, to Kira and Lucos Alastoir, and spent most of his early childhood peacefully in a small town in the province of Ulkranerus. During his teenage years, Carter really took a curve in intelligence. one report from his high-school in 2004, showed that Alastoir's IQ had raised from 110, to a bewildering 151, a 41-point raise, in the span of 2 years. Alastoir took an interest in Social Studies and Law and Order, and due to his remarkable intelligence and high political interest, the province Council gave Alastoir voting rights at 16. (the minimum age for voters in Zetronius was 19 at the time) At the time of this, Carter had already begun a part-time at a community café.

Political background
Carter started his political career in 2010, when he ran for General-Secretary of the ZTRBW, and won the vote with an 68% vote in his favor. In 2012, Carter had already been promoted to Bastion Head Representative, but ran for prime minister in February. He, of course, lost, only getting 38% of the vote, but ran for PM again 5 years later, in 2017, he successfully achieved the winning vote. He served under King Aesin I, until Aesin's abdication in 2021. The following year, Alastoir had come to Simonia, affirming the Simonian people that despite Aesin's abdication, the Non-agression pact still stands.

what political party does Carter Alastoir represent?
Alastoir currently represents the Zetronic Minarchist's Party, (ZMP), which is the current political party in charge. During Aesin's rule, Carter served undder the Zetronic Constitutional Monarchy Party (ZCMP) until it was dissolved in 2023.

Relatives of Carter Alastoir
Carter's mother and father, Kira and Lucos (61 and 65 respectively), are very well alive, and sometimes visit Carter in the Sictarum Palace.
Carter also has an adopted child, Xavier Alastoir.

Famous Quote
"On behalf of the United Federation of Zetronis, her colonies and overseas territories, I wish to inform you that we believe that sounds like a massive you problem."
- Alastoir, in Mid-November 2024

Read factbook

Guys, you gotta see this.

Laizenstire wrote:*The warriors open their helmet, revealing nothing*
Big Boi: *pulls out a laptop and plays Believer by Imagine Dragons*

Simonia: Music?
*plays Shipping Drama Chaos Likes Activity by Natalie MacKenzie*

Simonia wrote:
Prime Minister Carter Alastoir

a picture of 33-year-old Alastoir during his September 2022 non-agression summit in Simonia, photo taken by Horace Randacken

Carter Zane Alastoir, was born in 26th of October, 1989, to Kira and Lucos Alastoir, and spent most of his early childhood peacefully in a small town in the province of Ulkranerus. During his teenage years, Carter really took a curve in intelligence. one report from his high-school in 2004, showed that Alastoir's IQ had raised from 110, to a bewildering 151, a 41-point raise, in the span of 2 years. Alastoir took an interest in Social Studies and Law and Order, and due to his remarkable intelligence and high political interest, the province Council gave Alastoir voting rights at 16. (the minimum age for voters in Zetronius was 19 at the time) At the time of this, Carter had already begun a part-time at a community café.

Political background
Carter started his political career in 2010, when he ran for General-Secretary of the ZTRBW, and won the vote with an 68% vote in his favor. In 2012, Carter had already been promoted to Bastion Head Representative, but ran for prime minister in February. He, of course, lost, only getting 38% of the vote, but ran for PM again 5 years later, in 2017, he successfully achieved the winning vote. He served under King Aesin I, until Aesin's abdication in 2021. The following year, Alastoir had come to Simonia, affirming the Simonian people that despite Aesin's abdication, the Non-agression pact still stands.

what political party does Carter Alastoir represent?
Alastoir currently represents the Zetronic Minarchist's Party, (ZMP), which is the current political party in charge. During Aesin's rule, Carter served undder the Zetronic Constitutional Monarchy Party (ZCMP) until it was dissolved in 2023.

Relatives of Carter Alastoir
Carter's mother and father, Kira and Lucos (61 and 65 respectively), are very well alive, and sometimes visit Carter in the Sictarum Palace.
Carter also has an adopted child, Xavier Alastoir.

Famous Quote
"On behalf of the United Federation of Zetronis, her colonies and overseas territories, I wish to inform you that we believe that sounds like a massive you problem."
- Alastoir, in Mid-November 2024

Read factbook

Guys, you gotta see this.
Simonia: Music?
*plays Shipping Drama Chaos Likes Activity by Natalie MacKenzie*

*Big Boi smiles and traps Simonia in a tesseract* Big Boi: Oh no, must of misfired, ha!

Laizenstire wrote:*Big Boi smiles and traps Simonia in a tesseract* Big Boi: Oh no, must of misfired, ha!

Simonia: Wait, you’re evil? Luckily, I have a teleporting device to the—

(OOC: GTG. Goodbye.)

Simonia wrote:Simonia: Wait, you’re evil? Luckily, I have a teleporting device to the—

(OOC: GTG. Goodbye.)

Big Boi: I'm not evil, I'm just Big Boi.

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