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My apologies to you about my CTEd puppets from this region.
I was preparing to move home, which left me less time for NationStates; moved earlier today; and don't yet have wifi at the new address...
And when I can get into NS I'm currently concentrating more on trying to get Bears Armed through qualifying for the World Cup (played 10 matches so far, out of 18 scheduled, with both of our 'bye' days already passed; won 7, drawn 2, lost 1; leading the group, despite being the 5th seed out of 9...)
I'll probably restore those puppets in a few days time, once I've finished settling in to my new home and can get to the library early enough to use their wifi on top of the 2 hours/day on their network that I'm utilizing now.
Trive 38, Laeral, Comhar, Lauchenoiria, and 4 othersUnited New England, Jutsilonia, Milintica, and Murias
It is currently 3-2, of WA member nations in this region voting, AGAINST the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in opposition.
Comhar, Lauchenoiria, United New England, and Aredoa
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
Qualified!! First in the group _ played 16; won 10, drew 4, lost 2... with both losses being to the same team, West Vdara, the group's 7th seed, home & away. (While not only did we as the 5th seeds end up in 1st place, the 1st seeds ended up -- ironically -- in 5th....)
Trive 38, Legionas, Xiomera, United New England, and 2 othersJutsilonia, and Murias
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, AGAINST the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in opposition.
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 5-1, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 5-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 3-1, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
Group Stage ended with my team on 'played 3; 1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss'... and with all three of the group's other members having that same ratio of results as well: Goal Difference was the first tie-breaker, and meant that my team was one of those eliminated.
Trive 38, Jutsilonia, and Murias
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 4-2, of WA member nations in this region voting, AGAINST the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in opposition.
It is currently 3-1, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
Hey everyone; Jutsa here. Just wanted to let you know I'll be moving out of this region with Jutsilonia, since I think the name / nation would probably better fit another region I'm somewhat involved in. Gonna be moving
Malafoxtria here instead (and dm Jutsa if I forgot), and hoping to flesh out yet another conlang one day for this nation. I doubt I'll have the time to really flesh it out or do much in the region given it's been shaky enough getting my irl track straight, but at least the dream will be there. xD
Aside from that, just wanted to let you know Forest recently concluded. Garbelia was elected our Forest Keeper, and I'm reappointed MoFA, so if you have any questions feel free to telegram either of us ^-^
Hope you're all doing well. Been a weird and sluggish year for me, but I'm trying to put it back in its box ;P
Thank you. Fortunately N-day only affects those nations that actually choose to participate, so mine survive simply by sitting it out...
and if any stray missiles head in our direction anyway then we have a special way of deflecting them.
Historically, some nations have used a concept called 'ignore cannon' to reject unwanted bits of RP.
What my bears use for that job, instead, is -- deployed around our borders -- flocks of specially bred & trained Ostriches: Anything that they "ignore" has to "ignore" the nation that they're protecting too... and, as a useful side-benefit, they provide urrs with a regular supply of large eggs. :)
Trive 38, Laeral, Malafoxtria, and Murias
100% sure, thank you for asking.
Malafoxtria and Murias
Set recommended N-Day faction as JEFF, as agreed on discord.
Malafoxtria, Sunemia, and Murias
Well that was exactly the same disappointment as the last time I participated. However, a pattern appears to be emerging where every second N-Day is better than the last; so if this one was a bit terrible the next one may be better. If anyone is interested in participating in the future.
Malafoxtria and Murias
Oh, so kind of like Star Trek movies?
It is currently 5-1, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
It is currently 5-1, of WA member nations in this region voting, FOR the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in favour.
I've just switched the flag displayed here, from the Red Octogram (local equivalent of the Red Cross or Red Crescent or Red Mogen David) to Bears Armed's merchant ensign.
I've since made an oath to never touch N-Day again with a fifty foot pole. Just not worth it to me. Honestly wouldn't have even become a commander if I wasn't put in that position by virtue of being Forest Keeper when canopy was refounded lol. Garbelia does a much better job than me anyway, so to say I'm relieved there's someone else is nothing short of an understatement.
As an aside,
Status update: Got an illness relapse of some kind?, followed by a common cold, which, I haven't had sinusitis or the likes for years so it was a welcome very unwelcome bittersweet sensation of antinostalgic normal innormality. or something. Either way, the box has been shredded apart and I have to find a new one. :v
But hey at least our vegetable garden has been most delicious this year :')
Lauchenoiria, Sunemia, and Murias
It is currently 2-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, AGAINST the current General Assembly resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in opposition.
It is currently 3-0, of WA member nations in this region voting, AGAINST the current Security Council resolution at vote, so I'm casting my vote in opposition.
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