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by The arab-federation. . 98 reads.

Al Ra'i | Volume I



ENGLISH| | |اللغة العربية

Abdu As'Sura (right) discusses diplomacy with a Syrian diplomat, Cairo, Egypt.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Saudi Observers (centre, foreground) arrive at the conference, Cairo, Egypt.

Arabism, Progress, Prosperity ; The Rebirth of Pan-Arabism
— Arab leaderships to convene for
Cairo Conference to establish new Monterey Union.

By FAIZ AL MA'MUN distributed by AL RA'I — 10th May 2019


      C A I R O — Capital city of the Arab Republic of Egypt - long considered one of the great centres of Arab Culture and political life, the city was today the site of a new series of historical developments within the Arab World and wider Middle East Region. Delegates from the Iraq-Jordan Union, Egypt, Syria and Libyan Jamahiriya took part in a groundbreaking Pan-Arab summit and to sign the documents of a new monetary union and open-borders agreement policy between their states. In what is being called a "huge step towards the rebirth Arab Unity" - said conference determined that all participating nations—within the framework of the Arab League—shall adopt the Arab Dinar (ARD) as their sole national currencies after a one year transitional period—effective immediately.

      As of now, the Arab Dinar only serves as the currency of the Iraq-Jordan Union and is one of the highest valued currencies in the world - holding an already large presence in Arab fiscal markets and exchanges. The prospects of a unified Arab currency was entertained by members of the Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU) in the late 1980's under the guidance of Dr. Ismail Al Rabea - however such plans never materialized. Now, the current Arab leadership has completed Ismail's dream, throwing behind some of the Arab Worlds most influential economies and trading bodies behind the Arab Dinar, a huge achievement in the context of Arab Independence and Pan-Arab Cooperation.

      Iraqi-Jordanian Representative, Abdu As'Sura—met with his Egyptian, Libyan and Syrian counterparts —Sameh Hassan Shoukry, Baghdadi Mahmudi and Walid Muallem, in what would become the signing of the "Instrument of Arab Fiscal Unity", an event currently being celebrated in streets across the Arab States by jubilant citizens. Indeed, the involved representatives are being hailed as heroes by their nations for this historic agreement which will forever change the economic landscape of the region. The "Instrument of Arab Fiscal Unity", further included the implementation of an open-border policy and free trade policy between the involved states, thus further integrating and intertwining their economies in the spirit of "Arabism, Progress and Prosperity". Such a slogan has hypnotized the Arab People to support the development.

      Arabist Economics ; The need to unify

      B A G H D A D — Iraqi-Jordanian Representative stood by policy makers in Amman and Baghdad, to proclaim the first steps towards a "rebirth" of Arab Unity defined by the economic situations of the Arab States. Arab Economic Stability is the cornerstone of the creeping Arabist ambitions of the Istiqlal Platform of the Barakat Cabinet—which the Cairo Conference has satisfied. From the perspective of Iraq-Jordan, the summit is a huge victory in its vision for the Arab World and in its efforts to further integrate Arab State with fellow Arab State. The "Cairo Slogan" of "Arabism, Progress, Prosperity" may bring back memories of the 1950's, during the peak of Nasserite dynamics in the region. However it is certain that the Arab Nationalism espoused by the involved nations has replaced Nasserite dynamics, in favour of the characterizing pragmatism of Baghdad's, Cairo's, Damascus and Tripoli's grand designs.

      Reflective of previous attempts and applications of a common Arab currency, such as Dr. Ismail Al Rabea's scheme and CAEU organizations, the adoption of the Arab Dinar is apparent of a deep nostalgia of such times, fostered by the instability which has plagued Arab State's especially in the current century. It may also be fair to describe the results of the meeting as progressive in the Arab geo-political and geo-economical theatres, as it may incentivize real a unified spirit of cooperation between the involved states which has been lacking in recent years. Iraq-Jordan has long seen itself as the "saviour" of the Arab World, a type of narcissism expressed by the Hashemite Monarchies of the region since 1958—owing to a "birthright" to rule the Arab People—despite this, Abdu As'Sura's words at the Cairo Conference, "no Arab over another Arab" may seem an apparent change of heart on the behalf of Baghdad when in dialogue with Damascus, Cairo, Tripoli, ect.

      The Syrian Perspective ; Beirut and its bankers

      B E I R U T — While political power is projected from Damascus, the centre of Syrian economic power is Beirut. For Syria's Social Nationalist Government, Beirut is a production hub of consumer goods, a strategic trading port and most importantly the centre of Levantine-Arab Banking—contending with Amman and Aleppo. Beirut's profound banking connections have been placed in the hands of the Syrian Government upon absorbing the former-Lebanese Republic—Assad in turn, has lunged himself into the Cairo Conference—bringing Beirut's Bankers with him in a huge gain for the Monetary Union and the Syrian Economy. The deal entails that upon the end of the aforementioned transitional period, Beirut's Accountants would count in Arab Dinar's—an effort to increase the economic value and power of the Arab Dinar as an internationally used currency.

      Realistically, this will be observed on all levels of Arab economic life—however the possibility of Syria benefiting the most is a very real economic reality. The Arab Dinar and Free Trading policies of the Cairo Conference, with the blessings of the Iraqi-Jordanian and Egyptian governments will allow Syrian products greater access to other Arab and regional markets, which will provide the battered Syrian Economy a source of income and elaborate upon its trading links. A rising Syrian Economy will provide the Pan-Syrianist, Arab oriented government in Damascus further legitimacy and affection from its citizens thus cementing its political power in Greater Syria.

A bustling French-era Café, Beirut, Syria.
      The Arab World an the Arab Dinar: a bright future

      C A I R O — No other words can describe the Cairo Conference as "groundbreaking" and "revolutionary". Iraq-Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Libya now stand under the Middle East's first monetary union, which is projected to be a new regional economic powerhouse under the Arabist diktat. The Free Trade and open borders policy especially, has begun to render the borders of Sykes-Picot which divide the Arab Homeland, impractical from any economic perspective and thus shall hopefully remove any need for further economic boundaries, which Arab State's have pledged to reject by placing signatures on the agreement.

      " . . . It can be said—that historically speaking—it was the Umayyad Empire was the first of its time to implement any currency on such a large scale. No other nation, not in Europe, not in Asia . . . not in the America's—had done so previously. It gives me great pride to resurrect this Arab invention in our homelands in the name of the Arab people . . . "

      — Quote Spoken by Abdu As'Sura, May 2019.

The arab-federation

