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Rumor has it I'm working on a flag design for my country.
...two flag designs since this is technically two countries. Kind of shot myself in the foot with the naming but when I originally created this I was just trying to see how long I could make my name.
RIP Slavuja and The Neo-Soviet Empire
I swear that Slavuja CTE's quite often
Hi guys me again, I have an interesting concept, and the region is new so can't send out embassy requests yet but.... I have created a region where players can establish embassies and then discuss resolutions to their conflict, yes it is like a forum, however as a region owner I have more control over banning players etc. anyway here it is: International Dispute Resoluton
Do you have a conflict in mind you want to settle? This is usually something you'd create when there's already a scenario to test it on as a proof of concept.
Nope but I’ve proposed that the URA use it
Greetings, from the General Secretary of the Kargraz Labour Alliance and Chairman of the Guiding Committee of the Kargraz People's Army, Comrade Antoi Bexhi, and everyone here at the Labour Alliance, to everyone in Eastern Europe (except those who do not walk the correct path down which great Lenin did lead, which is to say almost everyone).
Imperial states of Europa and Matatic and the principality of surkis
I'm still trying to figure out how my government manages to be, "a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt, socially-minded, well-organized morass" all at once. Are we well organised or are we a corrupt, bureaucratic morass!?
Organised chaos, I suppose.
My wealth gaps tanked what the hell happened? What resolution did this???
It dropped by over 700 points and not by my own doing, that is something else
Maybe Khrushchev didn't really say it, but Antoi Bexhi will: "We won't have to fight you. One day you will wake up and find that you already have Communism!"
Why are the rebels trying to take over KOT?
I've had spurts of activity every now and again but that -700 points on my wealth gaps kind of demotivated me.
Thought I was logging in bimonthly looks like I forgot whoops
You know, my last trip to eastern Europe could have been under better circumstances.
Great hospitals in Europe though, I will give you that
I CTE lol
Hello! Hello!
Hello! Welcome to this region.
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