by Max Barry

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«12. . .15161718192021. . .2526»

Foxymonia wrote:I’m Simonia and I haven’t seen you in ages.

Where do I know that name from...

Foxymonia wrote:I’m Simonia and I haven’t seen you in ages.

Oh! Wow! Nice to see you Simonia! Been quite some time, how have you been?

Lunitarian wrote:Where do I know that name from...

Simonia is a nation from former Majestia Until it was raided. But now is part of MJT.

Explanation done.

New Romesan wrote:Oh! Wow! Nice to see you Simonia! Been quite some time, how have you been?
[nation]Simonia[nation] is a nation from former Majestia Until it was raided. But now is part of MJT.

Explanation done.

Great! How about you?

Just curious: How did you discover this region?

Foxymonia wrote:Great! How about you?

Just curious: How did you discover this region?

Just fine!

Explanation: I discovered it after logging into Romesan Embassy Saint Osmund. Finding Lunitarian left to this region a week or so earlier. So i grabbed this ALT and shoved it here.

Foxymonia wrote:I’m Simonia and I haven’t seen you in ages.

I think I approved one of your legislation pieces the other day?

New Romesan wrote:Oh! Wow! Nice to see you Simonia! Been quite some time, how have you been?
Simonia is a nation from former Majestia Until it was raided. But now is part of MJT.

Explanation done.

Oh, yeah! That's why I know them!

Mystic Dragon wrote:I think I approved one of your legislation pieces the other day?

Legislation piece?

Lunitarian wrote:Oh, yeah! That's why I know them!

Do I know you?

Foxymonia wrote:Legislation piece?
Do I know you?

Audrea (one of my other nations) telegrammed you a few times quite awhile ago.

Foxymonia wrote:Legislation piece?

Yes, I thought you submitted something just recently to the WA for vote with your other nation.

Mystic Dragon wrote:Yes, I thought you submitted something just recently to the WA for vote with your other nation.

I think you might have confused me with Pathonia.

Lunitarian wrote:[nation]Audrea[nation] (one of my other nations) telegrammed you a few times quite awhile ago.

You’re Audrea? Oh.

Foxymonia wrote:I think you might have confused me with Pathonia.
You’re Audrea? Oh.

Yeah, what about it?

Lunitarian wrote:Yeah, what about it?

He was referring that to me, I thought he submitted some legislation recently but I think it was someone with a name similar to his nation name.

Good Friday afternoon.

Lunitarian wrote:Yeah, what about it?

Just…didn’t expect it.

Mystic Dragon wrote:He was referring that to me, I thought he submitted some legislation recently but I think it was someone with a name similar to his nation name.

Just to let you know, I am a female and haven’t submitted a single proposal since the Commend Friendly Pacifists one didn’t reach quorum.

Foxymonia wrote:Just…didn’t expect it.
Just to let you know, I a female and haven’t submitted a single proposal since the Commend Friendly Pacifists one didn’t reach quorum.


Foxymonia wrote:Just…didn’t expect it.
Just to let you know, I a female and haven’t submitted a single proposal since the Commend Friendly Pacifists one didn’t reach quorum.

I do apologize, so use to saying he that I should have asked.

Lunitarian wrote:You do know what raiding is, correct? We do not have the numbers to be raiders.

All you need is two people and a world assembly endorsement, and the world is your oyster.

West Chimore wrote:All you need is two people and a world assembly endorsement, and the world is your oyster.

Hey Chimore! Thanks for the embassy~

Elder Dragons wrote:Hey Chimore! Thanks for the embassy~

Hallo! And of course, gotta make friends with all the dragons.

Gosh. I hate it when I make typos.
Anyways, in case you got me confused with Simone Republic instead of Pathonia, I am not affiliated with them in any way. At least Pathonia has an alt in my main’s region.

Foxymonia wrote:Gosh. I hate it when I make typos.
Anyways, in case you got me confused with Simone Republic instead of Pathonia, I am not affiliated with them in any way. At least Pathonia has an alt in my main’s region.


How you today?

Mystic Dragon wrote:Noted.

How you today?

Good. How about you?

West Chimore wrote:Hallo! And of course, gotta make friends with all the dragons.

Hi Chimore! Can't wait to talk to you more when your embassy with Dragon Ridge is completed, I hope you guys and Sparkalia are doing well.

I'm fairly certain Foxyshire just wants dragon waifus

Protoland wrote:I'm fairly certain Foxyshire just wants dragon waifus


West Chimore wrote:Hallo! And of course, gotta make friends with all the dragons.


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