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Where do I know that name from...
Lunitarian and Foxymonia
Great! How about you?
Just curious: How did you discover this region?
Just fine!
Explanation: I discovered it after logging into Romesan Embassy Saint Osmund. Finding
Lunitarian left to this region a week or so earlier. So i grabbed this ALT and shoved it here.
Lunitarian and Foxymonia
I think I approved one of your legislation pieces the other day?
Oh, yeah! That's why I know them!
Legislation piece?
Do I know you?
Lunitarian, New Romesan, and MD Farmer1
Audrea (one of my other nations) telegrammed you a few times quite awhile ago.
Audrea, New Romesan, and MD Farmer1
Yes, I thought you submitted something just recently to the WA for vote with your other nation.
Lunitarian and Audrea
I think you might have confused me with Pathonia.
You’re Audrea? Oh.
Lunitarian, Audrea, New Romesan, and Mystic Dragon
Yeah, what about it?
Audrea and Mystic Dragon
He was referring that to me, I thought he submitted some legislation recently but I think it was someone with a name similar to his nation name.
Lunitarian, Audrea, New Romesan, and Foxymonia
Good Friday afternoon.
Just…didn’t expect it.
Just to let you know, I am a female and haven’t submitted a single proposal since the Commend Friendly Pacifists one didn’t reach quorum.
I do apologize, so use to saying he that I should have asked.
Lunitarian and Foxymonia
All you need is two people and a world assembly endorsement, and the world is your oyster.
Protoland, Mystic Dragon, and Foxymonia
Hey Chimore! Thanks for the embassy~
Hallo! And of course, gotta make friends with all the dragons.
Gosh. I hate it when I make typos.
Anyways, in case you got me confused with Simone Republic instead of Pathonia, I am not affiliated with them in any way. At least Pathonia has an alt in my main’s region.
How you today?
Good. How about you?
Hi Chimore! Can't wait to talk to you more when your embassy with Dragon Ridge is completed, I hope you guys and Sparkalia are doing well.
I'm fairly certain Foxyshire just wants dragon waifus
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