by Max Barry

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Governor: The United Kingdom of Freedoms113

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The United Kingdom of Freedoms113

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

World Factbook Entry

Conquered by the Empire of Brittania
Refounded on 1/19/2025

Tags: Colony, Minuscule, and Password.

Crimea II is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Nicest Citizens in Crimea II

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, Crimea II is ranked 9,802nd in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The United Kingdom of Freedoms113New York Times Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”

Regional Happenings


Crimea II Regional Message Board

There are no lodged messages at present.
