by Max Barry

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«12. . .363364365366367368369. . .420421»

USSO wrote:Pretty good, just an apocalypse here and there

Ah yes, just a casual apocalypse, nothing to see here
Sounds like fun lol

West Nichibotsu wrote:Ah yes, just a casual apocalypse, nothing to see here
Sounds like fun lol

It is, glad to see my community enjoying themselves for a little Halloween event, WBU guys?

Объявление от Национального правительства Трансуссури
Jul 09, 2001 | Transussuri National News

Armed conflict, guerrilla warfare, and months of occupations later, the Republic of Transussuri is officially established as an independent republic, thanks to their allies of the Empire of Nichibotsu, who have promised to protect Transussurian sovereignty against any foreign forces, particularly around their aggressive neighbors of North Wonscia to the west, and the worryingly threatening Kroniistatzka to the north, who have voiced their opposition to the establishment of the new Republic refusing to recognize their sovereignty, instead proclaiming the Republic to be a "rebellious territory of Kroniistatzka".

The Constitution of Transussuri, modeled after the Nichibotsuan Constitution, shall take into effect by next month on August, with elections scheduled during that same month, ending the Provisional Council's military rule. The minimum age required for voting has been agreed to the age of 20, however talks have already begun regarding the lowering of this threshold down to 18 years of age. It remains to see how things will go from here.

Transussuri seeks recognition from the international community, and offers to establish embassies have been sent to many nations, though it remains to be seen whether they'll support the new Republic, or if they'll support Kroniistatzkan claims to the territory.

OOC Edit: Wrong date lol

The english civilization

Lord Carter stood up and walked confidently to the podium in the grand meeting room of Dwór Artusa. The setting was immaculate—a symbol of Poland’s cultural and diplomatic prestige. The historic hall, adorned with intricate artwork, rich tapestries, and grand chandeliers, seemed to shimmer with significance. As he reached the podium, Lord Carter took a moment to glance over the assembled audience: rows of diplomats, journalists, and leaders from across Europe and beyond. The air was thick with anticipation, for what would be said here could shape the future of Europe. Cameras flashed as representatives of the media, from nations near and far, sat ready to capture every word. The fate of entire peoples and the balance of power on the continent rested on this pivotal moment.

After a pause, Carter shuffled through his notes one final time and cleared his throat. His voice was steady but filled with purpose.

"Good day to you all. My name is Lord Carter of Buckinghamshire, and I stand here today as a diplomat representing the English Civilization under the guidance of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. I and my esteemed team have been sent by the Crown, not just as emissaries, but as harbingers of peace and cooperation, in the hope of shaping the future of Europe together."

He took a deep breath, letting the significance of his words settle in the room. The gravity of what he was about to propose could alter the course of history.

"First and foremost," he continued, "I want to express our gratitude for being welcomed here, in the great city of Gdańsk. Truly, it is an amazing city, and a testament to the strength and resilience of your people. It stands as a beacon of hope and unity, a capital that shows the rest of the world what it means to care for one's nation and its neighbours."

Carter’s eyes scanned the audience, locking briefly with the various Polish officials in attendance, making sure to acknowledge them with a respectful nod.

"You, esteemed members of Yellow Poland, are the protector of Slavs. You provide housing, food, and shelter to those in need, showing compassion to the asylum seekers fleeing from oppression. Your humanitarian efforts are widely admired, and you serve as a guardian to your people, just as we strive to do for ours. This is a value we share deeply."

He paused for emphasis, before moving into the core of his message.

"We, the English Civilization, are descendants of the Germanic peoples from Northern Europe. And, like you, we have a deep-seated desire to protect our kin. Just as you shield the Slavic peoples from harm, we seek to do the same for the Germanic peoples. This has been at the heart of our recent actions, including our intervention in Denmark and our ongoing plans for Northern Germany."

Carter saw a few raised eyebrows in the crowd, and he knew this point would require careful navigation.

"I wish to be very clear on this: We are not racists, nor are we fascists. We do not seek to impose superiority, nor do we align with the values of the Axis powers, past or present. Our goal is not conquest, but protection—protection for those who share our heritage and, indeed, for all peoples. In England, we welcome immigrants with open arms, just as you do. It is not only those of Germanic origin we strive to help, but all who are in need. We believe in safeguarding not just our people, but any who seek refuge and support. Our efforts in France are a testament to that."

A murmur rippled through the room as Carter shifted the conversation to England’s broader influence.

"Allow me to clarify the scope of our influence and the priorities that guide our foreign policy. These can be divided into three key categories:"

1. Core Territories:
"First and foremost, we have our core territories—the heart of our civilization, which includes the British Isles (Great Britain, Ireland, and the Isle of Man), as well as the Scottish and Channel Islands. Additionally, we count Normandy, Brittany, and the Netherlands as integral parts of our empire. These lands have been part of the English domain since the early days of our civilization, and they remain vital to our nation's identity and security."

2. Newly Integrated States:
"Our second category encompasses the newly integrated states: Northern France, Belgium, Aquitaine, and Denmark. These territories have come under our governance more recently, and while they are still heavily militarized due to ongoing security concerns, they are slowly being brought into the fold of our empire, with efforts to stabilize and develop them in full swing."

3. Allies and Strategic Partnerships:
"Finally, we have our allies: most notably Sweden and Portugal. These alliances are based on mutual benefit, especially in the realms of trade and defence. Together, we form a formidable network of support that enhances both economic growth and security for all parties involved."

Carter paused again, letting the weight of this overview settle in before unveiling England's broader ambitions.

"However, we are not content to rest on our laurels. Our gaze is set on future endeavours including African and Asian colonialism. We have ambitious future projects in motion, particularly in Germany, the rest of France, Spain, Norway, and Iceland. We also seek to influence and protect the Germanic and Romance peoples across Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, and beyond."

He took a deep breath, ready to make his final, critical offer.

"It is with this in mind that I propose a mutual alliance between our two great nations. Open borders, allowing for the free exchange of goods and ideas, as well as a military alliance, ensuring that should conflict arise—particularly in Germany—we stand together as partners in defence of our values and our people. Together, we can safeguard the Slavic, Romanic and Germanic peoples from external threats and preserve the stability of Europe."

He took one last look around the room, scanning the faces of the assembled officials, before concluding with a gracious nod.

"Thank you for this opportunity to speak. I am confident that together, we can forge a future of cooperation, strength, and peace. This was Lord Carter of Buckinghamshire, representing the English Civilization and Her Majesty Queen Victoria."

OOC: The original invasion of Germany may need revisiting for clarity.


From: The Election Committee
Subject: Election results

Dear Members of the Council of Asia,

Following the conclusion of the recent election for Prime Minister, we are pleased to inform you of the results:

  • West Nichibotsu: 21 votes

  • North Wonscia: 3 votes

  • Scavagatia: 1 vote

    With the majority vote, West Nichibotsu has been elected and will assume effective immediately the first-ever position of Prime Minister. Additionally, West Nichibotsu will continue serving as President until the next Prime Minister election, which is scheduled to be held in January 2025. The Committee aims to host this election during the second week of the month.

    We wish to extend our congratulations to all the candidates for their participation and dedication to the Council of Asia. The Election Committee offers its best wishes to the newly elected Prime Minister and looks forward to the next administration.

    In light of the results, we kindly ask Prime Minister West Nichibotsu whether the current ministers from the presidential regime will continue in their roles, or if changes will be made - both in staff and structure. Furthermore, we invite the Prime Minister to share their inaugural remarks with the Council.

    Best regards,

    Camio von Schameister.
    Emperor of The Imperium Summa of Richmore.
    Founder of Ascania and the Ascanian Imperial Party.
    Head of the Ascanian Imperial House.
    Premier of the Council of Asia

  • West Nichibotsu, The english civilization, and Jamalito

    Richmore wrote:📝 ELECTORAL RESULTS

    From: The Election Committee
    Subject: Election results

    Greetings, members of the Council of Asia. I would first like to offer my upmost gratitude for voting me into the position of Prime Minister. Though this will be my first (and only) time in office, I wish everyone to place their trust in me in order for a brighter future for the Council of Asia.

    Now, going on topic; Unless you wish to quit, I plan on keeping everyone currently working in the government in their positions. That being said, I plan on recruiting new members into our government, mainly to fill in the roles of the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Defense, both of which have been neglected for quite some time now.

    Here's what both roles will do:

    • Ministry of Information
      The Ministry of Information shall handle all matters World Assembly wise for now. We will most likely expand this role further, however this will be their current role.

        • Activity

        • World Assembly Membership

        • Interest in both the General and Security Councils

    • Ministry of Defense
      The Ministry of Defense shall handle recruiting members into the army, training the army with allies, and handling the army during combat, whether that be defensively, or offensively. They may ask the Ministry of Communications to recruit on their behalf. The military may only act in accordance to the President or Prime Minister's orders or permission and may not act independently.

        • Activity

        • World Assembly Membership

        • Military Experience

        • Discord Account

    If anyone is interested in the offer, or have any questions regarding this matter, please telegram me or reply to this message and let me know. I'd be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

    In addition to this, I ask for many of you to join one of the many political parties we have, or create your own!

    I would also like people to join our Asian Parliament, our Parliamentary region to get your voices heard!

    Once again, thank you for voting for me, and let us all work together to build a region we can all lovingly call home.

    Kind Regards,
    West Nichibotsu,
    President and Prime Minister of the Council of Asia

    Richmore, Kroniistatzka, The english civilization, Jamalito, and 1 otherFufufafa


    The Split of Football in Asia
    July 2001

    The Supreme Court decided a difficult thing to end the football gambling mafia that harms many people, namely disbanding the AFC by dividing the football federation into two parts, namely ESSAFC (East, South, and Southeast Asia Football Confederation) and MECAFF (Middle East and Central Asia Football Federation).

    MECAFF is prohibited from competing against the national team from ESSAFC so that the national team from ESSAFC which always prioritizes sportsmanship can develop better compared to playing with a team from the Middle East which is already very close to the mafia. In accordance with the supreme court's decision, the death penalty was also imposed on the football mafia including several foreign nationals from Bahrain and Syria (now disbanded).

    Many observers consider the action of the Supreme Court as an attitude of King Samsul who tends to be anti-Middle Eastern society because their has raped Sundanese women and controlled the Puncak area in Pakuan Pajajaran. According to observers, the action of His Royal Majesty is a sign of an ultimatum to the Middle East to immediately get out of the Puncak area and others in the Fufufafa Kingdom.

    Notisport offers land for military bases to other countries in cooperation agreement

    Notisport, July 18, 2001 – The Notisport government today announced a new regional cooperation initiative, offering strategic land on its territory so that other countries can build military bases. The agreement, which aims to strengthen mutual security and strengthen diplomatic ties, was revealed during a press conference led by President Declan Thatcher.

    According to the president, the measure is part of a joint defense strategy, which seeks to ensure stability in the region and promote the development of military alliances. "Notisport has always advocated peace and cooperation between socialist nations and our allies. By opening our territory for military bases, we are creating a system of shared protection that benefits all involved," said Thatcher.

    The land offered is located in strategically selected areas, with easy access to logistical resources and infrastructure suitable for modern military installations. Furthermore, the Notisport government has assured that the use of these bases will be controlled by bilateral agreements, respecting the sovereignty of each participating country and ensuring that the focus is always on peaceful cooperation.

    Neighboring countries have not yet shown interest in the proposal. The measure is seen by analysts as an attempt by Notisport to consolidate itself as a regional military coordination center, while strengthening its relations with allied governments.

    The international community awaits with interest the developments of the project, which could transform the security dynamics in the Council of Asia and create new opportunities for collaboration between Notisport and other countries.

    Official News from the Democratic Republic of Kroniistatzka:

    The integration of the Siberian remnants of the Soviets between Kroniistatzka and China have officially voted to join the DRK after a recent referendum. These territories which were previously part of Russian Siberia have now officially joined the union, allowing the DRK to form the Republic of Siberia, or the Siberian Republic, the new name for Kroniistatzka. Kroniistatzka still claims the territory illegally seized by the pro-Nichibotsuan puppet government in Vladivostok as their own and urges the world stage to denounce this regime and recognize Kroniistatzkan sovereignty over the region.

    OOC: Use the map I linked below and add all the territories in red, orange, and yellow. Change my name to the "Siberian Republic", change my population to 40 Million and my GDP to 600 Billion USD.

    Don't miss out on the latest edition of the COA Newsletter, packed with all the latest news, updates, and regional events! The newsletter is constantly being updated so don't forget to check it every now and then.

    COA News Report
    Breaking News and Updates from the Council of Asia

    What's happening in COA

    1. West Nichibotsu Elected Prime Minister!

    The Council of Asia is pleased to announce the results of the recent Prime Minister election:

    West Nichibotsu: 21 votes
    North Wonscia: 3 votes
    Scavagatia: 1 vote

    With a clear majority, West Nichibotsu has been elected as the Council's first-ever Prime Minister! West Nichibotsu will be serving as Prime Minister until the next election in January 2025, tentatively scheduled for the second week.

    We extend our congratulations to all candidates for their dedication and service, and look forward to seeing Prime Minister West Nichibotsu’s inaugural message and decisions on the ministerial structure.

    2. Open Positions in the Government
    The Council of Asia is expanding its government! The recently elected Prime Minister has announced two important ministries open for recruitment:

    Ministry of Information: This ministry will manage World Assembly-related duties and help communicate essential information across the region.

    Requirements for Ministry of Information:
    - Activity
    - World Assembly Membership
    - Interest in General and Security Councils

    Ministry of Defense: Responsible for army recruitment, training, and coordinating military action under Prime Minister or President approval.

    Requirements for Ministry of Defense:
    - Activity
    - World Assembly Membership
    - Military Experience
    - Discord Account

    Interested members, please contact West Nichibotsu (Prime Minister) for more information. Your region needs you!

    Foreign Affairs

    1. Roses Without Thorns Raided

    In a recent turn of events, the vibrant frontier of Roses Without Thorns, home to 500 nations, has faced a significant raid. This incident underscores the persistent challenges in our global landscape and the vulnerabilities many regions face.

    The raid has deeply impacted the community, prompting members to relocate and establish a new home in Aspen. Despite this setback, the community's resilience shines as they rebuild and look toward a secure future in their new region.

    Read dispatch

    Western saharan desert

    Congratulations, West Nichibotsu, on your election as the FIRST ever Prime Minister of Council of Asia. 🥳

    Western saharan desert wrote:Hello!


    Western saharan desert and West Nichibotsu

    Independent Transussuri wrote:Объявление от Национального правительства Трансуссури
    Jul 09, 2001 | Transussuri National News

    Armed conflict, guerrilla warfare, and months of occupations later, the Republic of Transussuri is officially established as an independent republic, thanks to their allies of the Empire of Nichibotsu, who have promised to protect Transussurian sovereignty against any foreign forces, particularly around their aggressive neighbors of North Wonscia to the west, and the worryingly threatening Kroniistatzka to the north, who have voiced their opposition to the establishment of the new Republic refusing to recognize their sovereignty, instead proclaiming the Republic to be a "rebellious territory of Kroniistatzka".

    The Constitution of Transussuri, modeled after the Nichibotsuan Constitution, shall take into effect by next month on August, with elections scheduled during that same month, ending the Provisional Council's military rule. The minimum age required for voting has been agreed to the age of 20, however talks have already begun regarding the lowering of this threshold down to 18 years of age. It remains to see how things will go from here.

    Transussuri seeks recognition from the international community, and offers to establish embassies have been sent to many nations, though it remains to be seen whether they'll support the new Republic, or if they'll support Kroniistatzkan claims to the territory.

    OOC Edit: Wrong date lol

    Official Statement by the Imperial Senate of The Holy Empire of North Wonscia

    Date: July 25, 2001

    To the Esteemed Government of The Republic of Transussuri, and the International Community,

    The Imperial Senate of The Holy Empire of North Wonscia has taken notice of the recent statements issued by the leadership of The Republic of Transussuri, in which they have characterized our actions and intentions as aggressive and destabilizing within the region. We view these accusations with the utmost seriousness and wish to provide a clear and unambiguous response to these unfounded claims.

    For centuries, The Holy Empire of North Wonscia has stood as a beacon of divine order, stability, and peace. Our policies are guided not by aggression, but by a profound commitment to the values of prosperity, security, and the divine will that governs our sacred empire. It is through these principles that we have forged a strong and resilient nation, seeking only the protection and betterment of our people and harmonious relations with neighboring states.

    Clarifying Our Stance on Regional Affairs
    The claims made by the Republic of Transussuri alleging that The Holy Empire has adopted an aggressive posture are categorically false and deliberately misleading. We have neither initiated nor threatened any acts of military aggression toward the Republic of Transussuri or any other sovereign nation. Our defense policies are oriented toward safeguarding the divine sovereignty of our empire, ensuring that no external power seeks to undermine the peace and stability we have long maintained.

    The Imperial Senate wishes to remind the international community that defensive preparedness should not be confused with aggression. In a world where nations must protect their borders and people from potential threats, The Holy Empire of North Wonscia has the right, like any other sovereign nation, to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. The recent military exercises conducted near the Transussuri border were routine in nature and carried out entirely within the bounds of our own territory.

    Commitment to Peaceful Diplomacy
    The Holy Empire of North Wonscia remains committed to diplomatic channels and peaceful cooperation with our neighbors. We are more than willing to engage in dialogue with the Republic of Transussuri to resolve any misunderstandings or concerns they may have. Our diplomats are prepared to meet with Transussuri officials at a time and place of mutual agreement to address any perceived tensions in a transparent and constructive manner.

    We call upon the government of Transussuri to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric that serves only to provoke unnecessary tension in the region. Such accusations do not serve the cause of peace but instead foster mistrust and instability.

    A Message to the International Community
    The Holy Empire of North Wonscia has always pursued a policy of regional stability, peaceful coexistence, and responsible governance. We have been a cornerstone of peace and prosperity in the region for generations, upholding our commitments to the international community and honoring all diplomatic agreements and treaties.

    We urge the international community to approach the current situation with objectivity and caution, rejecting the baseless allegations of aggression and instead promoting dialogue, mutual respect, and cooperation.

    The Divine Council of Wonscia asserts, without reservation, that the accusations of aggression by the Republic of Transussuri are wholly unjustified. The Holy Empire will continue to uphold its sacred duty to protect its people and its sovereign territory while maintaining peace and stability in the region.

    We seek only peaceful relations and cooperation with all nations, including the Republic of Transussuri, and invite them to pursue a path of mutual understanding and respect. Any nation, including Transussuri, that chooses to distort our intentions and provoke hostility will find that The Holy Empire stands resolute in the defense of its divine sovereignty, but our preference always remains peaceful resolution over conflict.

    In the Name of Holy Emperor Boris Andreev I,
    The Divine Council of Wonscia,
    Imperial Senate of The Holy Empire of North Wonscia

    Also... Thought I was gonna get some of Vietnam..

    Notisport launches aquaculture investment programme to expand fisheries-based economy

    Notisport, 2 August 2001 – The Notisport government has announced a new investment programme focused on aquaculture and technological innovation in fisheries, a sector that continues to be the country’s main source of income. Aiming to increase production and improve the sustainability of fishing practices, President Declan Thatcher unveiled the plan, which aims to transform Notisport into a world leader in the farming and export of high-value fish.

    The scheme includes financial incentives for local companies and international investors to develop new farming and processing technologies, with a focus on reducing environmental impact and increasing productivity. "We are investing in modernizing our fisheries because we know that the future depends on the sustainability of our resources. Notisport wants to ensure that the fish we catch and farm meet growing demand in a sustainable and profitable way," Thatcher said during the announcement.

    The government incentives include subsidies, access to land for the installation of tanks and aqua farms, as well as low-interest financing for companies that want to innovate in fish farming techniques. Investments are also planned for research to develop sustainable aquaculture systems, optimizing the use of water and feed and rigorously controlling the quality of the final product.

    Economic analysts estimate that the program could generate thousands of new jobs and triple the sector's export capacity. In addition, the initiative should attract foreign investment, strengthening Notisport's position as a regional leader in the blue economy.

    The Notisport government has not yet received proposals from other countries interested in collaborating in the technological development of the sector, and the first international partnerships are expected to be formalized in the coming days.

    Notisport wrote:Notisport launches aquaculture investment programme to expand fisheries-based economy

    Notisport, 2 August 2001 – The Notisport government has announced a new investment programme focused on aquaculture and technological innovation in fisheries, a sector that continues to be the country’s main source of income. Aiming to increase production and improve the sustainability of fishing practices, President Declan Thatcher unveiled the plan, which aims to transform Notisport into a world leader in the farming and export of high-value fish.

    The scheme includes financial incentives for local companies and international investors to develop new farming and processing technologies, with a focus on reducing environmental impact and increasing productivity. "We are investing in modernizing our fisheries because we know that the future depends on the sustainability of our resources. Notisport wants to ensure that the fish we catch and farm meet growing demand in a sustainable and profitable way," Thatcher said during the announcement.

    The government incentives include subsidies, access to land for the installation of tanks and aqua farms, as well as low-interest financing for companies that want to innovate in fish farming techniques. Investments are also planned for research to develop sustainable aquaculture systems, optimizing the use of water and feed and rigorously controlling the quality of the final product.

    Economic analysts estimate that the program could generate thousands of new jobs and triple the sector's export capacity. In addition, the initiative should attract foreign investment, strengthening Notisport's position as a regional leader in the blue economy.

    The Notisport government has not yet received proposals from other countries interested in collaborating in the technological development of the sector, and the first international partnerships are expected to be formalized in the coming days.

    Can i join in your project?

    United State Of Guangdong wrote:Can i join in your project?

    Of course, we just need to sign some papers and the deal is done.

    Jamalito wrote:Question of the day:
    Tea or Coffee?

    Teffee! Tea x Coffee

    Edit: Yes I'm insane-

    North Wonscia wrote:Also... Thought I was gonna get some of Vietnam..

    You do actually! It's barely visible but it's there, up in the far north of Vietnam

    Is it guangdover

    Is the council of Asia some sort of Alliance because if it is who is the leader

    North Wonscia wrote:Official Statement by the Imperial Senate of The Holy Empire of North Wonscia

    Объявление от Национального правительства Трансуссури

    Jul 09, 2001 | Transussuri National News

    The National Government of the Republic of Transussuri issues an apology, clarifying the issue they faced on their part. The Transussurian Government assures the Imperial Senate that they did not wish to denounce them with such claims, and the language used implied such contrary to the opinion of Transussuri.

    OOC: My bad, I genuinely didn't mean it like that. I just meant our neighbors around us are a little scary since they're much bigger and stronger than us. The main threat I was trying to portray here is Kroniistatzka, since we're doing this story we both agreed upon.

    Zoam wrote:Is the council of Asia some sort of Alliance because if it is who is the leader

    That would be me, the President and the current Prime Minister. Why do you ask?

    Zoam wrote:Is the council of Asia some sort of Alliance because if it is who is the leader

    Well, it's more of a community.

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