by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates



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Galactic Powers wrote:


oh.... interesting
i'll wait for it to calm down before involving myself then

The free kingdom of poland wrote:I’m collapsing the government again /s

Add a sprinkle of ✨ political instability

Austro-Hungarian Slavia wrote:oh.... interesting
i'll wait for it to calm down before involving myself then

You might as well not participate ever lmao

The H Corporation wrote:TGR!! You are alive!!

Yes I am!

Rhenzern wrote:Welcome back Positive. Just in time too see the end of the election

Alright time for me to catch myself up on the several months lore I missed..

PositiveRoleplayer wrote:Yes I am!

Alright time for me to catch myself up on the several months lore I missed..

Chaos, scandals everywhere, came back from retirement (6 Months total), Season 4 of Cards, people leaving, government collapsing, toxic behavior, drama

The H Corporation wrote:Chaos, scandals everywhere, came back from retirement (6 Months total), Season 4 of Cards, people leaving, government collapsing, toxic behavior, drama

So a normal day in Callista essentially!

PositiveRoleplayer wrote:So a normal day in Callista essentially!

Yeah basically all what is normal in Callista just happened a few days ago

The H Corporation wrote:Yeah basically all what is normal in Callista just happened a few days ago

I see that Sori is WA delegate — I suppose that would be related to the whole “government collapsing” thing

PositiveRoleplayer wrote:I see that Sori is WA delegate — I suppose that would be related to the whole “government collapsing” thing

We were under martial law until well the PM elections which just finished, we should be starting to stabilize the region right now and continue to do so for a while

The H Corporation wrote:We were under martial law until well the PM elections which just finished, we should be starting to stabilize the region right now and continue to do so for a while

That’s good to hear. Well I suppose I will be watching & waiting to see what happens

PositiveRoleplayer wrote:That’s good to hear. Well I suppose I will be watching & waiting to see what happens

I will just keep drawing countryballs and campaigning until the HJ elections magically happen

Improving at every turn!

Wooloos here, I'd like to congratulate the new callistan administration on there pretty landside victory.

If you need help planning your government coups better then the previous admin next time btw call me /s

There are foreigners in the region, leading the region. We must pass a bill requiring someone to have lived in Callista for three months before they can run for PM, we must end the tyranny of the foreigners

Yazakhastan wrote:There are foreigners in the region, leading the region. We must pass a bill requiring someone to have lived in Callista for three months before they can run for PM, we must end the tyranny of the foreigners

bro who are the foreigners what are you even talking about?

CVB and Rhen have been in callista for years

Yazakhastan wrote:There are foreigners in the region, leading the region. We must pass a bill requiring someone to have lived in Callista for three months before they can run for PM, we must end the tyranny of the foreigners

Have you ever considered not saying whatever comes to your mind?

Untecna wrote:Have you ever considered not saying whatever comes to your mind?

Bro needs to suppress those thoughts

Yazakhastan wrote:There are foreigners in the region, leading the region. We must pass a bill requiring someone to have lived in Callista for three months before they can run for PM, we must end the tyranny of the foreigners

Let’s just not have this type of discussion please

With the conclusion of the election and the partial disassembly of the interim government, I will now declare the end of martial law in the region. Please remember to endorse Rhenzern, the LPM, to make them delegate.

Baloo has begun his ascent once more, I had a vision, he will soon take the throne and rule 1000 years.

Orange Creek wrote:Yazakhastan
Caesar Von Bingen

The creature of the sky, La Manche

Anna dei Goti stared across the slowly narrowing sea. The San Defendens de Tebas and her cohorts were now entering La Manche—the Great Channel of the English and Franks. It was now almost a month and a half since the departure of the Fortunate Sons from Achaea. Anna's eyes blinked rapidly and she yawned and stretched as the night began to settle its darkening hues across the eventide. The journey had been terrible and tiresome, and pestilence sailed with them all throughout. The crew were tired, diseased, bored, dazed, and above all hopeful to step upon solid ground.

But the end was not yet. The ebb and flood of the tides had to be about five knots apiece. The southwesterly winds did very little to abate the rocking of the ships, and indeed one of the Aragonese caravels would be nearly wrecked trying to navigate away from the banks of the Breton coast. Wherever they decide to make port would be an accomplishment of their duties as mercenaries to answer before the Angevin kings or their enemies, but Anna had promised her Prince to only reach Calais, where her men could remain as a neutral party while awaiting the final outbreak of war.

And so, from the forecastle, the self-proclaimed Despotess of Romania stood steadfast, commanding her men, urging them on with their duties to the San Defens and to other guidance of the other ships. Together with her, the Catalan sellsword Caproig stood quietly, having become her entrusted advisor.

"I've been to La Manche only once before, capitana." The Catalan quipped as he stared ahead. While most of the San Defens's crew have grown weary of the waves, Caproig stood tall and unnerved, his humors completely balanced even after weeks at sea. "They say that the darkest part of the sea leads directly into the Underworld."

"I have no doubts about that." Says Anna. "Though technically, you passed by twice no? Since you had to sail through it again in to return from whence you came?"

"No." The Catalan bluntly retorted. "I dared not take the return trip. I instead opted to venture with a German band and crossed the Alps into the Lombard lands. It's not just the terrible waves you had to look out for, but also the English. Specifically the sort that acclaim themselves to descend from the old legends. They fight with terrible bows from a distance and show no mercy to the defeated. And then there are the thieving Franks on the other side, never mind the Bretons who share both blood."

    "You're quite experienced for a man who only goes by Caproig."

    "Kings always need lesser men. I have been to Romania, to the lands of the Germans and Wends, my homeland of Iberia, and with those corruptible Italians."

    "And yet, not much scars..." Anna observes, looking and down Caproig's ragged form, tilting her head.

"Scars are miracles." The Catalan retorts, backing off to avoid Anna's careful gaze. "And miracles do not happen often. Sometimes, never being wounded at all is its own acceptable gift. The northern pagans viewed scars with praise and glory and acclaimed those wracked by scars to be exemplars of faith. God awards His martyrs too, but above all he is the Pacator Mundi. To simply live another day is a blessing that only Christians would understand."

    "Are you implying that I act unchristian?"

    "Only if I live to fight another day." Caproig laughs. Anna doesn't reciprocate as well.

The waves calmed. Seeing this, the Catalan walks off to eat his long-awaited lunch of last hour in peace. Anna, meanwhile, remained there, for she had brazenly finished her meal far earlier, the calming phlegm in her lungs and mind sufficient to prevent her from expelling her dinner even against the most ferocious of tremors. Slowly, she watched as the ghastly mist of La Manche slowly began closing in on them, and on the horizon a rich multitude of vessels began appearing like stars in the same darkening night, some great cogs and galleys like themselves, others ordinary fishing boats, some bravely bearing the flags of the great kingdoms and principalities of the Empire of the Romans, others ominously waving no flags and sitting motionlessly, as if quantifying their next prey.

Anna sighed and wished for more meaningless conversation. She could have continue listlessly staring forwards. She could have just stood there in silence, waiting patiently for the waves to begin distracting her again. However, at that moment, she felt a strange malaise. A powerful, compelling force somewhere in her body whispering to her of a terrible foreboding. She looked to her left and right, then turned around her, but nothing was there. Scratching her head for a moment, she closed and rubbed her eyes and wondered what her mind was trying to say. There was nothing but the silent cliffs of the English and the open seas, but something was waiting, watching, observing. She just didn't know where.

Then, Anna looked up.

There was something in the sky. A face, colossal, like a floating island covering the heavens. It spanned the heavens, almost stretched out, with a hollow smile darker than the starless nights. Its eyes moved erratically and moved independent of one another, darting all over the Channel before settling on me. Then, it froze, looking, grinning. It was like it had found me after great toil and effort, and grinned wide from side to side. Anna stared blankly at the face that looked down on her from the onyx sky. A thin film of sweat formed across her body, but she did not dare blink.

She felt that if she blinked now, or looked away, the creature of the sky will be gone and the agony of its purpose will be a hidden perversion and she will not see it again. She felt yellow bile surging her my throat with each second spent staring at the face that completed the skies and her breathing slowly became erratic. However, for a second, just a split second, the waves would cause the San Defens to list to the side. She looks away, but then tries to look up again but the face had been gone.

Rather, it was never there. Anna blinks for a few seconds as she tries to remember what she had been looking at, but she could not recall. She headed down to midship to address the crew on the dangerous navigation of the channel. As she walked, she noticed Caproig leisurely feasting on sardines and crackers, and waved to him. The Catalan immediately notices and faces her, smiling a terrifying smile.

8:27, you can see the Callista flag

The do-nothing candidate
Never before in the history of this region have we seen a MORP do so much of nothing Boil, crooked B’lil, great guy, promised big things, but delivered very little. On day 1 folks, I would’ve already appointed RP aides and had a list as long as the Mississippi of people to join the regional RP. Instead we are sitting on the corpse of potential, the corpse of “Maybe”. boil, great guy, he is the do nothing minister. And what happens when we do nothing? Terror, death!

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates