by Max Barry

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Governor: The alba highlands

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The alba highlands

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 1,046th Most Cultured: 1,562nd Largest Publishing Industry: 1,662nd+11
Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1,725th Most Authoritarian: 1,866th Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 1,959th Most Inclusive: 2,148th Smartest Citizens: 2,221st Most Advanced Defense Forces: 2,265th Highest Economic Output: 2,311th Most Beautiful Environments: 2,559th Highest Food Quality: 2,592nd Most Advanced Public Education: 2,607th Most Cheerful Citizens: 2,683rd
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the region of Ashroxem!

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Tags: Governorless, Map, Minuscule, Offsite Forums, and Past Tech.

Ashroxem contains 5 nations, the 4,041st most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Patriotic in Ashroxem

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Ashroxem is ranked 5,946th in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Socialist Republic of RosovScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Forever Red”
2.The Federal Commonwealth of Plunkett RepublicCivil Rights Lovefest“Auctoritas non veritas facit legem”
3.The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CXXIIInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Fireplace cloak”
4.The Republic of Audrey 114Psychotic Dictatorship“Join Lily”
5.The Democratic Republic of TinelandLeft-Leaning College State“Strength Through Freedom”

Regional Happenings


Ashroxem Regional Message Board
