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Welcome back, Iztajbele. Glad you're still around!
What problem did you find a solution for?
Welcome back, Arctacia. Glad your CTE was temporary!
Hello guys
A bit late but I'd recommend you take a closer look at my flag. Though thinking about it I should probably fix that already...
We should do something with this region, some propaganda to steer up joiners.
Welcome to Antarctican peoples republic. Glad you decided to drop in. Hope you enjoy your stay in our rapidly melting and gradually brightening region. Help yourself to some drinks and cookies from the hospitality suite. \_/ (::)(::)
If you want to, you can recruit. Myself, I'm not to eager to do so, because it's harder to clear out zombies when a region has a lot of inactive nations. So Halloween's around the corner and the annual 🧟 🧟 Zombie Apocalypse 🧟 🧟 will soon be upon us. If you happen to login on 10/30 or 10/31 please set your nation to RESEARCHING A CURE. This is the single most useful thing you can do if you are not helping to actively fight the zombies.
Frigidopia, Spheniscidae Islands, Antarctican peoples republic, and Penguinovill
Hello everybody! This is already my 4th civilization, but due to the difficulty of translation (I am Russian), I could not understand the mechanics of the regions. If you can, please explain. Thank you in advance.
A zombie Apocalypse? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing. Well, okay, I'll help in any way I can.
As I understand it, there are about-political role-playing games. Well, I will try to match the theme.
Very much appreciated... lol
Hello I have returned
Gastiesz, Spheniscidae Islands, Antarctican peoples republic, and Penguinovill
Luckily I have developed the Armed Forces to protect the interests of humanity and Antarctica. We shall set differences apart and destroy the plague.
Thank you for your initiative Shermania will do all in its power to follow the plan
Welcome to Penguinovill and South Sandwich lslands, and welcome back to Polar-bear and Shermainia. Glad to see you're still alive and kicking. For the new folk, glad you decided to stop by. Hope you enjoy your stay in our rapidly melting and gradually brightening region. Help yourself to some drinks and cookies from the hospitality suite. \_/ (::)(::) \_/ (::)(::) \_/ (::)(::) \_/ (::)(::)
Hope you are all up and about on the 30th. If you're just logging on, be sure to select "Researching a Cure" (RAC). Do NOT select the military option as that will NOT help us at all. RAC is one of several options like an issue, and will take you all of 20 seconds. Then you can kick back and have a happy halloween.
If, however, you want to fire cure missiles, log back on in about an hour and your "launch pad" will be ready. Cure from small populations to large because the more nations in your region that are zombie free, the slower the infection rate.
I'll be putting a temporary password on the region on the 29th which will be removed 11/1.
Happy halloween, everyone! As usual i'm gonna set my nation to RAC.
Frigidopia and Polar-bear
Thanks for the immunisations Gastiesz and Penguinovill! 😁
no problem!
Hey, you guys are the greatest! This was truly a group effort. My special thanks to Frigidopia, Penguinovill, and to Spheniscidae Islands. You are really the BEST!
We dealt with the zombies pretty quickly. I thought it would last longer.
It can last the whole 36 hours. It was fast here because 7 of the 12 of us researched a cure which tipped the balance in favor of zombie elimination. I want to mention Percival the Pirate Penguin who also researched a cure and helped to put us over the top.
As of now, we're in 33rd place out of the 100 top regions with no zombies, and in 60th place for regions with the most survivors. That's pretty good for a region of 10 nations plus 2 visitors.
Oh! This is a very good result!
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