by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The Antafia of Antafia

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Antafia of Antafia

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Largest Cheese Export Sector: 1,293rd Largest Mining Sector: 2,074th
World Factbook Entry

Anti-Fascist Division of The Shadows

Embassies: The Shadows, CCD, Vangmar, Das internationale reich, The world psychopaths, The fascist assembly, Great germania, The Roleplaying Region, The british lsles, The iron vanguard, Whitelist, What the duck am I doing SEND HELP, Gest Cathedral, The Dictatorial Paradise, Layem, All hail fascism, and 27 others.The omsk empire, A capitalist way, Not The Invaders, Global Simulator, Brebina emergency region, Nato 2022 debates, Hellenic seas, Christmas tree golf club, Romanum imperium, Sina, 0saka, Iedda, Raxus, Keep of Darkness XL, Neutopia 2, The southern regions of the states, Wirienhein subcontinent, The silver legion, The Heirs of Rome, Fascist indian tyrannies, Minekhan origin nations, Aspenia, Authotaria, Fascist italy, Gottes faschisten der preuben, Das kaiserliche luftwaffe, and Italian royal army.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Invader, Minuscule, and Password.

Antafia is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Trout Fishing Sector in Antafia

The World Census conducted frenzied haggling with fishmongers in order to determine which nations have the largest fishing industries.

As a region, Antafia is ranked 28,059th in the world for Largest Trout Fishing Sector.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Antafia of AntafiaLibertarian Police State“Peace and Justice”

Regional Happenings


Antafia Regional Message Board

I don't like fascists.

Post self-deleted by Antafia.

Greater king isles

Fascism is lame

Greater king isles wrote:Fascism is lame

Anti-fascism is based

Greater king isles and New king isles

Greater king isles

Visoraxus wrote:Anti-fascism is based


Visoraxus and New king isles

Forum View
