by Max Barry

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Governor: The Empire of Tokatsu

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Empire of Tokatsu

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Greatest Rich-Poor Divides: 27th Largest Gambling Industry: 92nd Highest Wealthy Incomes: 94th+30
Fattest Citizens: 97th Highest Unexpected Death Rate: 107th Lowest Overall Tax Burden: 138th Highest Crime Rates: 193rd Highest Disposable Incomes: 197th Largest Soda Pop Sector: 198th Most Avoided: 220th Largest Retail Industry: 240th Most Armed: 443rd Largest Mining Sector: 465th Largest Insurance Industry: 507th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 656th Largest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 684th Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 847th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 898th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 991st Highest Average Incomes: 1,022nd Most Rebellious Youth: 1,022nd Most Corrupt Governments: 1,106th Most Pro-Market: 1,220th Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 1,322nd Most Ignorant Citizens: 1,383rd Most Patriotic: 1,716th Most Scientifically Advanced: 1,743rd Rudest Citizens: 1,794th Highest Drug Use: 1,977th Largest Agricultural Sector: 2,407th Most Efficient Economies: 2,537th Largest Information Technology Sector: 2,561st Largest Basket Weaving Sector: 2,812th
World Factbook Entry

A territory of states annexed by the God-Emperor of Tokatsu Empire

Embassies: True Waskaria, Guinea Kiribati, Hurricane 12, The Great Universe, Weirdos Are Cool, Pecan Sandies, Donmi States, Ibesterve, The Embassy, Bingus Floppa Island, Ticino, The Smelly Fart, and The Embassy 3.

Tags: Anti-Communist, Anti-General Assembly, Anti-Security Council, Anti-World Assembly, Capitalist, Cyberpunk, Embassy Collector, Free Trade, Future Tech, Human-Only, Imperialist, Industrial, and 6 others.Invader, Libertarian, Minuscule, Monarchist, Role Player, and Serious.

Annexed Territory of Tokatsu Empire is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Patriotic in Annexed Territory of Tokatsu Empire

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Annexed Territory of Tokatsu Empire is ranked 1,716th in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of TokatsuCompulsory Consumerist State“With faith in the God-Emperor, we prevail!”

Regional Happenings


Annexed Territory of Tokatsu Empire Regional Message Board

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