by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The Dominion of Akiin

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Dominion of Akiin

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 358th Most Cheerful Citizens: 554th Largest Publishing Industry: 735th+22
Longest Average Lifespans: 742nd Best Weather: 756th Most Developed: 777th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 966th Most Beautiful Environments: 1,011th Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 1,154th Highest Average Tax Rates: 1,286th Healthiest Citizens: 1,360th Most Efficient Economies: 1,392nd Most Subsidized Industry: 1,448th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,703rd Smartest Citizens: 1,711th Highest Poor Incomes: 1,736th Largest Welfare Programs: 1,750th Most Advanced Public Education: 1,818th Largest Governments: 1,934th Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,087th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,217th Lowest Crime Rates: 2,239th Most Scientifically Advanced: 2,406th Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 2,422nd Highest Food Quality: 2,570th
World Factbook Entry

Peace and Love Brother

Embassies: The Embassy.

Tags: Minuscule.

Aethiopia is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Primitive in Aethiopia

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, Aethiopia is ranked 26,145th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dominion of AkiinInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Pax, Unitas, Iustitiae”

Regional Happenings


Aethiopia Regional Message Board

There are no lodged messages at present.
