by Max Barry

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Thank you for suppressing that China

China modern rp and Spanish republic 2022 rp

Spanish republic 2022 rp

America 2020s RP wrote:Thank you for suppressing that China

I'll do it again.

France 2022-rp wrote:SIC: Barrault gave no mercy to him; he shot him in the back.

"Carlotta, are you ok?"


Oz and Monica hopped in the car and they began to drive east.

" you going Zoe?"

SIC: Carlotta was unharmed physically. Mentally though no doubt these events could leave a mark.

*** ***

"Besides having the piss beaten out of me by some hick cops, running from the feds, and the several new bullet scars all over my body. I'm doing as well as can be expected."

Spanish republic 2022 rp wrote:I'll do it again.


China modern rp and Spanish republic 2022 rp

Lithuania 2022 rp

Lithuania 2022 rp wrote:Hey Cuba please explain the poll to me
So are you guys adding new mods or not?

Cuba 2022 rpChina modern rp

East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp wrote:SIC: In this plan there would be no invitation. You would be only a mode of smuggling them in, and then they would find and kill the Sultan themselves.

Cuba 2022 rp

East african federation 2022rp wrote:IC: Seeing that much of the enemy had fled, the EAF troops pushed. The one helicopter should be no problem when faced with fighter jets and many other helicopters firing missiles at it. The EAF started rushing in.

IC: Seeing their effectiveness in Kisangani, the EAF started using paratroopers in Kinshasa as well, dropping them near strategic and important locations. EAF troops also started to surround the city to finish it off.

IC: Some troops leaving the frontline are given new orders to defend Kisangani which the troops are traveling through regardless however the Orders to defend the capital mean surrounding commanders which could have provided reinforcements are instead reinforcing the capital.

The last remaining helicopter is swiftly downed by the New arrivals of the EAF airforce with the EAF's direct military intervention in the region crushing local moral. Landed paratroopers are resisted by troops in the city who primarily seek shelter inside the cities buildings entrenching themselves in such and attempting to form a defensive line between connected buildings though ensuring control of linking sidealleys and shacks.

Meanwhile landed paratroopers face desperate assualts from Kisangani Command troops coming back from the frontlines attempting to get inside the new Defensive Lines that have been established.

Militias and Commanders present on the cities outskirts attempt to defend its flanks but ultimately are forced to retreat or are routed in the face of the far superior EAF army. Those that retreat escape into the Urban Jungle of the city and those that instead try to retreat into the countryside would be quickly overrun by the EAF advance.

EAF paratroopers however are met by the Congo airforce or at least most of it, Mig-23 and Sukhoi Su-25 Grach Fighter jets. Such aircraft would be usually relegated to training duties in most militaries but for the weak Congo Central government under attack from foes inside and out it is all they have. As such the 9 fighter strong Congo Airforce is sent out in one Herculean Counterattack, aiming to intercept incoming EAF paratrooper Carriers,scare them off or destroy them and retreat before the EAF can respond with its own fighters.

America 2020s RP

Congo Central Government directly contacts Shadow Company asking for full military support in defense of Kinshasa.

China modern rp and East african federation 2022rp

Congratulations on being featured.

Cuba 2022 rp, China modern rp, Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, and 4 othersBalkan federation modern rp, East african federation 2022rp, Ohio 2023 rp, and Slation rp

Spanish republic 2022 rp

America 2020s RP wrote:Banned.

Ugh fine. I'll chill

East african federation 2022rp and Slation rp


PIC: Following the use of anti-ship missiles the gunboats utilised by Kalemie Naval Command are completely destroyed along with a few other watercraft. The remnants of the Kalemi Fleet without their main vessels turn right around and at full speeds retreat back to Kalemie before traveling up the river into the Mountains. So too do the Congo troops in the mountains withdraw leaving only border scouts. The city is soon occupied by EAF forces.

Cuba 2022 rp

France 2022-rp wrote:Considering the size of the file, it takes a significant amount of time to open. When it does, they see hundreds of code lines turn to thousands, turn to tens of thousands, turn to hundreds of thousand, turns to millions to potentially billions. All the code is weaved together in a mindless tangle near-incomprehensible to the people looking at it.

Indeed, it seems they're looking at a spaghetti of wiring, and even beginning to comprehend what it is would take a significant amount of time.

The problem is, that time would increase, because for some reason opening the file has begun to make the computer run significantly slower. After some time, it closed, and Maria "spoke" again.

Alright, you've seen it, now let me out.



They did so.

Cuba 2022 rp

East african federation 2022rp wrote:SUC: Snipers are disguised. You take them to Bandar Seri Begawan, where they will wait for an opportunity to kill the Sultan.

SIC: Okay?

East african federation 2022rp

Ohio 2023 rp

Some dudes still love Nixon even after everything he did, suprising.

Spanish republic 2022 rp and East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp

Karnata wrote:IC: Some troops leaving the frontline are given new orders to defend Kisangani which the troops are traveling through regardless however the Orders to defend the capital mean surrounding commanders which could have provided reinforcements are instead reinforcing the capital.

The last remaining helicopter is swiftly downed by the New arrivals of the EAF airforce with the EAF's direct military intervention in the region crushing local moral. Landed paratroopers are resisted by troops in the city who primarily seek shelter inside the cities buildings entrenching themselves in such and attempting to form a defensive line between connected buildings though ensuring control of linking sidealleys and shacks.

Meanwhile landed paratroopers face desperate assualts from Kisangani Command troops coming back from the frontlines attempting to get inside the new Defensive Lines that have been established.

Militias and Commanders present on the cities outskirts attempt to defend its flanks but ultimately are forced to retreat or are routed in the face of the far superior EAF army. Those that retreat escape into the Urban Jungle of the city and those that instead try to retreat into the countryside would be quickly overrun by the EAF advance.

EAF paratroopers however are met by the Congo airforce or at least most of it, Mig-23 and Sukhoi Su-25 Grach Fighter jets. Such aircraft would be usually relegated to training duties in most militaries but for the weak Congo Central government under attack from foes inside and out it is all they have. As such the 9 fighter strong Congo Airforce is sent out in one Herculean Counterattack, aiming to intercept incoming EAF paratrooper Carriers,scare them off or destroy them and retreat before the EAF can respond with its own fighters.

America 2020s RP

Congo Central Government directly contacts Shadow Company asking for full military support in defense of Kinshasa.

IC: To completely destroy the enemy at Kisangani, the EAF publishes evidence of war crimes by the Congo forces (using civilian buildings as cover) online to turn the propaganda war against them. All military targets are struck, and the EAF-created Medical Organisation of Africa enters to tend to the wounded for free.

The paratrooper aircraft are scared away before returning, accompanied by Su-35s and other fighters to destroy the aging Congolese airforce.
The EAF troops push from all directions in Kinshasa, attempting to utterly crush the enemy.

East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:SIC: Okay?

SIC: The twelve snipers were prepared. They were carefully handpicked from people who used to be servants but were also skilled in the use of firearms, and they were ready for deployment.

Spanish republic 2022 rp

Ohio 2023 rp wrote:Some dudes still love Nixon even after everything he did, suprising.

But he was a good president? Besides being racist and the whole Watergate thing, he was a good overall president. Also if you don't know about the racist thing, just search up any variation of

"Kissinger and Nixon reaction to Bangladesh war of independence"

Ohio 2023 rp

Ohio 2023 rp

Spanish republic 2022 rp wrote:But he was a good president? Besides being racist and the whole Watergate thing, he was a good overall president. Also if you don't know about the racist thing, just search up any variation of

"Kissinger and Nixon reaction to Bangladesh war of independence"


Spanish republic 2022 rp and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp

Spanish republic 2022 rp wrote:But he was a good president? Besides being racist and the whole Watergate thing, he was a good overall president. Also if you don't know about the racist thing, just search up any variation of

"Kissinger and Nixon reaction to Bangladesh war of independence"

Nixon was not a good president bro

Spanish republic 2022 rp and East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:Nixon was not a good president bro


Nigeria 2023

OOC: i am nigerian prince

Cuba 2022 rp and East african federation 2022rp

East african federation 2022rp

Nigeria 2023 wrote:OOC: i am nigerian prince

SIC: The EAF offers to help Nigeria retake Biafra.

Nigeria 2023

Cuba 2022 rp

East african federation 2022rp wrote:SIC: The EAF offers to help Nigeria retake Biafra.

I think they do own Biafra actually

East african federation 2022rp and Nigeria 2023

East african federation 2022rp

Cuba 2022 rp wrote:I think they do own Biafra actually

On the map it is separate

Nigeria 2023

Congratulations on being the featured region!
Bigly! 🥳🥳🥳

Make NationStates Great Again! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

China modern rp, Arnolo, Karnata, The Featured Region Express, and 3 othersBalkan federation modern rp, East african federation 2022rp, and Saudi Arabia 2024 rp

China modern rp

Trump Almighty wrote:Congratulations on being the featured region!
Bigly! 🥳🥳🥳

Make NationStates Great Again! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

aye your name looks familiar were you the one holding the nationstates elections in that one forum

Trump Almighty, The Featured Region Express, East african federation 2022rp, and Saudi Arabia 2024 rp

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