by Max Barry

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Region: The Southern Lands

TSL Control wrote:ANNOUNCMENT:

I'm sure ya'll have heard about the jump thingy. Yes it is happening, and as of now, it look alike we're gunna be jumping ahead around 1-2 years. Now this isn't that far so it won't ruin all your roleplay and news posts and Factbooks. Its just a small jump. We haven't made the jump yet but we will in the next couple of days (maybe this weekend or earlier). So this is what we are gunna need from ya'll.

1. Telegram me (TSL Control) what has happened in your nation in the 1-2 year time range from the jump.
2. Make some Factbooks, they don't gotta be nothin fancy or nothin, just make em so dat day exist. For example, an economy/trade one would be good and a military one. That's really it (But feel free to make more).

And that's it! Easy peasy lemon squeesy just like the pickle I made queasy.

Soviet President Ethan is receiving a lot of opposition, and could be screwed over in the next election in 3 years. In 3 years, the Presidential election will take place, and if Ethan loses this election, the Soviet Union is expected to crumble under the pressure of the increasingly popular Nazi and Republican party, who are protesting in the streets of Aetherwind. For all I know, he could be assasinated before he makes it to the election. Things have actually gotten so twisted up in my nation in this rp to the point I'm not even certain on whats gonna happen. The Communist Party is still likely to retain the majority of the nation's votes though.
