by Max Barry

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Region: The Western Isles

Aizcona wrote:I mean if we go along these lines then I would believe that you aren’t going to heaven as Catholicism is the only correct interpretation of the Bible. We are the church built upon the rock. But I think that it’s okay to become more inclusive, that’s why I think you’ll make it. The whole point of Christ is to be loving. To be kind. To be helpful. We should be inclusive of all peoples and at the end of the day I truly believe that all will find heaven. Personally I don’t even believe in hell. God is all loving and hell is not a part of the Bible

Wrong. Jesus said whoever confessed their faith in Jesus with their lips and had the Holy Spirit in their hearts would inherit the kingdom of heaven. Also the bible does refer to hell, but not as “hell” usually more like “the lake of burning sulfur” or something. The bible references hell in Matthew 8:12, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Revelation 14:11, John 3:18, Luke 12:4-5, the list goes on.

Great Altera wrote:Hezbollah and the removal/murder of Christian communities; forcing their exile into the West. Like Iranians, many Lebonese fled the now Islamic dominant government.

Hamas being a terrorist organisation support by the previously mentioned Iranian extremist government - they're a terrorist organisation that uses religion and, well, terror in order to rule over a territory. They're not exactly a shining example of beholders of an enlightened version of the Islamic faith.

I already know this statement could start a war, so imma not…
