by Max Barry

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Region: The Western Isles

Reann wrote:Wouldn't say that Lebanon was somehow corrupted by Iran, considering the post-independence history of the country and the 1958 crisis, alongside the civil war of course.

Iran has just been able to use the situation there to foster the Hesbollah and its aligned forces.

Hezbollah and the removal/murder of Christian communities; forcing their exile into the West. Like Iranians, many Lebonese fled the now Islamic dominant government.

Holy Karenland wrote:Okay then fine, let’s use an example I’m sure many people here support. Send a gay guy to hamas, and I tell you, he’s not going to have a good time.

Hamas being an terrorist organisation support by the previously mentioned Iranian extremist government - they're a terrorist organisation that uses religion and, well, terror in order to rule over a territory. They're not exactly a shining example of beholders of an enlightened version of the Islamic faith.
