Shidei wrote: That's a bit of an odd takeaway, considering I specifically mentioned Iran as being worse I have many things to say about places like those and suggestions for what should happen to their various flavors of "morality police". Those countries should be taken as a warning for what happens when there isn't analysis and interpretation of religion to fit within the current age (you can even see this in "recent" terms after 1979 when Iran regressed to an oppressive hardline theocracy, or even more recently with the Taliban in Afghanistan treating women arguably worse than anywhere else on the entire planet). But Islam was not relevant to what I was responding to, which was the statement from Wellsia that I read as him saying Christianity was on the decline because it was trying to be too accommodating. You've fallen into the trap of assuming being against one thing means support of another.I do support religion, despite how it may come off at times. But more importantly than that I support the notion that it is a deeply personal and private thing that should not be weaponized against anyone male, female, believer, nonbeliever, whatever. It's a shame that in many places it's on the decline, but the burden should be placed on and carried out by the faithful to ensure the correct messages are being followed and spread and to be accepting of people who are not interested in following those rules. When you have a very loud minority of people using it to oppress others, it's understandable why people are shying away from it even if the majority of followers do not behave that way
For Christianity, I think it’s not about religions changing. I think it’s about everyone getting the choice of following a religion or not. I don’t think people should be forced to follow any religion, I just think they should be properly informed. I don’t think people should be made compromise on their religious values in the pursuit of “inclusivity” so long as their values aren’t physically harming anyone.