by Max Barry

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Region: Eientei Gensokyo

Hey everyone! Your delegate here!

I already send some of you a telegram regarding future governance changes, but I would like to start an open discussion for a potential overarching regional roleplay.

This roleplay would encapsulate most of the in-character governance of the region, this excludes moderation, World Assembly and foreign affairs. These would still be handeld by the overarching OOC government. For the function of World Assembly Delegate we'll have a seperate method of selection, as this has a few more points than just RP. We'll discuss the Delegate position another time.

For now I would like to propose the following settings for a regional roleplay. The setting will encapsulate a scaled-up Gensokyo in which players will choose/create their own faction. The Council of Gensokyo has recently been formed, and gatherings are held regularly at the House of Eternity (Eientei). Here delegations from various factions come together to discuss events in Gensokyo & between their factions. Players will play the characters representing their faction's interests in these meetings, they can ofcourse flesh out the faction mostly to their heart's content.

A meeting will be opened by a speaker and event log will be shared. Whilst the meeting might only be a day or two, they can last multiple real-life days, depending on the frequence of messages. The speaker will eventually close the meeting, after which events can happen in Gensokyo. This stage will last a short real-life time, but can be week(s) in character time. Here global events will happen that shape council topics. Any interaction between factions can be described to the "RP manager", though these can also be gleamed of discussions between groups, these too will be shared in the event log.

I would like to hear your opinion on this, if you got any objections or other ideas I would love to hear them.

Greater Angelus, Order knights of America, Hikxx, Lorenial, and 5 othersThe socialist republic of free gensokyo, Lostbelts, Makai and Hell, Soustuyseria, and Neunosia
