by Max Barry

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Region: Eientei Gensokyo

Order knights of America wrote:-snip-

[Illys's eyes are closed as her hand hovers over the severed limb of a Masoperdermite, a young man surely not yet out of his teens. She does not see his deathly pale face but can feel the weak beat of his heart, the flow of his blood, her consciousness and senses reaching into the living cells of his body as she wills the wound to close...she can feel the burning pain dull into an intense itching as new flesh, raw and red, forms slowly over the wound; a twist of her mind redirects the blood flow away from the exposed gore. A bead of sweat trickles down Illys's forehead from the effort, and she is barely aware of her physical self demanding one of the volunteers to increase the intake of the nutritional IV to the patient, who is rapidly losing energy...until the severed limb has formed into what looks like a newly, roughly healed stump. Only then does Illys drop her hand and open her eyes, matted hair stuck to her forehead, and smiles wearily at the young man. He's going to make it...for another day, at least.]


Illys: [Enters the makeshift tent at the center of the sprawling refugee camp, her healer's robes covered in blood and debris from the day's frantic activities, inclining her head to acknowledge the Overseer] You wanted to see me, Sister?

Nephara: [She instantly turns on her subordinate, the effect of her taller stature menacing in the dim glow of the string lights hanging overhead] You think I don't have people who talk to me in that little band of yours? You went behind my back, Illys.

Illys: [Cooly] Our mission is to save as many lives as possible-

Nephara: Our mission is whatever the Service deems it to be. Sister Arriwai has declared Masoperderm a lost cause. We have a week to present our charges with a choice - a mercy death by us, or come what may with the Grays.

Illys: [Her voice rising] If you think I'm going to leave these people to die-

Nephara: What you think has no bearing any more. You're stripped of your title of Deputy Overseer, effective immediately. [She narrows her eyes] You talk of neutrality, yet risk bringing us into open conflict with an intersystem military superpower! Not that it matters anymore...we shall carry out our orders, and then we are leaving for Libertaria. [She turns back towards her desk, piles of medical records heaped perilously atop] You are dismissed.

Illys: [Unmoving] I thought we were supposed to help people. To save them from the cruel mockery of senescence and mortality.

Nephara: Dismissed, Illys!

Illys: [She turns and brusquely leaves the tent, anger fighting to boil over, a plan already hatching in her head...]


Lumei: [Smiling] Perhaps the Kaiser would be happy to make the acquaintance of Elder Sister Kharzal. She also has...quite a way with words. You should see her when someone treats Sarakkha - her dearest companion - like an animal. I can hear her now. [She affects a passable impression of Kharzal's cold lilt] "Sinta! Sarakkha is ten times the Sister you kunür will ever be!" [Chuckling, she nevertheless casts a slightly guilty glance around them, seemingly at nothing] Of course, I shouldn't poke fun...she's right, and one never knows when Elder Sister is listening...but enough vague and mildly threatening musings. [She gestures kindly at Summer] You would like to know more about your hosts, and perhaps you could surprise your husband by learning a bit more of our language. I can be a friendly face, but I'm sure you'd get tired of me eventually. Why don't we ease our security restrictions somewhat, and I could take you out to dinner within the district? We won't stray too far from this residence, and you can get a feel for this home, and yours as long as it is necessary. [She grins slyly] If it helps ease your decision, it would be considered a failure of my hospitality were you to not enjoy a good meal under my care.
