Region: Anteria
Swish Government eases funding towards Far-Left department of the Anti-Extremism Wing
Good day! My name is Julie Lopez and today we have an interesting report on some laws passed by the Senate including the easing of funding towards the Far-Left Terrorism department of the Anti-Extremism Wing.
Brought to you by the Swish Broadcasting Service
Last week in the Senate, a bill was brought to the senate to ease funding upon the Far-Left Department of the Anti-Extremism Wing. Both conservatives and liberals for the most part agreed on the bill, as the massive funding began after and during the Swish Civil War, which occurred about 100 years ago and is not nearly as big of an issue now as it was during those times. Because of this, the bill was passed.
However, some states still have organizations dedicated to combating Far-Left Terrorism, and will continue to fund these organizations with their own money. Most provinces will drop the funding, however, and most likely the provinces which are still funding their Far-Left Terrorism wings will drop it in the near future, as long as it doesn't become a large issue after the funding dropped.
Lowering the funding of the Far-Left Terrorism Wing is not a new idea. In 2019, Nordinsel dropped it's funding for their Provincial Far-Left Terrorism Wing significantly and has so far not been experiencing any rising Far-Left Activity.
In fact, Far-Leftism for the most part is frowned upon by the Swish People, as the hatred from the Swish Civil War still lingers in the minds of the Swish People. Over the years, however, Leftism has slowly been rising in popularity, and Moderate-to-Center Leftism is usually not frowned upon.
With this bill being passed, it likely means that Far-Left Terrorism is officially no longer a threat to the Swish People, and will not be seen for at least a while. However, opposition to the bill fears that this law will enable Far-Left Terrorism to rise in activity, as Nordinsel is just one of 6 Swish Provinces.
The funding formerly used for Far-Left Terrorism will be re-allocated towards the Swish Space Agency, Swish Schools, and possibly some National and Provincial Parks. In other news, the Swish Space Agency has announced it's next project to the Swish People, and will finally be launching real astronauts on the rocket ships. The purpose of these rockets is to test new Navigational Systems which could help with future missions greatly. It is all still under construction, but will finish development very soon, most likely by Early-to-Mid Summertime.
Asturan, Morrawia, Eastern yuguistan, and La Montilla