by Max Barry

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Region: the Pacific

"Good afternoon all,"

Tsar Fluff sits in a meticulously decorated office, not one single thing seems out of place. The room is adorned with various patriotic symbols of the Dushinan Empire, this is undoubtedly highly rehearsed.

"As you may have known we, for the longest time, have maintained the status of autocracy however that is going to change. The position of Chief President of the Dushinan Empire is open and there have been many people who have attempted to run, the main kittens running are Ben Hills who is the former Secretary of the Department of War, Miss Allen who is head of the Dushinan Space organization, Franklin McCarthy the current Supreme Justice of the Supreme court and Thomas I. Coleman who is a wealthy business man. These people are all (generally) well qualified but some presidential runs we have received have been not so serious. I implore you, please only submit serious candidates."

"The requirements are as follows:

1. Be over the age of 18 when taking the office
2. Has not been conviced of treason or crimes against the Dushinan Empire
3. Be a resident of the Dushinan Empire or any protectorates
4. Have sentiance

"That is it, that is all that is required to run for the office of President. Yet, we still have received over 1,000 joke campaigns.
We will continue to accept serious campaigns through the end of the month. A campaign may not be submitted any later than January 31st at 11:00PM CST.

If you have any further questions please consult the official Dushinan government website."

-Tsar Fluff I
