Region: the Pacific
Mitten is sitting at his desk fiddling with a black pen. He is in a meeting he doesn't want to be in, in a country he barely wants to be in.
Staring at the clock he ignores most of what is said at the meeting. He briefly chats about the possible unification of Ægyptus and Dushina. He thought he would be far more excited about the potential of getting back his former colonies but he was frankly utterly uninterested, at least for the time being. He needed to just make it to 10:00AM and he could make the long trip home.
The seconds ticked by so slowly he nearly left the meeting with the President of Ægyptus.
Finally, the moment came. He said his goodbyes and shook paws with President Potter, he’d have to come back in a few hours and meet again, maybe he’d be more interested by then.
He, unfortunately, wouldn’t get the chance.
Mittens had not had breakfast, so he decided to treat his guards to a nice first meal of the day. The Tsar and his guards walked to the Café, however there was something wrong. Something seemed off. One of the guards' intuition would be proven correct just seconds later.
The quiet street corner of Cairo would soon erupt with noise, a shrill and horrid noise.
A gunshot was heard and Mittens fell to the ground immediately. He was rushed to the hospital almost immediately after falling.
The Tsar was knocked out cold, and once he reached the hospital it was time to find the murder, or the attempted murderer.. depending on how Mittens makes it out.
The man was found a few hours after Fluff was admitted to the hospital. He was a young man, about 27 years old with black hair and brown eyes. The man was an Egyptian who had been arrested in past years for his attempt to bring independence to Ægyptus. Prince Mittens the Second, the acting Tsar for the time being has requested the extradition of the Egyptian to Dushina to face justice, however this has not been accepted as of yet.
Tsar Fluff is likely to be okay as he has survived other assassination attempts, however this is one of the worst and perhaps the most unexpected and heinous ones of all time. He is currently unconscious (likely due to low blood pressure caused by the gunshot, rather than the gunshot alone).in the Cario National Hospital and is predicted to regain consciousness in a matter of hours.
Visits from foreign leaders are appreciated in these hard times, once Fluff is awake at least.
OOC: Fluff is gonna be fine, don't worry.
Stevist Guam, Arthropyria, Pathonia, and Maxifaer