Region: the Pacific
A deafening roar echoes down the streets of Katze. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of men are organized into lines stretching miles with thousands of tanks accompanying them.
Tsar Fluff, adorning an officer’s uniform steps up on the stage in front of the countless civilians watching.
Suddenly everything went quiet in an instant without warning. Not a single chirp could be heard from the crowd.
The street was full of patriotic and propagandistic posters from the Royal Armed Forces with Dushinan flags draped from each window.
Mittens began to speak with his words echoing throughout the streets.
“One hundred and five years ago today Katze was a burning ruin. Hundreds of thousands of people fought in the great war, a war for the independence of Dushina. The independence which was so cruelly stolen from us in the year fifteen twenty five. I’m quite sure everyone here has a grandparent or a great grandparent who fought for our freedom from the colonists. Today we are here to celebrate those great fighters.”
“Sadly, none of them are here to speak today. The last soldier who fought in the Great War on the side of the Dushinan Empire died ten years ago. We will try to make him proud, because the only reason we are here today is because of cats like him who served their country, and who died for their country.”
“At the time the Dushinan military was in a sorry state, we would not get a tank until the 1920s. I’m sure you have all heard about the burning of Katze after our attempt to get independence. One hundred and five years ago, this street would have been a fiery hellhole.”
“In 1918 Dushina had nothing. We barely made it through, famines were common back in those days. Today Dushina is probably the strongest nation in the world and we have our allies to thank for helping us out in those trying times.”
“This parade will show us how much we have changed, how much we have advanced in the past century.”
“Without further ado, the parade shall commence.”
The sound of applause drowned out the sound of tanks starting up and artillery beginning to move.
After the applause began to quiet down a few minutes later, “God Save the Tsar” began to play as soldiers marched down the streets.
Soldiers in black and white uniforms forming the Dushinan flag were the first to march down the street. These soldiers were the most experienced in the whole Dushinan empire.
After the soldiers in black and white uniforms passed, hundreds of commanders and generals were holding the battle standard of the unit they commanded. The sunlight reflecting on the decorations on the soldiers uniform was blinding.
Thousands of veterans of the various wars the Great Empire of Dushina has fought marched down the streets while the music of the Army band echoed, playing old army tunes which would have been sung by the veterans when they served.
An armored core followed quickly behind with artillery and tanks painted black, white and red to honor the national colors of Dushina.
Three gigantic tanks followed quickly behind, painted in similar colors. These tanks had only been paraded once, in a parade back in early October. Many more would be seen by the end of the mighty independence day parade.
This parade would go on for many more hours, going until nightfall.
At around 7PM a firework’s show would begin. By then the parade was reaching its end. Millions of Silver Kittanias would be spent on this hour-long firework show. The main event was saved, of course, for last. The night sky was filled with smoke and beautiful colors. The sound was quite simply deafening, it sounded like artillery was being shot off. Katze sounded like a warzone. The noise shook the ground but the ending would shake it far more.
A Dushinan flag and the number "1918" were created with white fireworks, 1918 was the year Dushina got independence from the German Empire.
These fireworks was not the end, however.
Twenty hastily made rocket pads were built outside of Katze and gigantic firework shells would be shot from them.
The trail of the rockets could be seen for miles. The rockets all fired simultaneously.
Quickly, they shot into the sky. Higher and higher did the rockets climb until they reached their peak.
Then, the rockets went off.
The night sky immediately turned red.
Several minutes later the sky was empty.
The streets and everyone along them fell silent.
The parade was over, however the parade would stick in the minds of cats that attended for years to come.
Really wish I would have had more time to work on this but I said it would be out today so it is out today.
Word Count: 777