Region: the Pacific
On July 15th, 2023 in the Guyana Territory a rocket was launched.
'Nessie', a 284 foot tall rocket with a maximum payload of over 400 tons (800,000 pounds) was the launch vehicle used in this mission.
Nessie Mark IV, the fourth launch of the Nessie class of ships was a extreme success. Several experienced astronauts were sent on this mission for the goal of setting up a small base on the lunar surface.
Miss Allan, head of the Dushinan Space Organization and science advisor to Mittens R. Fluff was happy to let the Katze Chronicles conduct an interview:
Interviewer: "Greeting Miss Allen! Nice to meet you."
Miss Allen: "I'm very happy that we were able to conduct this interview, I hope that the travel wasn't to horrid."
Interviewer: "Oh no.. not at all."
"I'm not exactly familiar with space stuff, so how big is this achievement?"
Miss Allen: "It's massive, I can't really tell you the extent of how big this is. I wish I was able to see the launch but unfortunately I was out of Dushina at the time.
We're hoping that we can send up many more astronauts up to the moon, they will stay up there for six or so months? I believe we are working on a way to keep it manned all year round.
The successful launch of this rocket and it's landing on the moon is a massive step for the so-called "Dushinan Solar Empire" or more accurately the
"Lunar Empire of Dushina" would be the correct term.
Interviewer: "Will the future rockets (Nessie Mk. V, Nessie Mk. VI ect.) arrive before the three month period is over."
Miss Allen: "As soon as we get approval of the mission by Mittens R. Fluff then we can launch it."
Interviewer: "You still need to approve the mission?"
Miss Allen: "Sorry, I misspoke."
"As soon as he approves the launch then we can launch it, I called him an hour or two ago and he's gonna send me the official approval in a matter of hours."
Interviewer: "I uh-I heard that you were talking about names such as "Galactic Empire" or "Lunar Empire".. are you seriously considering re-naming Dushina to that?"
Miss Allen: "I've spoke with Mittens and uh.. yeah, we're thinking about it. For a long while our empire has been lacking the whole empire part."
"So I suppose if one of our imperial holdings.. erm, rather all of our imperial holdings are lunar then why shouldn't the name reflect that?"
"Time are changing, Dushina is a technological power and an economic one.. why should our name not reflect our achievements?"
Interviewer: "I suppose."
"Who are the astronauts?"
Miss Allen: "Excellent question!"
"Project Félicette Mk. IV, (nicknamed "Creme Puff" for the longest living cat in history) sent up five astronauts."
"Their names are Nathan S. who is the commander of the mission, Joseff Y. who is junior commander, Stella Welch-
Interviewer: "Stella?" *chuckles*
Miss Allen: "Mhm, an astronaut named Stella. She's a lunar expert, supreme pilot Luna A. and Zoe Heaton is the co-pilot."
"Don't get the roles wrong though, all of them are rigorously trained to be able to handle this mission."
Interviewer: "What's the budget?"
Miss Allen: "Tens of billions, perhaps around 50 billion for the whole project with a few billion a year for upkeep."
Interviewer: "How many astronauts will be stationed on the base at one time?"
Miss Allen: "Tens, perhaps hundreds in the future."
"Currently the base is manned by five astronauts previously mentioned."
"They will be there for about 6 months before returning to earth and it's my goal to expand the program so that many more astronauts are able to experience this momentus ocasion."
Interviewer: "Well I believe that is all of my prepared remarks, do you have anything else to add here?"
Miss Allen: "The focus on science in Dushina is what makes us Kittens, we must always realize that."
654 words (IC)
This is the third part in the series 'Catstronaut', this part is related to the colonization of the moon by Dushina.
The interview takes place out of Dushina as Miss Allen is currently not in Dushina but controlling the mission from abroad.