by Max Barry

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Region: Nordic Lands

Saint Celine wrote:
The 10 Founders of Base Thrud
Welcome to the captivating world of the 10 founders of Base Thrud, the trailblazing pioneers who laid the foundation for what would eventually become a thriving lunar colony and nation. Before Base Thrud transformed into a bustling outpost, it was but a humble mission known as Project Thor—a daring endeavor that pushed the boundaries of human exploration.

In the depths of space, a team of 10 intrepid astronauts embarked on an extraordinary 20-day mission, completely cut off from the comforts and familiarity of Earth. Project Thor aimed to test the limits of human endurance and adaptability in the harsh lunar environment. Little did they know that their successful mission would sow the seeds for the birth of Base Thrud.

Fast forward to the present day, and Base Thrud stands as a testament to the visionary efforts of these remarkable individuals. This factbook delves into the fascinating journeys of the 10 founders, shedding light on their remarkable achievements, personal trajectories, and the diverse paths they have forged since their groundbreaking lunar expedition.

Join us on this captivating exploration as we uncover the current whereabouts and contributions of these tenacious pioneers. From their transformative experiences on the moon's surface to their continued endeavors in various fields, their stories are as diverse as the lunar landscape they once called home.

If you want to read on the members of the crew and their experiences on the mission you can do it here and here

Where are they now?

Temmujin Battulga

Status: Alive
Temmujin Battulga, the esteemed captain of the Thor 1 rocket, played a pivotal role in the early days of Base Thrud. After his successful mission, he embarked on another lunar expedition known as Project Asgard, this time as the leader spearheading the government's efforts to construct the magnificent city of Asgard on the moon's surface. His visionary leadership and unwavering dedication were instrumental in the transformation of Base Thrud from a scientific outpost to an official nation.

During his time on the moon, Temmujin forged a deep connection with Lola Faradova, the brilliant engineer behind the Thor 1 rocket. Their shared passion for space exploration blossomed into a profound bond, and they eventually tied the knot. However, fate had a different plan in store for them.

At the age of 53, Temmujin experienced what he described as a "spiritual awakening." This profound personal revelation led him to make a life-altering decision. He chose to part ways with Lola and bid farewell to Base Thrud, returning to his homeland of Mongolia. Embracing a radically different path, Temmujin abandoned the scientific pursuit that once consumed his life, and instead embraced the serene existence of a nomadic farmer.

Now, at the age of 84, Temmujin resides in the vast Mongolian plains, where he finds solace in the simplicity of rural life. He has traded the lunar landscapes of Base Thrud for the rugged beauty of his homeland, tending to his flock and cherishing the tranquility that comes with a life attuned to nature. Although he has distanced himself from the realm of scientific exploration, his contributions to the foundation of Base Thrud and the moon's colonization will forever be etched in history.

Lola Faradova

Status: Alive
Lola Faradova, the brilliant engineer behind the successful launch of the Thor 1 rocket, remains an iconic figure in the annals of Base Thrud's history. Her exceptional technical prowess and unwavering dedication to advancing space exploration have left an indelible mark on the lunar colony.

Following the triumph of Thor 1, Lola continued to showcase her ingenuity by spearheading the design and development of the revolutionary "Tanngrisnir" rockets. These state-of-the-art spacecraft played a vital role in facilitating travel and trade between Base Thrud and Saint Celine during Project Asgard. Lola's visionary designs enabled the establishment of vital spaceports that would ensure seamless connectivity and foster a thriving lunar economy.

Amidst the challenges and triumphs of her professional journey, Lola's personal life also took significant turns. She and Temmujin Battulga, the captain of Thor 1, forged a deep bond that led to their marriage. Together, they adopted two children, symbolizing their commitment to building a family amidst the wonders of space.

However, the sudden "spiritual awakening" that gripped Temmujin brought about a profound change in their lives. He chose to sever all ties with Lola and their children, leaving her to navigate the complexities of raising a family and pursuing her scientific endeavors alone.

Undeterred by these personal setbacks, Lola's passion for rocketry continued to burn brightly. She delved deeper into her work, pushing the boundaries of technological innovation. In particular, she embarked on groundbreaking research and design projects, focusing on the development of experimental nuclear and electrical rockets. These cutting-edge advancements hold tremendous promise for the future of space exploration and propulsion systems.

Now, in her well-deserved retirement, Lola resides on Base Thrud, surrounded by the echoes of her groundbreaking contributions. At 77 years old, she serves as an inspiration to aspiring engineers and scientists, a living testament to the transformative power of perseverance and unwavering dedication.

Robert James Gould

Status: Alive
Robert James Gould, a pioneering geologist, played a crucial role in the early days of Base Thrud's development. As a member of the Project Thor team, his expertise in studying lunar geology proved invaluable in shaping the colony's future.

Gould's significant contribution to lunar mining came in the form of Project Modi—a groundbreaking initiative that revolutionized the extraction and utilization of lunar resources. Recognizing the moon's vast potential for natural resources, Gould spearheaded efforts to establish a comprehensive lunar mining operation. This ambitious endeavor laid the foundation for the Gould Lunar Mining Corporation, which swiftly emerged as a dominant player in the industry.

Under Gould's visionary leadership, the Gould Lunar Mining Corporation has become the primary entity responsible for extracting and supplying vital materials from the lunar surface. A staggering 73% of all lunar resources utilized today can be attributed to the Corporation's tireless efforts. Gould's commitment to harnessing the moon's mineral wealth has fueled the growth and prosperity of Base Thrud, providing essential resources for its development and expansion.

Though retired from active corporate management, Gould's passion for geology remains undiminished. He continues to explore his deep-rooted fascination with the Earth and celestial bodies as a dedicated hobbyist. His vast knowledge and experience make him a sought-after advisor and mentor for aspiring geologists, ensuring the perpetuation of his legacy within the scientific community.

Furthermore, Gould's entrepreneurial spirit and bold vision extend beyond the moon. The Gould Lunar Mining Corporation is actively exploring opportunities to expand its operations into the asteroid belt—an endeavor that promises to unlock new frontiers of resource extraction and further solidify Base Thrud's position as a hub of scientific and economic innovation.

Neil Jansson

Status: Alive
Neil Jansson, a visionary architect and engineer, played a pivotal role in shaping the living and working spaces of Base Thrud. As the mastermind behind the design of the original lunar habitat pod used during Project Thor, Jansson showcased his ingenuity and expertise in creating sustainable and functional living environments in the harsh lunar conditions.

During Project Asgard, Jansson's talents were further recognized as he took on the responsibility of designing and constructing the essential facilities that would support the growing lunar colony. His innovative approach to lunar architecture not only ensured the safety and well-being of the inhabitants but also promoted efficient resource utilization and environmental sustainability.

Jansson's significant contributions to lunar architecture and engineering did not end with the completion of Project Asgard. Recognizing the importance of sharing his knowledge and inspiring future generations, he took on a teaching role at the esteemed Celinean University of Nodland. Here, Jansson established a groundbreaking course on Lunar Architecture and Engineering, becoming a mentor to countless aspiring architects and engineers eager to contribute to the expansion of humanity beyond Earth.

One of Jansson's notable students was none other than Jan Nilsson, the current Representative of Infrastructure on the Council of Thrud. Nilsson, a shining example of Jansson's influence and inspiration, attributes his career trajectory and passion for lunar infrastructure development to his esteemed mentor. Jansson's teachings have helped shape the foundation of Nilsson's approach to lunar construction, as he strives to carry forward Jansson's legacy of innovative and sustainable design principles.

At 73 years old, Jansson continues to impart his wisdom and expertise as a dedicated teacher at the University of Nodland. His commitment to nurturing the next generation of lunar architects and engineers ensures that his invaluable knowledge and visionary thinking will live on through the minds and achievements of his students.

Buzz Sullivan

Status: Deceased
Buzz Sullivan, a brilliant rocket engineer, played a crucial role in the early stages of lunar exploration as part of Project Thor. His expertise and dedication to rocket design were instrumental in the successful launch of the Thor 1 rocket. However, during Project Asgard, his ambitions to continue designing rockets were overshadowed by the exceptional skills of Lola Faradova, and he faced disappointment when his contributions were not as prominent as he had hoped.

Undeterred by this setback, Sullivan embarked on a new path, driven by a strong desire to contribute to the growth and development of Base Thrud. His passion for improving the quality of life on the lunar colony led him to transition into the realm of politics. Serving as a leader and advocate for the advancement of Base Thrud, Sullivan's charismatic and determined leadership is widely rumored to have positively influenced the colony in numerous aspects, fostering progress and inspiring others.

Among those inspired by Sullivan's leadership was Steven Armstrong, the current Representative of Diplomacy on Base Thrud. Armstrong, recognizing the impact of Sullivan's visionary approach, drew inspiration from his predecessor's dedication and commitment to the betterment of the lunar community.

In a testament to their shared vision for Base Thrud's future, Armstrong and Sullivan found themselves in direct competition during their respective campaigns for the position of representative. However, tragedy struck when it was revealed that Sullivan had been silently battling stomach cancer for years. His condition deteriorated rapidly, and he passed away at the age of 53 before the election concluded.

Honoring Sullivan's final wish, his body was entrusted to a rocket, allowing him to embark on a poignant journey. As the rocket soared into Earth's atmosphere, Sullivan's remains were cremated, transforming him into a luminous shooting star—a symbolic tribute to a visionary who dedicated his life to the pursuit of exploration and progress.

Ayzia Aoyama

Status: Alive
Ayzia Aoyama, an exceptional botanist, played a pivotal role in the early lunar missions as the designated expert in cultivating plants on the lunar surface. Her groundbreaking work in developing sustainable farming methods and establishing greenhouses laid the foundation for a self-sufficient lunar colony. During Project Asgard, Aoyama spearheaded the ambitious initiative to construct eco domes and greenhouses, which continue to provide sustenance for the inhabitants of Base Thrud.

A true visionary, Aoyama's contributions extended beyond the confines of Base Thrud. She revolutionized the approach to sustainable living on the moon with her invention of "Pod Burial." This innovative concept involves utilizing lunar regolith as a natural composting agent for enriching the lunar soil and creating a sustainable ecosystem. Aoyama's ingenious technique has significantly enhanced the lunar agricultural practices, ensuring the long-term viability of food production.

While Aoyama has retired from active service, her legacy lives on through her pioneering designs for eco domes and greenhouses. These architectural marvels serve as a testament to her unwavering dedication to advancing lunar agriculture and ensuring the sustenance of the lunar community.

Her visionary work has also inspired the establishment of an independent outpost known as "Terranova." This pioneering outpost, located within a lunar crater, aims to create a closed ecosystem capable of sustaining plant and animal life. Aoyama's expertise and contributions have been instrumental in shaping the foundations of Terranova and propelling the boundaries of lunar scientific exploration.

Tomoya Mukai

Status: Alive
Tomoya Mukai, a brilliant mind in life support systems, played a crucial role as the life support manager during Project Thor. Her expertise and ingenuity were instrumental in designing the oxygen and water tanks that sustained the astronauts during their mission on the moon. Her contributions ensured the safety and well-being of the crew throughout their stay.

During Project Asgard, Mukai's responsibilities expanded as she took on the task of developing emergency tanks to be used in the event of a system failure. Her innovative designs and meticulous planning provided a reliable backup plan to safeguard the lives of the lunar colonists. Her dedication to ensuring the survival and comfort of those living on Base Thrud was invaluable.

Following her tenure at the Saint Celine Aeronautics and Space Administration (SCASA), Mukai transitioned her expertise to a different realm. She embarked on a philanthropic journey, establishing a charity organization focused on providing aid and support to regions affected by natural disasters. Her commitment to making a positive impact on communities in need has earned her admiration and respect worldwide.

Although retired from her regular work, Mukai remains the face of the charity she founded. Her dedication to helping others and her unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes continue to inspire and uplift those in need. Through her charity work, she embodies the spirit of compassion and resilience, leaving a lasting legacy beyond the realm of space exploration.

Olivia Stein

Status: Deceased
Olivia Stein, an exceptional electrical engineer, played a vital role as the electrical manager during Project Thor. Her groundbreaking invention of transparent and flexiable thin solar panels revolutionized the power supply for Base Thrud, providing sustainable and renewable energy for the lunar outpost. Her innovative approach and dedication to clean energy solutions laid the foundation for the colony's power infrastructure.

However, as Base Thrud expanded in size and population after Project Asgard, the demand for electricity exceeded the capabilities of Stein's solar panels. The Celinean government made the decision to introduce a nuclear power plant to meet the growing energy needs of the expanding colony. While this transition marked a significant advancement, it also led to Stein being replaced in her position. The change proved to be a challenging time for her, as she struggled with feelings of depression and a sense of loss.

In a twist of fate, Stein found solace and purpose in her future husband, Yusuf Mardin, who was also a member of the Thor 1 mission. Their shared experiences and mutual understanding created a deep bond, helping Stein navigate through her emotional turmoil. Drawing strength from their relationship, she rediscovered her passion for electrical engineering and decided to share her knowledge and expertise with future generations.

Stein's invaluable experience and technical proficiency led her to pursue a career in academia. She became a revered professor of electrical engineering at a prestigious university in Saint Celine, inspiring and mentoring countless students. Her dedication to education and her commitment to shaping the next generation of engineers left an indelible mark on the field.

Yusuf Mardin

Status: Alive
Yusuf Mardin, an accomplished electrical engineer, played a pivotal role as part of the Thor 1 mission. Working alongside the brilliant Olivia Stein, his expertise and dedication contributed to the successful implementation of the electrical grid during Project Asgard on Base Thrud. During their time together, a deep bond formed between them, though Yusuf never expressed his true feelings for Olivia.

After the transition from solar panels to a nuclear power plant, Yusuf continued his involvement in overseeing the electrical grid, ensuring the smooth operation and distribution of power throughout Base Thrud. However, when Olivia experienced a period of depression following her replacement, Yusuf became her pillar of support. His unwavering presence and care helped her navigate through the challenging times, offering solace and strength.

Recognizing the importance of their relationship, Yusuf made the decision to retire early from his professional responsibilities. His primary motivation was to be with Olivia as she returned to Earth to pursue a career as a professor, sharing her knowledge and inspiring future generations. The couple cherished the time they spent together, celebrating the life they had built and the joy they found in each other's company.

Sadly, the passing of Olivia deeply affected Yusuf, leaving a void in his life. However, he remains grateful for the meaningful years they shared and the profound impact they had on each other. Yusuf continues to cherish their memories, finding solace in the happiness and fulfillment they experienced together.

Although he has stepped back from his professional career, Yusuf holds onto the lessons and experiences gained from his time as an electrical engineer. He appreciates the significance of their work on Base Thrud and the contributions they made to the colony's infrastructure. Their collaboration and dedication to electrical engineering continue to inspire him and serve as a reminder of the remarkable journey they embarked on together.

Yvonne Genet

Status: Alive
Yvonne Genet, the esteemed doctor of Project Thor, played a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and healthcare of the astronauts stationed on the lunar outpost. Despite facing initial misrepresentation and being referred to as a nurse by SCASA and the media, Yvonne's determination and expertise prevailed.

Fuelled by her passion for medicine and a desire to prove her capabilities, Yvonne sought permission and secured corporate and charitable funding to establish the Thrudian Medical Department. This groundbreaking initiative became the primary healthcare provider for the inhabitants of Base Thrud, offering comprehensive medical services and addressing various health concerns and injuries.

Yvonne's unwavering dedication and commitment to her profession led her to make history during her tenure. She had the honor of serving as the attending physician during the historic birth of Luna Martinez, the first child born on the moon. This momentous occasion highlighted the extraordinary progress and possibilities that Base Thrud offered, with Yvonne's expertise and care contributing to the successful delivery.

After a fulfilling career, Yvonne Genet has since retired from her medical responsibilities but continues to reside on Base Thrud. Her legacy as a pioneering figure in lunar medicine and her efforts to establish the Thrudian Medical Department have left an indelible mark on the colony's healthcare system. The department she founded continues to serve as a testament to her perseverance and commitment to ensuring the well-being of Base Thrud's inhabitants.

Yvonne's journey exemplifies the importance of challenging preconceived notions and breaking through barriers in pursuit of one's passions. Her triumphs in the face of adversity have not only propelled her own career but have also paved the way for future medical professionals on the moon.

As she enjoys her retirement on Base Thrud, Yvonne Genet remains a respected and cherished member of the community. Her contributions to the medical field and her commitment to the well-being of the colony's residents will be remembered and celebrated for years to come.

Read factbook

New factbook out, only the real OGs remember when Base Thrud was just another side project. Strangely, while writing this i felt sad, especially for the founders that had died. I mean, i created these people and now I'm killing them, it felt like i was killing my own kids or something.

I am way into this

After several very well made Factbooks, I see that you are a accomplished story teller. :)

Eltopiq, Umivo, Saint Celine, Tennland, and 1 otherLaderas Rojas
