by Max Barry

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Region: the Pacific

Due to the many changes in modern warfare, Mittens R. Fluff has decided after many weeks of thinking and debate to establish the Royal Dushinan Cyber Information Force.
The Royal Dushinan Cyber Information Force (hereinafter referred to as the RDCIF) was created for similar reasons why the Dushinan Space Organization (DSO) may be dissolved and re-incorporated
into the military due to the changing needs and priorities of a new Dushina. The Royal Dushinan Military Space Force (RDMSF) may replace the DSO but several major figures in the
DSO and other government offices are calling to keep the military out of space as space should be saved for future generations and should not be a battleground, a sentiment
echoed by MP Bella Shepherd and MP Allen Nicholson of DAP and SAP respectively.

The RDCIF has already gathered 50,000 new recruits from various security corporations throughout Dushina to improve the security through the branches of Dushina.
Very few of the citizens in the RDCIF have been conscripted into the Dushinan Empire's Armed Forces, they are mostly there on their own accord. The RDCIF has a much
shorter 'physical portion' of the military entrance exam which may have brought in more people but don't be fooled, it still is a fairly rigourus exam both mentally
and physically. The RDCIF employs some of the newest technologies and helps keep the rest of the armed forces safe and keeps our enemies wary.

One of the new innovations of the RDCIF is something very simple but useful; raising the integer limit in all military vehicles to at least 64 bit or in some cases
128 bit which will make sure the devices don't overflow until 15:30:08 UTC December 04, 292,277,026,596 or 16:02:08 UTC April 18, 5,391,559,471,918,239,497,011,222,876,596.
Some call the increase 'useless' and 'very pointless; it will be obsolete by the time the year comes around' but accuracy is very important to the RDCIF. Another important
innovation is avoiding the use of simple passwords that can be solved by a brute force attack and mandating 13< character passwords throughout all of Dushina so that
a brute force attack would be entirely useless because it would take nearly 900,000 years to crack; leaving the only way to find it a data leak.

The leader of the RDCIF will be Doctor Elena Pace who is one of the most experienced in her field. She officially became head of the RDCIF on Monday 6th of 2023
and she was picked by The Dushinan Parliament and Mittens R. Fluff after looking over various other candidates for the position. Miss Pace hopes to overhaul much of
the Dushinan military and try to bring the military up to the 21st century with some of the policies she hopes to put in place. Her first order of business was to
design the uniform of the RDCIF which was finalized on Friday the 10th of 2023 to the excitement of all military recruits who were stuck wearing old army
uniforms from storage (which aren't exactly great for use of in an office building.)

The dress uniform design can be seen below:

Wrote this up when I was bored, might not be any good but I tried.

Stickacia, Jar Wattinree, Arthropyria, and Channel union
