by Max Barry

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Region: The Social Liberal Union

August Regional Update: Y'all There's So Much Happening

That's right. It's another update from ya delegate, Toonela!

Since last time:
- Goanya became a member state with the passage of Amendment 13 to the World Assembly Membership Requirement Waiver Resolution! Congrats!
- Europeia and SLU participated in a weeks-long World Assembly Staff Swap, giving each other's teams tours of the inner workings of each other's respective offices and operations. Our thanks to our counterparts for their participation in the observation mission. The SLU has given its final report to our ally, indicating the end of the learning exchange.
- The SLU Public Opinion Survey, designed and carried out by the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, was deployed and completed. That form is now closed, but our thanks to the 20 resident/member states who responded, for their participation and feedback! Here's some of the key results, per the MoDA:

"Public Opinion Survey Recap

Server/regional improvements
60% of respondents supported a World Assembly discussion channel on the discord server. The same number supported town halls with government members. Other popular proposals were more game nights, culture competitions, and a new roleplay format.

Game nights
The 2 most popular games were cards against humanity and among us, with 50% and 45% of respondents requesting them, respectively. was also a relatively popular game, with 35% supporting it.

Culture events
A vast majority of respondents supported a joint event with an embassy region. 50% also supported a roleplay-related competition. Other popular responses were a short story contest, flag-designing competition, and food-recipe competition. One person supported a combination of all of these."

You can find the full results, including Delegate and Minister approval ratings, in the #region channel on the Discord!

- Erynia and Draconia and I passed our Bar Exams! All that hard work (it was open book) paid off. Go us!

Currently & ongoing:
- "CoL in Vit(r)o", a character-driven RP scenario in the Discord (check the thread under #diplomacy) that has brought back the Council of Leaders format after a short absence, continues!
- Minister of Domestic Affairs Erynia and Draconia continues the search for new Union Tribune writers. Have your voice heard and volunteer by reaching out to him.
- The #music thread is open on the Discord server under #general for your posting pleasure. Recommend us the good stuff you're jamming to! Sharing is caring.
- Speaker Helvurium wants YOU to take the Bar Exam and join the hallowed halls of SLU's many great legal minds! Contact them via Discord or telegram.
- Election Administrator Anaaxes is accepting nominations for the next Speaker of the Union race at: Nominate yourself or a friend!
- Per Speaker Helvurium:

"Amendment 1 to the Office of World Affairs Assembly Establishment Act is now at vote for a 7 day period! Vote here:

Discussion thread here:
Text of amendment here:"

- Our friends in Europeia continue to recruit for their inter-regional Survivor game, which you can join (I can't participate but will be watching):
- Hang out at the Carnival of Celebrations, Percy Jackson-style, with friends from across NS:

Event Schedule:

Times are listed using both EST and UTC for convenience. Use Linkthis site for easy time zone conversion.

Sunday, August 7th

Monday, August 8th

  • All Day: Hang out with new friends and prepare to party! - Sign-ups continue

Tuesday, August 9th

  • All Day: Hang out with new friends and prepare to party! - Sign-ups continue

  • 11:59 PM EDT (3:59 UTC): Nation Ejection Contest sign-ups close, elimination begins

Wednesday, August 10th

  • All Day: Official event start, points tallying begins!

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword / 24-Hour IO Game (

  • All Day: Opening of Percy's Meme-Off by the Volleyball Court

  • All Day: Submissions for Chiron's Boombox begin by the Canoe Lake

  • All Day: Submissions for the yearly Camp Bead Contest open

  • All Day: The Camp Half-Blood Roleplay begins, sign-ups remain open thru the entire event

Thursday, August 11th

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword / 24-Hour IO Game (

  • 6:00 PM EDT (10:00 PM UTC): Percy Jackson Kahoot Trivia Session hosted by HumanSanity

Friday, August 12th

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword

  • 6:00 PM EDT (10:00 PM UTC): Ancient Greek Kahoot Trivia Session hosted by Sammy

  • 9:00 PM EDT (1:00 AM UTC): hosted by Evrigenis

Saturday, August 13th

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword

  • 12:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM UTC): Chiron's Boombox closes submissions, voting begins

  • 1:00 PM EDT (5:00 PM UTC): Percy Jackson Kahoot Trivia Session hosted by Sammy

  • 4:00 PM EDT (8:00 PM UTC): Optional listening session for Chiron's Boombox in Pavilion VC

Sunday, August 14th

Monday, August 15th

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword

  • All Day: Public voting on Percy's Meme-Off begins after submissions close

  • 1:00 PM EDT (5:00 PM UTC): hosted by Thedarios

  • 7:00 PM EDT (11:00 PM UTC): Percy Jackson Text-Based Trivia with Nakari

Tuesday, August 16th

  • All Day: Percy Jackson Themed Crossword / 24-Hour IO Game (

  • All Day: Voting for Chiron's Boombox ends, results are announced

  • 11:00 AM EDT (3:00 PM UTC): Percy Jackson Text-Based Trivia hosted by Asche

Wednesday, August 17th

Read dispatch

- Join Deputy Minister of Domestic Affairs Masdobo this Friday, August 19th at 6:00PM EDT for a game of Cards Against Humanity on our Discord server!
- The Cabinet is hard at work evaluating the results of the Public Opinion Survey.
- NSLeft's World Assembly Voluntary Expedition committee, chaired by yours truly, continues to make progress discussing the future of the alliance's relationship to the World Assembly. Join the NSLeft Discord to participate!
- Today, August 16th, is the tenth anniversary of our region's first feature on the World page. In celebration of Featured Day, we're subjecting Minister of Foreign Affairs Goncar, one of the longest serving members of SLU government, to our very first RMB Town Hall! For the next 24 hours, you can make Goncar feel like the beau of a New England ball, asking him questions about his job, how he got started in the region, why on Earth he continues to put up with us, and just generally grilling him! Have fun and be nice.

Okay, that's all for me. What a report! Here's to another happy weekday!
