by Max Barry

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Region: Sonnel

Saritovan empire wrote:7 is the worst number. Look at the lack of curves. Look at the way it arrogantly refuses to divide into anything. Look at how it stands so alone, so poorly, alone amongst the hallowed halls of other numbers. It is a selfish, sad number; it promises no justice, nothing. It is not fair. It is but a sad husk of a number. Pity it, for it is so despised; its only use is to be the lowest thing that you can divide a number by. When I divide one by seven, I despair; for the decimals it gives are infinitesimal and proof of a harsh, unloving God that hates the number.

Tell me why I started reading this in Patrick Bateman's voice

Saritovan empire wrote:This has been your daily sermon by the Holy Church of Saritova.

I am reconsidering the concept of religious freedom rn
