by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Arabia eudaimon

OOC: It's me, Infiny. This is an approved puppet account, just FYI.
Aden, The Yemeni State

Yusef sat in his apartment, as he thought of what had happened. He looked at the poster on his wall, “الديمقراطية الآن!” it said, democracy now. Even before the death of al Beidh, he had been one of the few who took to the street to voice his demand to the socialist administration in charge. He reminisced of those days, where he and his friends would stand up for what was right.

But now those days where long gone, and when the dust of the revolution had settled, he did not find himself happy, elated, or freed. Not in the slightest. He looked out the window as he saw a large smoke cloud coming from the shores. Another bombardment, by whatever toy it is they have taken out this time, he thought to himself, disillusioned. The revolution that he and his peers had so hopefully started seven years ago had been taken from them quickly, appropriated, by those who saw nothing but an opportunity to get power, in name of whatever ideology they claimed to represent.

“Seven years ago... lord. Has it really been that long?”

He walked to the fridge, got some soda he had left, and turned up the radio. Maybe he was able to get a signal from anywhere, a Masriqi or Infinian channel perhaps. He had no idea what was going on anymore. The constant explosions gave him the impression that the war had far from concluded, but the exact status of control and fronts? No clue.

But to his surprise, he did not hear either of those. Instead, he heard coverage in what he clearly recognized as being Yemeni Arabic. But who was able to broadcast right now? The quality was unusually high. Was it from here?

“No longer shall our....”

Static again. He clearly only caught the ending of whatever speech whoever was giving. He walked away. He didn’t have any internet, no television, nothing. Maybe get some sleep, and hope tomorrow would be a brighter day. He walked outside his small living chamber, into his bedroom.

“the stain of socialism on our god-fearing brethren will be removed! ALL...”

He turned. So it was them. This was not good.

Romanovskaya, Duma, and The mashriq khilafat
