by Max Barry

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Region: Ersetum

Expansion Post
(Because I can't handle those 3 tiles that I don't own)

Epilogue of the Ostemburg Rebellion

City of Ostemburg | East Sonneria

It was a gloomy morning for those waking up in Ostemburg, it was even gloomier when you consider that just yesterday the city was the site of the Ostemburg Rebellion's last stand which meant the city practically looked torn apart. Piles of rubble lay on the streets, smoke from just-burnt-out fires filled the atmosphere while carriages were transporting the deceased back and forth. The city's inhabitants were stepping out of what remained of their homes, their clothes dirty and ragged while their bodies looked malnourished - their nerves tired beyond imagination. One mother with her three children were sitting by the porch of their home... or what was left of it, the backside of their house was obliterated so they slept on their floor, on dirty, torn apart mattresses.

"Hey Marie, long time no see." A man wearing a white polo shirt and khaki slacks underneath a great coat approached the woman, whose name was Marie, bringing her out of her trance.

"Oh, hey Claus," Said Marie to the man, Claus.

"How have you been doing? I'm sorry for the loss of your home," Claus said as he sat down beside her on the stairs into her home.

"Living in half a house, no electricity, no food, no water. Never been better." Said Marie in a sarcastic, but not frustrated, tone. She was one of the people who were quick to accept their situation. Unlike others who've been wailing and crying for gods know how long, she couldn't get any peace last night from all their sobbing.

"I feel ya. I heard the Alussians are gonna bring rations soon, it'll be arriving at Karslander Park in a few hours. I was hoping you'd come with me so we don't have to wait a long while."

"Yeah sure, might leave Alicia and Heiko in Miss Caroline's care."

"Oh yeah, why's teach in Ostemburg anyways? Last I heard she went back to her home at Hubrechtstadt."

"Apparently the rebel army turned Hubrechstadt into another one of their battlefields, fought tooth and nail for every square inch of land which forced people out. Thinking about what they did to the city still sickens me," Marie said, she was mentally pissed for what the rebels did to many of their territories. They were incessantly so stubborn that they practically turned many cities into ruins just because they didn't want the royal army to take them, this resulted in thousands of refugees, most of which are still in Ostemburg because they thought the rebels wouldn't dare to risk Ostemburg's safety.

Marie was one of those who despised the Ostemburg Rebellion. They spoke of conserving Sonnerian culture but it seemed more like an excuse to form a dictatorship all while squeezing what they could out of their own people through heavy taxes all for the ``sake of freedom and preserving integrity``, 'What a pile of horse-sh**.' thought Marie.


As the two waited at their spot, surrounded by many others - all equally looking just as bad as them - they saw a caravan of military trucks drive down the road, each one had a blue cross with the iconic orange Alussian flag.

As the trucks stopped in front of the gathering crowd, soldiers began pouring out from the back before pulling out large wooden crates and setting them down at the side of the vehicles where the people were gathered. Next, they began setting up some sort of stall and hung a sign that read 'Rations Here!' in bold white text.

"Alright, everyone line up, you'll each get an equal amount of rations. I don't wanna see any pushing or infighting, else I'll eat your supposed breakfast in front of you." Yelled one of the soldiers who was dressed in a black officer's tunic with furisode sleeves and black shorts tucked tightly into his equally black leather boots.

As the crowd gathered, infighting began to sprout almost immediately.

"Hey, I was there first a**hole!" Yelled a man dressed in a blue long-sleeved collared shirt with a brown vest over it and black pants folded up to his knees.

"Shut the hell up you lying piece of sh**, you were out of the line!" Yelled another man, this time barely dressed in just a ragged tank-top and khaki shorts.

"Hey, hey! I said no infighting, both of you cut it out!" The same soldier - or officer - approached them holding a black baton.

When the two bickering adults ignored him and began to throw punches at each other, the officer gave a hand-signal to the other soldiers who then began separating the two, and when they resisted, they were knocked out cold with the stock of a rifle.

"Damn rough-housers," Snickered the officer before returning to his post. The day went on without any other issue as the civilians were scared sh**less and didn't want to see a rifle stock slamming into their noggins. Marie and Claus got their rations and returned home just like the rest.

Neo-Irkalla, Great koya, and Sintene
