by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Tristar Message

"Perhaps it is too late for the world to change course. Perhaps we are headed towards a darkness that will cover the world. The darkness isn't physical, but a manifestation in the collective minds. People push for freedom but are undermined by the collective Judas. Those who believe in peace are the ones that find peace. Those who thrive in war are the ones who will thrust the world into a chaotic time. Sadly, the warmongers are in power.

America has its hands around the globe, pulling strings from behind the curtain. They may not be the lead actor, but are the director of the entire play. The sun is rising once again over the Pacific and it is only a matter of time before the rays shine down to the Earth once again. Continent to continent, powers will rise and clash. People will be killed needlessly, or taken from their homes. War is coming, but it doesn't have to. Take the warmongers out of office and strive to fix the problems diplomatically instead of with needless bloodshed. You have the tools, now, you must do the work. You are not alone. We are Tristar. We are watching."

Imperial Eagle, Central America Federation, and The hellenes league
