by Max Barry

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Region: Middle Earth Roleplay

GM Message

UPDATE 16 has been posted !


Unfortunately, the player behind the nation of Elvea-Falasse is unable to continue playing. I have maintained conversations with them via TGs but due to RL issues they officially decided to withdraw from the roleplay. They have asked me to play with their faction (as a NPC) for the remaining 4 updates of the Roleplay - I can do that if you people are also interested in this; otherwise, I'll just keep them like I did the faction of Rohan (in case the player behind it wanted to come back to the RP)

I will add IC messages for the NPC factions later on.

Update 16 is accessible via the following link:


More info:


You can fight for Favouritism points by creating an army and giving it a destination; to attack a particular province the other faction owns. Any such decision must be clearly made in your In-Character post, (to distinguish this from a regular army attack against neighbouring factions).

If you attack Broken Tooth Tribe's territories you get +50 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.
If you want to attack Broken Tooth Tribe's territories but you are not bordering them, then your army that is sent towards their lands can move 2 ticks away towards them:
- irrespective of any other army orders you give in that update (so you still have a maximum movement of 3 ticks or one of 2 ticks and unlimited of 1 tick)
- irrespective of your diplomacy status with your neighbouring factions (you don't have to be allied/friends with and you don't have to wait 1 update whenever you cross a border into another faction's land; as long as they let you walk through their lands - you first have to discuss this).

If you attack Kingdom of Arthedain's territories you get +40 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.
If you want to attack Kingdom of Arthedain's territories but you are not bordering them, then your army that is sent towards their lands can move 2 ticks away towards them:
- irrespective of any other army orders you give in that update (so you still have a maximum movement of 3 ticks or one of 2 ticks and unlimited of 1 tick)
- irrespective of your diplomacy status with your neighbouring factions (you don't have to be allied/friends with and you don't have to wait 1 update whenever you cross a border into another faction's land; as long as they let you walk through their lands - you first have to discuss this).

If you attack Clan Frostbeard's territories you get +20 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.

If you attack The Defender's Fjord's territories you get +10 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.

If you attack Empire of Coldvar's territories you get +5 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.

If you attack Corsairs of Umbar's territories you get +5 more Favouritism points per province taken from them.


  • Any faction is able to take advantage of the above bonuses if they have less than the max number of provinces or if they attack other factions that have at least +2 more provinces than the number of provinces they currently own, irrelevant of the amount of provinces they have (so if you have 6 provinces you can attack only other factions that have 8+ provinces).

  • You will not be at war with the other faction if you do not share a border. Your army set to attack for Favouritism points must be clearly mentioned In-Character, as it will have a special army icon. You can only attack an enemy province at their borders, you can't attack their innermost province (and end up attacking any of their other provinces in the process).

  • You can move 1 or 2 ticks (provinces away) per update with this particular army, irrelevant of any other armies you have or army orders you give to your other armies. You can tranverse any faction borders instantly (without having to wait 1 turn on the other side of the border). However, you must ask permission from any faction your army will encounter in their march forward. If you do not get permission or your permission is denied then you will attack and fight for that province, it in turn turning neutral / barbarian afterwards.

  • If your army reaches the destination and it wins, then the remainder of your army returns to your capitol and the province will turn neutal and have as extra defenders half of your remainder army strength. If your army can not reach the destination, you can either disband it (and it'll return to your capitol just injured if its at most 4 provinces away from your faction's border or it'll return to your capitol injured and unable to move for 1 turn if its more than 4 provinces away from your faction's border) or send more troops as reinforcements to it (either as normal army movements if the army is close or as "another" favouritism army).

  • Other faction armies can merge with your army but they will get at maximum half of the bonuses you get (linearly depending on how many troops they send compared to your numbers) and they will fight with 50% forces. You must have either a Friendship or an Alliance with other factions for their armies to merge with your army. For merging, the friends armies must be in the same province as your attacking force.

  • Your army will lose 5% army strength numbers per turn for any turn it is not in your own provinces or your official allies provinces.

  • You do not lose any Favouritism points per update if you do not do anything else in the update (attack or be attacked).

  • If you've been the target of such an attack and at a later time you fight to take back the province (against the neutral army now residing there) and you win, you will get 7 more Favouritism points.



Clan Frostbeard - message 1 of 4

After only a short time in Forochel, the garrisons were well armed fell in with the remaining divisions, meant to move to the bordes if any imprudently action form the trolls fell upon dwarven soil.

The high commander Toremrouk, suggested to King Dralvik that the divitions be placed as soon a possible to supporter the border.

As Dralvik recived the replied message of Torogok, warchief of the Trollshaw Realm, that he will take care of the scolded trolls that rambled across the border and at the same time some reports of Baldur, were informing an increase of the trolls troops. Dralvik was appalled. He was walking in the throneroom trying to figure what to do about it, torn between Torogok's word and his cousin's.

In the end, he knew that blood was thicker than water. Be loyal to the his kin prevailed over the troll's word once again, and he approached the Commander's house, revealing his dilemma. Toremrouk listened to his tale and suggested to send some herd of tamed boars guarded by the garrisons to Ettenmoors and see what happen. He was sure that if the trolls saw the tribute with good eyes they will no became hostile towards the southerns regions;
Dralvik approved the old commander's plan.

The next day at Khazâd-gund, the folks cheered and wished good well to the parting soldiers headed by commander Toremrouk. The King saluted the troops as the marched, he was sorrowful as he watched the army fade in the distance.

Dralvik's face showed both concern and pain, since added to his concerns, the trolls, the Dru's response yet to come and the welfare if his people. He couldn't help but wince while waving at the departing troops, and touch his right side, the wound that he had received long ago in Angmar was bleeding once again.

Sends a herd of tamed boars to Ettenmoors.
Moves 1240 soldiers from Forochel to Upper Rhudaur.
Still waits for a response from Garahir, of the Druwaith Folk


Woodland Enclave - message 1 of 1

Taking control of the vineyards of Dorwinion, Tulin Ironflow spent many days in a drunken haze. He is mentioned to have said something along the lines of "where there's hard work to be done, there's a harder drink waiting at the end". After many kegs, and after hearing of the Broken Tribe orcs approach from Horse Plains and from Middle Rhovanion, Tulin was all but ready to ride to battle against overwhelming odds and his retainers had to strap him to a horse and lead him away.

The whole army in Dorwinion are moving back to the more secure plains of Iron Hills, while the army located in the forests of Western Mirkwood are to move to the Heart of Mirkwood.

Army in Dorwinion moves to Iron Hills
Army in Western Mirkwood moves to Heart of Mirkwood


Corsairs of Umbar - message 1 of 1

The Corsairs were careful enough not to forget taking their tributes from the Empire and from the Broken Tooth tribe. They needed them, as the Corsairs were planning to dethrone the king of Rohan.

After spies have returned to Angamaith with information about the layout of the land and the defending forces of the castle in Rohan, he soon determined that his force is sufficient for this mammoth of a task. Angamaith needed no additional help, he yet again goes against an other faction of the land to erradicate it; while other faction leaders keep exchanging pleasantries he goes with both hammer and anvil and solves the matter by force.

Commander Angamaith felt that it was the just way to conduct business, and was slightly displeased with the way his allies go about in the back-and-forth games with their preys. He sent forth a message to his two allies:

"Allies, the steward of Rohan was very unresponsive to my measly demands. Little did I know at that time, but I have since found out, that he is backed by an imposing standing army of roughly 6500 troops, give or take how many are defending the walls and posts of his castle.

Nonetheless, I am prepared to match his 6500 troops with my own hard-trained soldiers, and, incidentally, with some of your own that you so welcomly volunteered to offer to me to train!

Soon enough I will finish with the scare of Rohan and I can move to greener pastures. My question is, any of you have any need of me and my soldiers? Obviously that is going to cost you, but among friends we can definitely work something out ..."

Attack Rohan with all from Anorien and 720 from Harondor
Send a message to the Empire of Coldvar and to the Broken Tooth Tribe, offering army assistance to their fights in return for some cost yet to be decided


Trollshaw Realms - message 1 of 1

Torogok received the offer of a herd of tamed boards from the dwarves of Forochel with open arms. Obviously, arms as open as suspiciously possible, considering that Torogok's scouts reported a significant dwarf-army moving in the shadows behind the boar gift.

The troll was uneasy as much as he was divided. The hardships of his past come to haunt him yet again, while his grip of the Trollshaws diminishes and the menace of the North increases. Torogok calculated that the dwarves will soon have enough strength to mount an assault on the Ettenmoors, and that their most recent gifts are just to soften the trolls. With that in mind, a message is to be sent to the Clan Frostbeard.

"Thank you for your gifts in nature. We the trolls of Ettenmoors appreciate them and will use them, guaranteed. Making amends for past transgressions is a noble path for a dwarf of the icy mountains, although the trolls of Ettenmoors are uneasy after hearing the news that a huge dwarf army is amassing in Upper Rhudaur.

Do you know anything of this? Should we prepare ourselves for a future conflict, or, rather, simply return your boars if you have other ideas for the future relations among our lands?"

Torogok looked at the herd of tamed boars. "For food?" He questioned himself. "If they're tamed, they could as well be mounted.". And then an other idea came to his mind; something that involved boars, barrels, black powder, a fuse, and, obviously, the element of surprise.

Send a message to the Clan Frostbeard, thanking for the gift and inquiring about the army amassing in Upper Rhudaur


Kingdom of Arthedain - message 1 of 1

Conflict was brewing. Soon enough, the army of the Empire of Coldvar is to reach the lands of the Kingdom of Arthedain. After the last engagement between the two, King Minyatur recognized the prowess of the soldiers of Coldvar, and their impetuosity in battle.

The king was unsure if King Naves was personally in the battle in Nan Curunir, as the Empire's king is famous for his skill on the battlefield and few can hope to match him in single combat; if he was, then the army of Arthedain certainly stood no chance;

There was also the question of where the Empire plans to strike; And with the elves of Elvea-Falasse unresponsive for a significant amount of time, the only friendship King Minyatur has is the one with the dwarf up the mountains. Before confronting the Empire, the Kingdom of Arthedain was counting on what outside support they can get for the battle that is to come;

"King Dralvik of Clan Frostbeard,

My message to you comes today as the Men armies of the Empire of Coldvar are marching on my lands, after declaring war on me. King Naves of the Empire is pushing to increase his dominion, and he is rumored to be extremely dangerous; talk of his red eyes and violent stare is common among the people of Enedhwaith, around the times when we shared a border with them.

Could I count on your support in pushing back this imperialistic wannabe?"

Send a message asking for support from Clan Frostbeard in the soon-to-be conflict with the Empire of Coldvar


Druwaith Folk - message 1 of 1

Garahir of the Dru received a curious message, accompanied by gifts, from a king of dwarves. "Of Khazâd-gund? Where is this Khazâd-gund? In the distant North? Oh, in Forochel?"

Garahir took the gifts and further analyzed them. They were quite interesting and new to the Dru king. He then brought one to his nose, gently smelling it, then tasting it with the tip of his tongue. He then looked at it with suspicious eyes, as if there was something hidden inside the ore. Couldn't explain the taste ....

Garahir continued to read the letter from King Dralvik II. There was talk of an old matter, of a party of dwarves commisioned to do some work ... something they swore secrecy to. He was displeased; are dwarves not to be trusted any longer with oaths of silence? If he knew the dwarves couldn't keep their mouths shut then he could have terminated them on the spot! But no, the Druwaith keep and keep and keep on trusting others ... the Druwaith never learn.

Garahir wrote a message to be sent to the king of Clan Frostbeard.
"The Druwaith Folk than you for your message and for your most gracious gifts. The rest of your message, however, is shrouded in a darker tint and I'd rather address it right now.

It is most unfortunate that the dwarves you speak of have not kept their mouths shut, as they have been paid hefty for their silence regarding what they have seen. Now, as the deed is done, I hope that we can at least keep the matter among ourselves.

You may or may not know, but a recent series of disasters threaten the Dru with extinction. We were pushed back from our lands by an union of men and other races from beyond the seas and the orc scum that live around Gorgoroth, Nurn and the Horse Plains. In the course of searching for answers to our current dillema, as well as a safe refuge to our people, one of our scholars recalled the legend of Roon-buri-Run settlement.

It is an old legend of our folk, Roon-buri-Run being a female sorceress and a high scholar, one of the last ones that still knew how to interpret the primordial language of the Dru, since the years of the beginnings of our race. She was the queen of the Dru for many years, until an evil lord assumed control and pushed her away. She, and a few followers, ran and hid in caves away from the eyes of the remaining Dru; there, they built a mage workshop, a ceremonial center and many other wonderful and mysterious matters I'd rather not discuss about; the main point to take from the legend is that they spent the rest of their years in secluded isolation.

By chance, we stumbled upon old writings regarding the whereabouts of the ancient ceremonial center. The Dru assigned to dwelve into it and unlock its secrets arrived long before your dwarves, and, predictably, they accomplished very little up to that point.

Attempting to keep a low profile, our Dru folk slowly moved out of Ithilien and the lands beyond, and we made no push to reclaim our lost lands - as we were trying to establish a base around the new source of power towards the Misty Mountains; we paid the dwarves to mine the entrance of the cave. We are unsure of the back-history of that place, but we know that our folk need the halls as a sanctuary, and the treasures left by our exiled ancestors remain hallowed Dru property."

The Druwaith Folk replied to Clan Frostbeard, saying that all treasures left behind are hallowed Dru property


Clan Frostbeard - message 2 of 4

-- At the Ironbreakers settlement in Upper Rhudaur --

It seemed as if Upper Rhudaur had always housed the dwarves of the Blue Mountains, the legions of Iron-Breakers under the command of Baldur had made an incredible advance settleing up the place, the houses of course had the typical strong sharp patterns of the Western mountains, combined with the mixed colours of iron and red, typical colour of the soldiers from Forochel, and gold and blue, those colours typical of the Blue mountains. It was a beautiful surprise to the eyes of a veteran dwarf like Toremrouk, upon reaching his destination.

"King Dralvik and Thane Nrulvim will be stunnig to see this place Baldur!, you truly contribute to unite this folks", said Toremrouk closing the shutter behind him: "But before showing me around I got something for you... please, take a sit".

Baldur nooded, the High commander took out a map, and both dwarves discussed the matter on Durin's Axe for a while and discuss Dralvik's further plan.

At night-time, commander Baldur and his lieutenants were around a campfire talking about their respectibe adventures and travels.

"Aye... I used to be a miner, as was my father before me, a common laborer in the mines of Mount Dolmer..." said one of the dwarves while combing his bright red beard and hoisting a mug of ale : "...the work was honorable but paid poorly, I was still a lad back then, so I could apply for enlist myself in the Iron-Breakers... best job I ever had". The rest of the group nooded and agreed whit these last statment.

After a silent moment one of the youngest dwarf asked to Baldur: "Sorry for the daring Baldur, but what is the story of Dralvik? Why is he so withdrawn and you are so happy? Being both of the same blood. No intention of offending you of course"

The group made an alarm noise as if the question was offensive, but Baldur calmed them down and responded: "it's alright lads, its alright... hes from the Blue Mountains he does not know the tale...". Baldur settled into his seat and said: "In my first years, there was great rejoicing in Forochel - a lad - had been born to King Drolvuk Frozenhelm and the Ice Lady. A king, the folk sang, a king is born to us! For among the dwarves of Forochel, the birth of an heir is a sure sign of future prosperity.

When the time came round for the Dralvik's rite of hunting the Bronze-Scaled Whale. Father and son embarqued in a skiff, at the docks of the nearly new city of Khazâd-gund. I remeber that cause I rushed straight home and tell my oldlady ", Baldur made a paused and breathing deeply he continued: "it is said that the hunting went well for Dralvik and his father at first... but then only the a skiff and chunks of wood returned to the docks... father and son were missing.

Toremrouk's party scouted around the Ice bay looking for the corpses, but instead they found King Drolvuk's body and Dralvik surrounded by a large group of Wolf-hides. They said that Dralvik's eyes reflected a mind not enteraly of his own as his weapon crush every Wolf-hide standing near by...
the smile and his sensitivity that had been so characteristic in his childhood, was lost that day... the loss of his father marked him deeply. Dralvik always blamed himself for the loss of his father, he became more withdrawn and thoughtful... but don't let his appearance fool you, my cousin is still in an internal struggle with his feelings, between being and showing... between feeling and thinking... that's why he is a great leader in my eyes and a wise one."
, Baldur finished his drink.

The group fell silent, thinking about Dralvik's story, feeling empathy for the loss of a loved one, something they all shared.

Baldur felt some discomfort in the group, as each of the members thought of their loved ones.

"But cheer up lads!, here's something you might like", Baldur pulled out a map with the Khazâd-gund library stamp from his clothes: "This is a big one... I need volunteers to look for what appears to be the axe of Durin... Aye, aye I know, I know... It has been checked by the scholars. My cousin got the news a couple of days ago and he sent me the map where the relic was discovered. Currently the Dru have the axe, Dralvik has started diplomatic relations. But we need people inside in case diplomacy fails. The group will go undercover and without support or recognition from the Clan Frostbeard as a precaution. The designated path is from Rhudaur, through Redgorn Gate and reach Foothills. Once there we will wait for instructions. Anyones with me?... that what I though. Any questions?".

"Aye, I got one Baldur...", said the dwarf to Baldur's left while looking around: "Who's gonna take the lead of the Iron-Breakers?".

"High Commander Toremrouk will take the lead, he already gave me the orders so we must hastle... pack today as common miners and merchants we will part tommorow at dawn..."

Send 11 hooded dwarves company undercover from Upper Rhudaur to Rhudaur


Clan Frostbeard - message 3 of 4

The sun was rising and Dralvik was treating his wound in this chamber once again. The night did not help him fall asleep, as many thoughts haunted his mind. The King was still worried about his dream, a premonition maybe. The thought of the returned of King Curufinwe Fallenstar was a concern to Dralvik, but his elve-friend Cirdan did not respond to his message. Maybe his friend was struggling in the south against the remaining forces of the Etyangoldi Alliance, but yet again this was a mystery to Dralvik.

Some one knocked at the door and Frulvik entered the chamber and was thrusting forth a scroll. Dralvik thanked the steward, and opened it up. It was not signed but by the poor penmanship and overall unprofessional tone, it was manifestly evident who the writer was. Warchief Torogok, of the Trollshaw Realms. The king sent a proper response to that message.

///// To Torogok of the Trollshaw Realms

Before jumpying to accusation or to increase further conflict . I must incist that I plan to amends for past transgressions.

Things have only just calm down, and there s a lot that needs to be rebuilt an to built in Upper Rhudaur.

Now we have got more business on the land and settlements. So, we have to ensure our labours, miners and woodcutters safety. I trust your word that you will take care of the scolded trolls that rambled across the borde of our two realms, but to show support to my folk I need somone with some clout, someone respected among the Frostbeards. That somone is High Commander Toremrouk, my friend and former tutor. To doing so He was deployed to Upper Rhudaur and guarded the herd of boars that was sent to you too.

Calm your mind and enjoy the boars as it pleases you and your kin. Further more if it help in any way I like to propose a non-aggression pact between Ettenmoors and Upper Rhudaur.

King Dralvik

After finishing his tasks, the king went to the mines to check the works carried out there and help the gem cutters.

Another night passed, and the king could not sleep. It was almost a curse. His eyes showed lack of sleep, and his shoulders pulled forward, showed the burden that the king was carrying.

In frustration born of fatigue and exhaustion, he struck the war-table. A sudden cloud of gold and gems covered the chamber and make it appear as rain when the coins fell down, spreading to every nook. He stomped back to his desk and opened up the sealded scroll left there by Steward Frulvik. The responding message of the Dru folk, unsurprisingly was displeasing to the king. But he was counting on it, as Dralvik's plans to retrieve the relics were sure on the move.

Dralvik shattered the message, and fell faint from fatigue on the desk scorched by the darkness of the bedroom.

Send the message above to Torgok, of the Trollshaw Realms.
The kingdom of Elves-Falasse status is changed from Official Ally to Friendship


Broken Tooth Tribe - message 1 of 1

The combined force of the gathered horde descended on Middle Rhovanion and split the Dwarven forces, scattering them into separate provinces. The victorious orcs had begun looting the enemy camps and dispatching captured soldiers, but Snicklefritz had other plans. Assembling the necessary captains and bosses, the orc chieftain addressed them with the next battle plan.

We cannot afford to devolve into looting and squabbling. We are going to press our advantage. With the momentum of this victory, and the support of reinforcements from the capitol, our next step will be a pincer movement against the Woodland Enclave dwarves in Dorwinion. With that province recaptured, and the size of our horde swollen with troops from the capitol, we will rampage through the Dwarven lands. If we keep the horde intact and moving, the dwarves will be kept off-balance and disunited. We’ll have free rein of their territories. The battles will be endless and always in our favor!

A cry went up from the captains and surrounding orcs. Snicklfritz smiled a toothy smile, anticipating the future conquests.

A wolf rider was waiting patiently in the wings during this speech, and the chieftain called him over.

Message from the corsairs, chief.”

Snicklefritz snorted. “Eh, and I can guess its contents. Those thuggish pirates are prompt about their tribute. But, we cannot afford to upset them. They control our entire western flank, and the troops we lose to them in tribute would pale in number to those necessitated by its defense.”

Opening the letter and looking it over, the orc chieftain nodded with a lack of surprise. “Tell the corsairs that we are embroiled in northern wars with the dwarves. It is doubtful they can aid, much, as their provinces are far removed. However, their keeping occupied Rohan and Druwaith is help enough. Now, take this message along with the tribute forces we owe and escort them to the corsairs.

Snicklefritz saw the rider off, and turned his attention to his assembling forces. He could see the spewing smoke clouds from his engines of war, and the ground trembled with thousands of marching orc boots. Soon enough, these dwarves would be on their knees, begging us ‘low’ orcs for peace. Soon, they would be pleading for our war machines to cease throwing fire into their lines. Soon, they would recognize an orc as their superior.


Send reply to the Corsairs, as well as the tribute of 1000 orcs from the capitol
Attack Dorwinion with all forces from Middle Rhovanion and Horse Plains


Clan Frostbeard - message 4 of 4

Dralvik opened his eyes, his head ached from the uncomfortable sleeping position at his desk. He wiped the trickle of drool that attached his mouth to the tabletop as he scratched his beard. He looked around among the things on top of his desk and found a sealed scroll over a silver plate. Adjusting his eyes a bit, he saw his maid standing in a corner.

"I was worry about you, my lord. Are you feeling well?", said the maid with a genuinely caring voice and a hint of affection.

"Ah...", Dralvik cleared his throat: "Aye ... hmm, to much ale before bedtime I supouse... don't, don't worry... ". The maid nodded and headed for the door, The King raised a hand, the maid stopped and He said: "Thank you, Dovrulda...". Blushed Dovrulda responded: "my pleasure sir", and left the chamber.

The King turned his gaze to the message the sealed scroll and saw the seal, it was more than recognizable the seal of House of Elros, half-elven.

Dralvik quickly unseal the scroll, hopping to find some answers about his elf friend Cirdan but after a quick read he let himself fell in his seat. He was in deep thoughts, "was Snicklefritz right about the elves?", this and other thoughts cross his mind.

"Nonsense!", He said outloud trying to dissuade his thoughts: "Let's see if this would-be imperialist can push further with an axe embedded in his head..."

The king cleared his desk and wrote two messages to be sent as soon as possible:

//////// To the ruler of the Empire of Coldvar
Emperor of Coldvar,

I demand a call for the unconditional surrender of your force and an immediate cessation of all hostilities towards the Kingdom of Arthedain, if you ignore to do so. I will have no choice but to declare you enemy of Eriador, and to assume your evil porpose and treat the Empire of Coldvar as an enemy of the mighty Clan Frostbeard and his allies.

I warn you, any attempt to breach into the King Amlaith Minyatur's land will be met with an even greater level of agression. I will do anything to wipe you and your forces off the face of Middle Earth.

There will not be further communications between us.

Your actions will decide your faith,

King Dralvik II, son and heir of Drolvuk Frozenhelm, Bane of Cvog the Vicious, Crusher of Gundabad Dwellers, sovereign king of the Clan Frostbeard and ruler of Khazâd-gund and the lands of the North.

//////// To King Minyatur, the Kingdom of Arthedain

Dear King Amlaith Minyatur,

Blessings upon you and your house. I will be honor to answer your call to arms against the Empire of Coldvar.

We will assist you as soon as possible.

You got an ally on the North.

King Dralvik

Send reply to the King Minyatur of the Kingdom of Athedain.
Send a Official Ally proposal to the Kingdom of Athedain.
Send the above message to Nikolai Nāves of the Empire of Coldvar.
Declaires the Empire of Coldvar as Enemy.
Moves 300 from Angmar to Upper Rhudaur


The Empire of Coldvar - message 1 of 1

The Emperor sits on a stone near the front entrance to the camp. He slowly sharpens his sword, it's black metal gleaming in the sunlight. The Empire's soldiers are preparing for the march. The Empire is going to strike a blow against the Kingdom of Arthedain. Imperial soldiers will march into the King's land and claim it in the Name of Coldvar.

A messenger runs up to the Emperor. The boy holds a scroll out. Nikolai sets down his sword and takes the scroll. He sees it's from the Corsairs.

He reads it over, and shakes his head. He quickly stands and sheaths his sword. His black armor reflects the bright sunlight.

He steps into his tent, and grabs a writing utensil and paper. He quickly writes down a return message to the Corsairs.

To the Corsairs of Umbar:

To the leader of the Corsairs,
Good luck with your attack on the Kingdom of Rohan. As of right now the Empire does not need your assistance.

Emperor Nikolai

The Emperor rolls up the scroll, and calls for a messenger. Before he leaves he quickly writes a second message to the Capital. He is bringing Aldira to the front lines. The Emperor wanted to show, the Empire is not messing around.

He leaves his tent, and orders the camp to picked up. The Army will march at dawn.


Move 5155 soldiers in Enedhwaith to Dunland.
Send a message to the Capital, and have Aldira fly to Dunland to meet the main army.
Send a message to the Corsairs, denying any assistance at this time


The ATTACKS and DIPLOMACY that happened in the last update :


  • Corsairs of Umbar - successfully conquered 1 province: Rohan.

  • Broken Tooth Tribe - successfully conquered 1 province: Dorwinion.

  • Empire of Coldvar - successfully conquered 1 province: Dunland.


  • Kingdom of Arthedain agreed to an ALLIANCE with Clan Frostbeard

  • Rohan has been ELIMINATED!

The Map of Middle Earth Roleplay - Update 16:
The Map of this Update can be found LinkHERE.
** IF you want to check out the other updates, go LinkHERE **


    • Kingdom's Name: Broken Tooth Tribe

    • NS Player: Dwarf

    • RP nation: Wild Hunt

    • Race: Orcs

    • Leader: Snicklefritz

    • Hero: type D, Snicklefritz (same as Leader)

    • NS Stats: +15% effectiveness

    • Favouritism: 55 (+0% effectiveness)

    • Regions under command: (12) : Dagorlad, Dorwinion, Eastern Rhovanion, Gorgoroth, Horse Plains (C), Khand, Middle Rhovanion, Near Harad, Nurn, Sutherland, Upper Nurn, Western Rhovanion

    • Armies under command: 12370 Orcs in Dorwinion

    • Kingdom's Name: Clan Frostbeard

    • NS Player: Dwarven mines

    • RP nation: Clan frostbeard

    • Race: Dwarves

    • Leader: Dralvik II

    • Hero: type D, Balur

    • NS Stats: +5% effectiveness (Changed since last update!)

    • Favouritism: 0 (-15% effectiveness)

    • Regions under command: (7) : Angmar, Blue Mountain, Emyn Uial, Forochel (C), Gundabad, River Lhun, Upper Rhudaur

    • Armies under command: 4480 Dwarves in Upper Rhudaur, 65 Dwarves in Gundabad, 65 Dwarves in Emyn Uial, 65 Dwarves in River Lhun and 160 Dwarves in Blue Mountain

    • Kingdom's Name: Empire of Coldvar

    • NS Player: New margaux

    • RP nation: New margaux

    • Race: Humans

    • Leader: Nikolai Nāves

    • Hero: type D, Nikolai Nāves (same as Leader)

    • NS Stats: +0% effectiveness

    • Favouritism: 0 (-15% effectiveness)

    • Regions under command: (6) : Andrast (C), Anfalas, Dunland, Lamedon, Nan Curunir, Pukel-Land

    • Armies under command: 4900 Humans in Dunland, 3130 Humans in Andrast and the dragon Aldira in Dunland

    • Kingdom's Name: The Defender's Fjord

    • NS Player: Wille-Harlia

    • RP nation: -wille-harlia-

    • Race: Dwarves

    • Leader: King Alexius Comnenus

    • Hero: type C, Erasmus Dragonsword

    • NS Stats: +15% effectiveness

    • Favouritism: 0 (-15% effectiveness)

    • Regions under command: (6) : Grey Mountain, High Pass, Iron Hills, Northern Rhovanion, Upper Anduin, Withered Heath (C)

    • Armies under command: 2100 Dwarves in Northern Rhovanion, 800 Dwarves in Grey Mountain and 960 Dwarves in Withered Heath

    • Kingdom's Name: Elvea-Falasse

    • NS Player: Kingdom of the Unicorn 02

    • RP nation: Elvea-Falasse

    • Race: Elves

    • Leader: Cirdan

    • Hero: type D, Gannoriel

    • NS Stats: +5% effectiveness

    • Favouritism: 0 (-15% effectiveness)

    • Regions under command: (3) : Northern Lindon, Mithlond (C), Southern Lindon

    • Armies under command: 3020 Elves in Northern Cardolan and 1380 Elves in Mithlond

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) Druwaith Folk

    • Race: Humans

    • Leader: Garahir

    • Regions under command: (5) : Anduin Vales, Brown Lands, Fangorn, Foothills (C), Southern Mirkwood

    • Armies under command: 8000 Humans in Foothills

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) Etyangoldi Alliance

    • Race: Elves

    • Leader: -none-

    • Regions under command: (2) : Enedhwaith (C), Minhiriath

    • Armies under command: 1500 Elves in Enedhwaith

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) Kingdom of Arthedain

    • Race: Humans

    • Leader: Amlaith Minyatur

    • Regions under command: (10) : Cardolan, Eastern Arthedain, Eryn Vorn, Hollin, Northern Cardolan, Numeriador, Redhorn Gate, Southern Arthedain, The Shire (C), Western Arthedain

    • Armies under command: 3120 Humans in The Shire, 2460 Humans in Southern Arthedain and 4235 Humans in Cardolan

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) The Woodland Enclave

    • Race: Dwarves

    • Leader: Tulin Ironflow

    • Regions under command: (3) : Hearth of Mirkwood, Western Mirkwood (C), Woodland Realm

    • Armies under command: 720 Dwarves in Heart of Mirkwood and and 510 (paralyzed) Dwarves in Western Mirkwood

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) Trollshaw Realm

    • Race: Orcs

    • Leader: Torogok

    • Regions under command: (2) : Ettenmoors (C), Rhudaur

    • Armies under command: 6900 Orcs in Ettenmoors

    • Kingdom's Name: (NPC) Corsairs of Umbar

    • Race: Humans

    • Leader: Angamaith

    • Regions under command: (6) : Anorien, Belfalas, Harondor, Ithilien, Lebennin, Rohan

    • Armies under command: 3660 Humans in Anorien and 1550 Humans in Harondor

    • Kingdom's Name: -Empty-

    • Race: -Empty-

    • Leader: -Empty-

    • Regions under command: (0) : -Empty-

    • Armies under command: -Empty-

    • Kingdom's Name: -Empty-

    • Race: -Empty-

    • Leader: -Empty-

    • Regions under command: (0) : -Empty-

    • Armies under command: -Empty-

    • Kingdom's Name: -Empty-

    • Race: -Empty-

    • Leader: -Empty-

    • Regions under command: (0) : -Empty-

    • Armies under command: -Empty-


  1. Broken Tooth Tribe

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • Corsairs of Umbar

      • Empire of Coldvar

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Druwaith Folk (they are the Defender and Druwaith Folk the attacker) - war will time out in 1 update

      • The Defender's Fjord (they are the Attacker and Broken Tooth Tribe the defender) - war will time out in 1 update

      • The Woodland Enclave (they are the Attacker and Broken Tooth Tribe the defender) - war will time out in 2 updates

  2. Clan Frostbeard

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • Kingdom of Arthedain

      • The Defender's Fjord

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Elvea-Falasse

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  3. Elvea-Falasse

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Clan Frostbeard

      • Kingdom of Arthedain

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • Etyangoldi Alliance

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  4. Empire of Coldvar

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • Broken Tooth Tribe

      • Corsairs of Umbar

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Etyangoldi Alliance

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Kingdom of Arthedain (they are the defender and Empire of Coldvar the attacker) - war will time out in 3 updates

  5. The Defender's Fjord

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • Clan Frostbeard

      • The Woodland Realm

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Druwaith Folk

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Broken Tooth Tribe (they are the Defender and The Defender's Fjord the attacker) - war will time out in 1 update

  6. (NPC) Druwaith Folk

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • The Defender's Fjord

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Broken Tooth Tribe (they are the Attacker and Druwaith Folk the defender) - war will time out in 1 update

  7. (NPC) Etyangoldi Alliance

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Empire of Coldvar

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • Elvea-Falasse

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  8. (NPC) Kingdom of Arthedain

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • Elvea-Falasse

      • Clan Frostbeard

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Empire of Coldvar (they are the Attacker and Kingdom of Arthedain the defender) - war will time out in 3 updates

  9. (NPC) The Woodland Enclave

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • The Defender's Fjord

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Broken Tooth Tribe (they are the Defender and The Woodland Enclave the attacker) - war will time out in 2 updates

  10. (NPC) Trollshaw Realm

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  11. (NPC) Corsairs of Umbar

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • Broken Tooth Tribe

      • Empire of Coldvar

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • Rohan (they are the Defender and Corsairs of Umbar the attacker) - war will time out in 2 updates

  12. -none-

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  13. -none-

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

  14. -none-

    • Official Allies (military assistance - YES, access on other's land - YES, maximum 2):

      • -none-

    • Friendship (military assistance - NO, access on other's land - YES):

      • -none-

    • Non Aggression Pacts (access on other's land - NO):

      • -none-

    • Declared as Enemies (but no war yet):

      • -none-

    • Official Enemies (in war with, maximum 2 as attacker, 2 as defender):

      • -none-

Wars timeout status throughout the realm:

  • War between Empire of Coldvar (Aggressor) and Kingdom of Arthedain (Defender)
    - Empire of Coldvar attacked Dunland - in this update

  • War between Broken Tooth Tribe (Aggressor) and Druwaith Folk (Defender)
    - Broken Tooth Tribe attacked Dagorlad - 2 update ago, so in 1 update the hostilities will end

  • War between The Defender's Fjord (Aggressor) and Broken Tooth Tribe (Defender)
    - Broken Tooth Tribe attacked Middle Rhovanion - 1 update ago
    - The Defender's Fjord attacked Middle Rhovanion - 2 updates ago, so in 1 update the hostilities will end

  • War between The Woodland Enclave (Aggressor) and Broken Tooth Tribe (Defender)
    - Broken Tooth Tribe attacked Dorwinion - in this update
    - The Woodland Enclave attacked Dorwinion - 1 update ago, so in 2 updates the hostilities will end
    - The Woodland Enclave attacked Middle Rhovanion - 2 updates ago (start of war)

  • End of the War between Corsairs of Umbar (Aggressor) and Rohan (Defender)
    - Corsairs of Umbar attacked Rohan - in this update
    - Rohan has been defeated!

RANKING: Most Provinces Controlled:

- (1st): (Player) Broken Tooth Tribe (12 of 5) (!!!)x6
- (2nd): (NPC) Kingdom of Arthedain (10 of 5) (!!!)x6
- (3rd): (Player) Clan Frostbeard (7 of 5) (!!!)x2
- (Player) Empire of Coldvar (6 of 5) (!!!)x1
- (Player) The Defender's Fjord (6 of 5) (!!!)x1
- (NPC) Corsairs of Umbar (6 of 5) (!!!)x1
- (NPC) Druwaith Folk (5 of 5)
- (NPC) The Woodland Enclave (3 of 7)
- (Player) Elvea-Falasse (3 of 5)
- (NPC) Trollshaw Realm (2 of 7)
- (NPC) Etyangoldi Alliance (2 of 7)

Read dispatch

Wild Hunt and Clan frostbeard
