Region: The Free Nations Region
Thank you for your question! When you say ''your true adversary'' I think you're trying to say which candidate is our largest ''obstacle'' per se. Every candidate has their own strengths and weaknesses more or less, as do I. To answer your question very directly, to me it personally seems like the largest adversary is Maharlika. Nonetheless, I respect all candidates. Simply the act of declaring presidency shows initiative and self-motivation--our approaches to the presidency and goals just vary greatly.
Stay up-to-date on my campaign here (I will be adding this statement as well):
I would like to hereby declare my candidacy and give a chance to present what I have to offer as your prospective president!
While my return to NationStates and FNR was only a few months ago, that is certainly no detriment to what I have to offer for this region. Since my return, my contributions have been visible. After becoming a justice in the Supreme Court, I introduced the Attorney Proclamation Act, a program that brings more justice and fairness to all cases and investigations. The program has been, by me, expanded to its fullest with four exam-approved FNR attorneys at the disposal of all citizens. I have also aided in reinvigorating the Constitutional Convention! I am apathetic to any disinterest and believe we need to finish this convention. The final draft is over 50% complete, and I have faith that we will make it to 100% and within a reasonable time! Additionally, in the background, I have been part of a team of people busy archiving the history and laws of our region ensuring they are safe. Before my return to the region, I have been part of politics here for years. Introducing multiple pieces of legislation, overseeing court cases, and much more. That history created by me and the other fellow citizens is still visible to this day.
Despite some of the work I have been able to accomplish in the last two months as Justice, we must look to the future. It is vital to let my voters know why they should vote for me. That is why I have assembled what I will achieve in my term:
- The Criminal Law Codification: This will be vital to add after the new Constitution is passed. It is in no way acceptable to not have consequences. We simply cannot leave decisions solely up to Moderators and the Supreme Court. With codified punishments, we will ensure the same treatment to all nations. This is a major piece of legislation with a strong judicial and moderation reform.
- A Transparency Act: Currently, the extent of our government’s transparency is solely up to the serving President and Ministers. It is irresponsible to not mandate transparency to a certain extent. This transparency act would also entail the following:
Mandated monthly reports to the citizens that would include achievements and current works in progress. This is a democracy, and thus we need to know if our civil servants are able to meet the demands.
Introduction of directives set by the President or a Minister. Directives would set guidance and establish roles. This increases efficiency and ensures proper delegation of tasks.
- I will not be afraid of pursuing a Vote of No Confidence. If someone cannot fulfill their tasks properly, as President, I see it as my moral responsibility to ensure that the nation is removed and replaced as fast as possible. I remain empathetic to extenuating circumstances but must consider the effect on the region.
- A Habeas Corpus Act: During my experienced judicial career, I have passed this bill on three separate occasions in various regions. The concept of habeas corpus is applied in real law and there is no justification for its absence in NationStates. This bill will be introduced in the FNR as well, and adds another layer of fairness and protection.
- Complete Archive of our Laws/History: I am currently working on this laborious task with a set of other very helpful citizens. I find it thoughtless that proper archival hasn’t occurred in the past. Not having our laws easily accessible, public, and secured is the complete opposite of a government's responsibility. It should be a right. I plan to expand delegating archival to additional people in government during the first phases. After a complete archival is achieved, we must ensure this happens seamlessly moving forward.
- The former president has not taken the changes to enforce RL-004, the FNR Workers Act. This act was important to value the work of others. Under my presidency, RL-004 will be better enforced and thus finally able to meet its intended aim.
- I will introduce monthly feedback forms/sessions! Citizens, YOUR voice always has a place with me. Some people want anonymity though or require some motivation to provide feedback. As your president, we can even arrange meeting over voice chat in Discord.
- There is much more that I plan to achieve, in collaboration with my cabinet under my presidency.
As for my running mate, I have chosen Thaelle, better known as Dyl. I personally know and have experienced the many political accomplishments he has achieved - and not just within FNR. He has held multiple high political offices and has shown to be extremely capable of running not just a part of the government, but the entire region. He has helped greatly in progressing the constitutional convention, which demonstrates his responsibility and motivation.
If you have any questions for the term, please please shoot me a message. We only want the best for FNR’s citizens, and my door will always be open to hear your thoughts.
Thank you,
With Thaelle (a.k.a Dyl)
P.S. I find it hard to leave my judicial career behind me for now, but believe I can make better use of my skills to this region as a president.
Question from Ulymein:
17th of June, 2020
Question from Ulymein:
17th of June, 2020
Question from Castenor/Avintis:
18th of June, 2020 | #election-office in Regional Discord.
''@Justice Heaveria
Your campaign seems to be very legislation oriented. Habeas corpus, Criminal law codification, Transparency act, archives, and using your power to ensure the law remains followed. This is ofc a product of your judicial history. Apart from those laws, what do you have to offer the region as President and what kind of plans do you have? Why can't you get these things done without being President? What kind of experience do you have in Executive government?
- There is much more that I plan to achieve, in collaboration with my cabinet under my presidency.
Care to explain what exactly? Currently I'm leaning towards voting for you but I would like to know as much about what I'm voting for as possible.
What are your thoughts on the other candidates and their policies? Why are they good or bad in your view? If you win are you willing to incorporate good ideas from other candidates and will you be willing to work with the winner (if you lose) to implement your own policies?''
#election-office in Regional Discord
Your campaign seems to be very legislation oriented. Habeas corpus, Criminal law codification, Transparency act, archives, and using your power to ensure the law remains followed. This is ofc a product of your judicial history. Apart from those laws, what do you have to offer the region as President and what kind of plans do you have? Why can't you get these things done without being President? What kind of experience do you have in Executive government?
You're absolutely right, it's in my blood to set things in the legislature. It voids loopholes, prevents accidental abuse of power, and importantly it sets things for generations of presidents to come. It would be a shame for the hard work of the introduction of new processes to better the region to go lost after 3 months. In my statements, I have made the same promises as some other candidates (for example with listening to citizens.) Though, I have laid out clear plans how to achieve them. On the feedback/listening front this is what I am doing:
1. As per what will be mandated via the Transparency Act, feedback and concerns should be made public. Often these conversation go lost in private DM's. By setting them on a public and accessible agenda, the citizens will be able to accurately judge if the President and his cabinet is acting on the feedback. It also consistently sets them on a radar.
2. Some people prefer strong anonymity when suggesting feedback and providing comments on government. For this case there will be an always-open and accessible Google Form. For one, a Google Form remains central, without loosing track of feedback and gives the option for anonymity.
I am also plan on a cultural/roleplay reform. I have separate speech written up all about this which is more detailed. For a quick overview:
1. These parts are vital to regional success and serve the purpose to be fun and a distraction from real life. We need to remove the formality from the cultural process.
2. The cultural department should be renamed. It shouldn't be led by one person but a collective set of minds. A group in a sort. People of all sorts who are in roleplaying and cultural events need to come together to decide what they want and how they want it. After reform and a necessary setup, my governments role is to push this ''department'' and not loose focus of it. Introduction of themes and embracing creativity/expressionism.(edited)
3. Regional debates/Debate Club: I have talked to multiple citizens and this appears to be in high demand. Personally, I would love this as well. I would like one weekly debate. That seems very reasonable. To do this specifically:
- Implement a poll each week before the debate with a list of topics to vote on.
- Do the debates on different days of the week as to not exclude any nations from participating.(edited)
4. There is more I have on this front. But as I have written up a speech, I will release that instead with more detail instead, I hope that is understandable.
Why can't you get these things done without being President?
As a Justice you are limited to a certain degree to stay impartial and without bias. I have been getting legislation ready and am on an archival team in the background since my steady return. Even without an executive role, I still see my moral responsibility to contribute to the region. After the new constitution in 2019 all former laws were stripped and quite frankly, I find us to be very bareboned on that front. Missing highly important needed laws to unify our standards (such as with the crime law.) As a president, I have a cabinet and the people that will listen, that will stand by my side much more than now. A lot of running a presidential term, is the proper delegation of tasks, something that just doesn't occur as a justice. I am working hard in the background as it is, but I lack the ability as a justice to unify people in common goals long-term being seen as just a ''Justice.''
What kind of experience do you have in Executive government?
My forté lays in the judicial aspect but that is not to say I lack executive experience. I have served in judicial departments across multiple regions and have overseen multiple law cases with consistent enforcing of proper laws. Even as a justice, I continue to do tasks out of my realm that would be considered quite executive. I attempt to bring together people for common goals such as for legislative purposes and work on tasks that normally are within the realm of other positions. Often it seems, who else will do it? Other than the typical set of people who are found respectively doing most things. Summarized, I have not just sat back as a justice and done nothing else but focusing on enforcing law and presiding in cases. I have taken initiative. As for my executive government experience, I have led two interregional organizations. Despite their lack of existence today, this is just simply the flaw in them. During my reign in both, AIR (co-founded) and ITDA (Secretary-General), I have brought them to their heights during my leadership. At one point, AIR was the largest interregional org. Though soon after is when I was forced to retire from NS. I would consider these positions executive. Nonetheless, most of my 'executive work' has come from working on the sidelines as justice, or often Chief Justice in other regions.
There is much more that I plan to achieve, in collaboration with my cabinet under my presidency. Care to explain what exactly? Currently I'm leaning towards voting for you but I would like to know as much about what I'm voting for as possible.
I have already made many concrete plans and statements. I need to ensure to stay realistic regarding time frames. Due to this being a special election, my term will be served for 4 months instead of 3. In addition to my new speech I will be releasing today, I believe I have a very good set of things on my personal agenda to work on with other citizens and my cabinet. Some are also very time intensive such as complete archival and finishing the constitutional convention. Citizens will also most likely suggest more ideas and plans for implementation that will go on the public agenda, as mentioned before, adding on to the calendar and list. You can always check my campaign dispatch for everything. I will be including all of these answers in there as well!
What are your thoughts on the other candidates and their policies? Why are they good or bad in your view?
I respect the candidates and enjoy their showing of initiative for declaring candidacy. Though, both candidates appear to make very broad and general claims. Or even simply suggesting a lack of changes except to 'promise' pushing harder for the current things in place. I also see from UPNA a very strong belief in pushing and reforming R/D in our region. Though, from his messages I think I see a lack of knowledg into how R/D works. He is pushing it to ''protect!'' and such. Though, being a defender and having a R/D career (page=dispatch/id=1368646), I see this very differently. I believe R/D is in actuallity another aspect of the game, just like government or roleplay. People join it because they find it a fun, a fun distraction from everyday life. From my experience, a successful regional military that actively defends requires a large amount of separation from regional government and a highly invested commander. Finding the highly invested commander is the largest struggle. It also needs its own NSGE forum and strong presence in Libcord. Without an invested commander, activity in R/D is always in strong decline. I believe the system of broad/vague claims makes the voter apathetic to their cause. In broad, the promises are in a sense ''good'' and 'what the people want to hear'. But what can we expect from a president who campaigns in this manner?
If you win are you willing to incorporate good ideas from other candidates and will you be willing to work with the winner (if you lose) to implement your own policies?
The candidates are citizens just like the rest of us! Being adversaries to my campaign should in no way hinder us working together. That would be irresponsible of me. Their feedback/goals/plans are to valued on the same level as everyone else. I have always worked hard to implement policies in my personal agenda (often via legislation) and will continue to do so if not voted on. Though, as a justice, progress is slower as I am often alone or just with a few people willing to help a justice in a commonly shared goal. If the other candidates win, I do certainly hope we can continue to collaborate together on both agendas :D!
Question from Castenor/Avintis:
18th of June, 2020 | #election-office in Regional Discord.
Are you affiliated with any FNR Political Party? What do you think about Political Parties and subsequent Factionalism?
#election-office in Regional Discord
I’m not affiliated with a political party. Even more so, as a justice I have been strictly prohibited from doing so. I’m not inherently opposed to political parties. Approximately 2-3 years ago, before my retirement I had founded the DUP party. Though, my stance for now is that there are many important things ahead and I cannot focus on joining a party. Factionalism can provide another foundation for a governmental/political activity. Though, while it also has a lot of upsides, it can, if powerful enough, provide a basis for corruption and a transition to an oligarchy. From my experience, political parties have never lasted. They often start off strong, and slowly diminish overtime. If properly run, it doesn’t have to be that way. Though, if it’s a concern, a anti-corruption legislation could be drafted to prevent a single-party state.
Question from Castenor/Avintis:
Question from Ulymein
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My Nation and Ulymein