by Max Barry

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Region: Refugia

Alright everyone, here's the big one! Refuge and I have been working for a little while on updating the responsibilities for Regional Councillors and making things a little less intimidating for those of you who want to participate and learn how to help run the region. While this is officially a call for someone to second this proposal so that it can go to vote, I also want to ask everyone to look over it carefully and think on things. If you see anything we've written that's confusing or incorrect, or even if you have an idea for another regional council position, let us know in response so we can make sure this is as perfect as possible.

PREAMBLE. This document proposes updating and refining RRS 6 and RRS 8.

In the Regional interest of dismantling unnecessary hierarchies and sharing leadership, the Refugia Revised Statutes shall be amended to the following:

- Definitions and Responsibilities of Regional Councillors -

RRS 6. The Regional Council is defined to comprise of the following members:

    a. The Arch-Administrator, defined as Refuge Isle, which acts as the head of state for the Region. The Arch-Administrator's responsibilities are defined as the appointment and dismissal of all positions that are fairly elected into office and maintaining records of significance. When the Arch-Administrator is the World Assembly Delegate to the Region, they shall cast votes corresponding to the will of the Region's voting Member States.

    b. The Councillor of Foreign Affairs, whose responsibilities are defined as management and maintenance of the travel portals within the Region. The Councillor of Foreign Affairs seeks out ideologically-similar regions to Refugia and builds relations with them, as well as oversees construction, maintenance and withdrawal of embassies. The Councillor is expected to maintain correspondence and active ambassadors to those allied regions. Before opening or closing embassies, the Councillor will share their reasoning in a dispatch posted to the Region, then initiate a referendum pursuant to RRS. 4 to determine and follow the will of the Member States.

    c. The Councillor of Culture, whose responsibilities are defined as orchestrating cultural events and developing the identity of the Regional culture. The Councillor of Culture must develop a Regional Eco Report in fulfilling obligations stipulated by RRS 10. a) and b), which identifies ways in which Member States of the Region may contribute towards the environmental targets established therein. Further, the Councillor of Culture must publish regular updates to the report in order to maintain its relevance and timely advice.

    d. The Operations Councillor, whose responsibilities are defined as identifying internal and external threats to the Region, possessing a general knowledge of worldwide events and invasion patterns, as well as verifying voter integrity by maintaining a roster of valid Member States. During worldwide crises, the Operations Councillor is responsible for organising and leading the Region’s response effort.

    e. The Councillor of the Interior, whose responsibilities are defined as facilitation of Regional engagement through communication with and polling of Member States and residents. Furthermore, the Councillor is responsible for broadcasting announcements via telegram and ensuring an amicable discussion environment.

RRS 8. The succession of the Arch-Administrator is subject to the succession laws of Refuge Isle, and verified by the presence of an anchor stone and Administration Tower. The Arch-Administrator will call elections for the four democratic Council seats according to the following convention:

Foreign Affairs

Jan 1 - 7

May 1 - 7

Sept 1 - 7


Jan 7 - 14

May 7 - 14

Sept 7 - 14


Jan 14 - 21

May 14 - 21

Sept 14 - 21


Jan 22 - 28

May 22 - 28

Sept 22 - 28

Authored by Sylh Alanor and Refuge Isle
Seconded by Melenavenia

Read dispatch

Kavamkao, Chacapoya, Klyjanoragh, Duolian, and 3 othersMelenavenia, Uwusberg, and Elenaraghaenaris
