by Max Barry

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Region: Grace of Gaia

Hello there peeps! In regards to the poll I had posted:

The reasoning behind it was that I was looking to see where the opinions lay (as with all polls duh), specifically regarding this issue because it has been a growing problem in the wake of COVIS-19. Following the outbreak within China many people have been buying medical masks to protect themselves from the infection. Whilst this may work if you're in close proximity to anyone who has been infected, pre-emptively buying them is not something you should do. Because of the giant increase in the sales of these masks there has been a severe shortage in the supply of these. This has led to people within the affected regions China and medical professionals worldwide (including hospitals) to not have enough of these available. This has the effect that medical professionals may have to work without this protection as there simply aren't enough of these masks to go around.

Aside from this the most common masks, ones that you most often see people wearing, are not intended to actually be used to safeguard yourself from such a virus. They do offer some amount of protection but don't protect an individual fully. These masks are also better used for patients as it keeps the virus from spreading by keeping it behind the mask itself, or would offer some protection to medical professionals who have a far higher chance of having to deal with it during emergencies.
This article can be viewed for free and is one I quickly Googled to add to this message. But of course you should not just use this as your source of information. I would suggest watching a video on COVIS-19 on the YouTube channel DoctorMike (which can be found here: ), he offers information on a semi-regular basis on the virus and has made 3 videos on it already. And that'll be all, enjoy your weekend everyone!

Battle Angel Alita, Kabenitohamajihaka, and Elek-sealby
