by Max Barry

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Region: Equilism

More 2004 History?

Equilism Minister of the Environment Swamp-land drops out of the race for Prime Minister/Delegate in our first elections, 2004:


I regret to inform everyone, but I am dropping out of this race. I believe Equility is doing a much better job that I could do, and that my place is as minister of DEHRSA. I can do far more for the environment and the other issues dear to me as minister than I could as Delegate/PM.

I wish good luck to both Rhonanvin and to Tomika. I think either one of them will make a good Delegate/UN.

Thank You,


- Rhonanvin was Vice President, and was re-appointed Vice-President by Founder/President Equility after losing the Prime Minister/Delegate election. Tomika was Minister of Defense, and kept that position after winning the election as Prime Minister/Delegate.

- Rhonanvin went inactive after the elections and visited Equilism a couple years later to let us know he had been bedridden in the hospital with Meningitis.

- Swamp-land was our only Minister of the Environment, and the position was soon removed by the Senate as it was not relevant to the game.

- Tomika resigned as Prime Minister/Delegate within a month of elections to focus on the Ministry of Defense as he gave our Military the name 'E-Army' and wrote our first Military training manuals.

- Westwind was appointed Prime Minister/Delegate to replace Tomika, while also serving as Minister of Intelligence.

- Tomika and Westwind wrote the first legislation passed by the Equilism Senate, the Military Awards law.

- Tomika was also our first forum Admin alongside Equility. Westwind replaced Tomika as forum Admin later in the year.
