by Max Barry

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Region: Arkonos

The Tribe of Ur

Fluff Post

Ibruil laughed in the northern reaches of her younger sons domain, sitting upon a seat in a fortified city. White lopexians stood in columns, armoured to the teeth in steel, these were not Nevgarni, but the people of Ur. A tribe dominated and subjugated by the five tribes of Nevgarn. Conquered over a dozen years ago by the first khan Mithrax Ibruil hated the Nevgarni for taking away their lands and homes, she gripped the armrest of the seat tightly.

“Our city was sacked by a thousand Nevgarni warriors, desecrated, our history defiled. Our swords and shields shattered as they overwhelmed us with bow and sword.” The white lopexian, now widow yelled to the soldiers in the hall who screamed her name to the roof. “My sons rule the shattered remains of the khanate that dared take our homes, now let us have our revenge!” She yelled, the lopexians of Ur chanted, the bottoms of their spears smashed into the wooden panels of the hall. The armoured soldiers marched forth, flooding into the streets of the city and marching outside the protection of its walls, to the south.

The light footsteps of another lopexian came from behind, a tall black lopexian stood beside Ibruil, his eyes focused on the horizon. “No child will take their mother betraying them lightly. Not even a Nevgarni will believe their own birthgiver decided to put them down.” He gave a feint and sinister chuckle, crossing his arms.

“I haven’t asked for your council Munzuk, return to your post.” Ibruil herself crossed her arms, her eyes focused on the armies marching on the horizon. “I do not care for such abominations, they are the son of a cruel animal.” Her hands turned into balled fists, she bit her tongue. “I will wipe every memory of Nevgarn from this earth.”

“This isn’t going to end well for you.” Munzuk stated simply as Ibruil marched back into the grand hall. “The Nevgarni are conquerors and conquer they will!” He called towards Ibruil, now warlord of the north.

Carhaise, Sargoloth, Dhorvas, and Dokomo
