by Max Barry

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Region: Confederation of Corrupt Dictators

East paraminia wrote:Coup In Paraminia
A group of Maoroobists and political hardliners have overthrown the government after the former leader (once referred to as Dear leader) passed laws which added more political and economic freedom in Paraminia.

General Maloom has been arrested by the revolutionary peoples Army. Dear leader, AKA Miaollom, (who's name was left secret among the populace) was arrested by the Revolutionary Peoples Army. So far, 3 people have been injured and none have been killed. The leader of the rebels, known as commandante Tutiak has addressed the people of the nation. He stated "No longer do ye have to serve to an ungrateful leader, I shall take truth into my own hands and the people shall be free once more". He was met with applause.
The National flag was changed to a black flag with a star in the middle. The Black symbolizes immortality and the Star symbolizes Paraminia and her people.
The former leader has been arrested however will not be kept in prison. Infact, thanks to his support for Maoroobys ideals, many members of the Revolutionary Peoples Army view him in a favourable light as has been previoulsy mentioned, many of the rebels are Maroobysts. Maoroobys grandson has been given the title of president while Commandante Tutiak has been given the position of Leader. Miallom has been allowed to keep his freedom and has even been given the title of minister of education.
General Maloom, Marshall Pituka and Dr. Afer Uinahk have been arrested and are to be deported.

So you went from democracy to capitalist dictatorship to socialist dictatorship, eh?

Also, I have read your factbook (Why Paraminia is no longer a "democracy") and I like your "Very real journalist".

Hail the Confederation!

MineLegotia and Equestria, Fetra, North emestia, and East paraminia
