by Max Barry

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Region: The Democratic Republic

Sr gran columbia

After the invasion of Suriname Acting President Sancho called a emergency cabinet meeting. The President’s cabinet, including Director Gonzalez and General Ibarra, was called to the capital to discuss the increasing tensions in South America. During the meeting the cabinet unanimously agreed to invade Vigoriths and to continue the embargo on Fifj and their allies. However, the embargo on the Republic of United Boxzines would be lifted. Upon the conclusion of the meeting the news was official and the military’s orders were sent.

On the morning of the attack at 06:00 military time the GCRN seized the port of Belém while a naval assault, along with paratroopers, captured the city and airport allowing the navy’s air squadrons to refuel and prepare for further raids into Vigoriths. On the northern borders the GCRA advanced from Guyana and Suriname capturing Manaus at 09:00 and Macapá at 12:00. In the south of Vigoriths the GCRA and GCRAF crossed the border from the land and sky successfully taking Cascavel and Curitiba. With the combined successes in the north and south the Gran Columbian military is continuing its push for Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Vigoriths.

Al qrvai
