by Max Barry

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Region: St Abbaddon

Maelstrom appeared surrounded by national press on the televisions across the tvs of the nations of St. Abaddon. "It appears some bipeds of this land have forgotten lessons from their wiser ancestors. And so.. I deliver to you the words of one of your own in the hopes you will listen to them."

"A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war
This way of settling difference is, is not just
This business of burning human beings with napalm
Filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows
Of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of peoples normally humane
Of sending men home from the dark and bloody battlefields
Physically handicapped and psychologically deranged
Cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love."

"Martin Luther King, Jr."

"This is all." The feed cut.

Brother bishop
