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Trading Cards Season Four: Season Surprise Sounds Superb

by Roavin
Tue, 31 Dec 2024

After long anticipation, the NationStates Trading Card Commission has announced that it has received enough danishes to complete work on the next season of Trading Cards.

This new season brings:

  • A super slick and sleek new design by our new designer Infinitta. Just look at it. It's beautiful.

  • The addition of banners! A nation's banner is now set as a background in the bottom part of that nation's card.

  • Ruthless testing by Tech Moderator Refuge Isle, who tested billions upon billions of nation cards to make sure every single one looks as good as it possibly can (full disclosure: these numbers may be ever-so-slightly exaggerated).

  • Released in 2024! As it turns out, the preview started at exactly 1 second before the earliest timezone of our host planet Earth enters 2025. This may or may not be a coincidence.

As with prior seasons, there is a 14 day inscription period (until ), during which you can update your card before it becomes permanently inscribed. To update your card:

  1. Set your nation's flag, banner, slogan, etc, just the way you like in your Settings.

  2. Go to Your Deck and click View Card: (Your nation). It's on the right-hand side of the page, near the top.

  3. If you're looking at your own Season Four card, just above it, you'll see a special Season Four Preview notice that invites you to inscribe the card using your nation's current state. Do that!