by Max Barry

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Maps of the World

RegionMapAuthorship NationMap Weight
EuropeFlagThe Federal Council Republic of Pilipinas and Malaya361,029
The North PacificFlagNarmossia140,270
The North PacificFlagMeadowfields123,194
The East PacificFlagThe Goin' Silent of Zukchiva102,201
Conch KingdomFlagThe Puddle of Socialist Platypus78,246
EuropeFlagThe Federal Republic of Western Balkania35,089
EuropeFlagThe Federal Kingdom of New Vardarland28,189
EuropeFlagThe Autocratic Empire of Walfo23,996
Federation of Martian ColoniesFlagThe United States of Grand land of the Toes21,595
The North PacificFlagKastonvia19,966
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