by Max Barry

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The World World Census

The Most Zombified in the World

The following nations have the highest fraction of zombies among the animate.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Interdimensional Domain of ParticleCorrupt Dictatorship“*.゚・。☆゚*.゚・。☆゚*.゚・。☆゚”
2.The Anarchy of BlogotopiaDemocratic Socialists“Free Palestine, support BDS!”
3.The Democratic Republic of WanpalandLeft-wing Utopia“Peace, Justice and Freedom”
4.The Eye of The HurricaneInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Oh, Yeahhh.”
5.The Ubiquitous missile silos of Mushroom GorgeFather Knows Best State“La vie est l'enfer, mais la mort est la liberté”
6.The Flower Fields of Doge FlowerCorporate Bordello“Welcome to the holy flower fields”
7.The People's Nation of PelagonAuthoritarian Democracy“The Nation is born again”
8.The Holy Empire of FroybiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Embracing the Past, Shaping the Future.”
9.The Kingdom of JamspireFather Knows Best State“Safety Through Authority”
10.The Republic of BhuraziriCapitalist Paradise“Povo Forte, Nação Forte”
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