by Max Barry

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The Lowest Crime Rates in The Western Isles

World Census agents attempted to lure citizens into committing various crimes in order to test the reluctance of citizens to break the law.

As a region, The Western Isles is ranked 2,326th in the world for Lowest Crime Rates.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Probably Not Around of SamuderaDemocratic Socialists“Jalesveva Jayamahe”
2.The Socialist Federal Republic of FrencinCorrupt Dictatorship“Free the proletariat!”
3.The Federated States of DomananiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Do not forget the past and its sacrifices”
4.The Kingdom of WellsiaIron Fist Consumerists“Keenly perceive what is good or evil.”
5.The Free Lands of VancouviaNew York Times Democracy“Prosperity, Freedom, Efficiency”
6.The Utopian Kingdom of the Union of RoendavarScandinavian Liberal Paradise“oth Roenar, Althoros cartha Eleathil”
7.The Republic of OstellanInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Esse Quam Videri | To be rather than to seem”
8.The Winter Empire of SolaryiaDemocratic Socialists“Laavide lekkien”
9.The Federal Republic of PanneauPsychotic Dictatorship“For the glory of Panneau!”
10.The Intermittent Republic of MurabNew York Times Democracy“Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.”
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