by Max Barry

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The Largest Retail Industry in The Western Isles

The World Census estimated levels of employee ennui to determine which nations have the largest retail industries.

As a region, The Western Isles is ranked 4,433rd in the world for Largest Retail Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
131.The Republic of San JimenezNew York Times Democracy“For Faith, For Prosperity”
132.The Five Temples of Air Nomad NationCorrupt Dictatorship“釋放你塵世的束縛。進入虛空。空而化為風。”
133.The Holy Kingdom of AgadarPsychotic Dictatorship“Moon friendship staring at Nationstates”
134.The Unified Electorates of AinslieDemocratic Socialists“Karra Berrinse Abrandere”
135.The Free Lands of VancouviaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Prosperity, Freedom, Efficiency”
136.The Republic of San MontagnaCorrupt Dictatorship“Opus Justitiae Pax”
137.The Sultanate of VerskaPsychotic Dictatorship“Loyalty Without Betrayal”
138.The Foolish Blue Dreamscapes of OrrorinDemocratic Socialists“Yabba Dabba Doo!!!!!”
139.The Catholic Theocracy of VacrusPsychotic Dictatorship“United under the Cross”
140.The Republic of LinaviarLeft-Leaning College State“Waenawáwaq Waewánaq nao Táu”
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